Last Updated | | Ratings | | Unique User Downloads | | Download Rankings |
2014-07-04 (4 years ago)  | | Not enough user ratings | | Total: 291 | | All time: 7,267 This week: 572 |
Description | | Author |
This class is a template engine that compiles XML like tags in PHP code.
It loads a template file with certain tags and replaces them by PHP code that will be executed to generate the processed template output.
Currently it supports tags that are replaced by raw PHP code, for, foreach and while loops, conditions and echo statements. | |
Innovation award
 Nominee: 2x
Winner: 1x |
<img src="" /> <br />
A smart tiny and lightest OO php templating system . <br />
Only it replaces some words with others ( uses "str_ireplace()" ) . <br />
- No regex . <br />
- No complex code . <br />
- Very light (the lightest) . <br />
- Write php as xml/html . <br />
- Self Container for ( vars & methods ) . <br />
- Object Oriented . <br />
Config it:
// load it
require_once 'path/tp/pxml.php';
// start it
$pxml = new pxml;
// ad your own replacements ?
'(php):' => ' <?php ',
':(php)' => ' ?> '
// render a file (and pass vars "optional")
$pxml->render('path/to/file.html', array('var' => 'value'));
An PHTML file
<h1> <print>$c</print> </h1>
<php> $this->alert = 'hi' </php>
<print> $this->alert </print>
<br />
<php> $array = array( 1,2,3,4 ); </php>
<foreach> $array as $v </foreach>
<print> $v </print>
<br />
<php> $array = array( 1,2,3,4 ); </php>
<if> !empty($xxx) </if>
<print> "HI 1" </print>
<elseif> !empty($yyyy) </elseif>
<print> "HI 2" </print>
<print> "HI 3" </print>
<br />
<for>$i=0; $i <= 5; ++$i</for>
<br />
<php>$x = 4</php>
<while>$x < 5</while>
<print>$x, " - " , "HI"</print>
Applications that use this package |
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