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Adding excel object in docx: Adding excel in docx and edit the excel content using php

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Adding excel object in docx


Picture of Premlatha by Premlatha - 1 year ago (2023-03-04)

Adding excel in docx and edit the excel content using php

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I have use phpword to add excel object to word file. First problem, it appear as icon in docx. Secondly, could not access the added object to edit content of excel using phpword.

  • 1 Clarification request
  • 1. Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos - 1 year ago (2023-03-04) Reply

    Can you ask that in the PHP specialists forum?

    Ask clarification

    1 Recommendation

    PHP ODT Template SQL Reports: Generate report from MySQL data using ODT template

    This recommendation solves the problem.
    This recommendation does not solve the problem.


    Picture of Marco Sillano by Marco Sillano package author package author Reputation 220 - 1 year ago (2023-03-13) Comment

    For a different solution, you can try the odtphp.php class.

    This class uses ODT files (Open Office, not Word). It is template based (i.e. it cannot generate new files nor add excel objects) but it does: * Simple substitution based on couples #field#/value. * Blocks and nested block duplication (any deep) or deletion. * Pictures substitution.

    The output is a new ODT file, the updated template. Tested on A3 and on multipage (35) templates. The other classes in the package are the MySql interface and HTML user interface.

    hoping it helps m.s.

    • 1 Comment
    • 1. Picture of Marco Sillano by Marco Sillano package author package author - 1 year ago (2023-03-13) Reply

      Some examples:

      • a big A3 timetable for school exams: see file Notice-example_A3.pdf in github.
      • UI look and feel: see file 2017-04-19.210908.shot.png in github
      • A Test Template: see file 2017-04-20.075902.shot.png. And the resulting report: see file 2017-04-20.080141.shot.png
      • I use it to build datasheets for IOT devices, see: tuyaDaemon project in gitHub, devices list.


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