ElevenLabs.io API for PHP Laravel

This is an Open Source PHP Laravel package for elevenlabs.io Text to Speech API. You can
find the Official API document here: https://api.elevenlabs.io/docs
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Table of Contents
You can install the package via composer:
composer require ardagnsrn/elevenlabs-laravel
You can publish the config file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="elevenlabs-laravel-config"
This is the contents of the published config file:
return [
'api_key' => env('ELEVENLABS_API_KEY'),
Supported Methods
| Method | Parameters | EndPoint | HTTP Method |
| textToSpeech()
| voiceId
, text
, modelId
, voiceSettings
| /v1/text-to-speech/{voice_id}/stream
| POST |
| getModels()
| N/A | /v1/models
| GET |
| Parameter | Type | Description | Required | Default |
| voiceId | String | The ID of the voice to use. You can get a list of available voices using getVoices()
. | Yes | N/A |
| text | String | The text to convert to speech. | Yes | N/A |
| modelId | String | The ID of the model to use. You can get a list of available models using getModels()
. | No | eleven_multilingual_v2
| voiceSettings | Array | The settings to use for the voice. | No | ['stability' => 0.95, 'similarity_boost' => 0.75, 'style' => 0.06, 'use_speaker_boost' => true]
Voice Settings
| Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
| stability | Float | The stability of the voice. | 0.95 |
| similarity_boost | Float | The similarity boost of the voice. | 0.75 |
| style | Float | The style of the voice. | 0.06 |
| use_speaker_boost | Boolean | Whether to use speaker boost or not. | true |
textToSpeech() Method
Generate a text to speech audio file. You can either save the file or get the pipe and do whatever you want with it.
$elevenLabs = new ArdaGnsrn\ElevenLabs();
$response = $elevenLabs->textToSpeech('YOUR_VOICE_ID', 'Hello World!', 'eleven_multilingual_v2', [
'stability' => 0.95,
'similarity_boost' => 0.75,
'style' => 0.06,
'use_speaker_boost' => true
// If you want, you can save to storage like this:
// Or you can get the response and do whatever you want with it:
getModels() Method
Get a list of available models.
$elevenLabs = new ArdaGnsrn\ElevenLabs();
$models = $elevenLabs->getModels();
composer test
Other Languages
Also, you can find the other languages of this package here:
- ElevenLabs API For NodeJS (elevenlabs-js)
- ElevenLabs API For PHP Laravel (elevenlabs-laravel)
Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.