? Simple PHP Code Parser
You can simply scan a string, a file or a full directory and you can see a simple data structure from your php code.
- Classes (PHPClass)
- Class Properties (PHPProperties)
- Class Constants (PHPConst)
- Class Methods (PHPMethod)
- Functions (PHPFunction)
- Function / Method Parameter (PHPParameter)
This code is forked from JetBrains/phpstorm-stubs but you can't use the classes from "phpstorm-stubs" directly,
because the are in a test namespace and the autoloader is "autoload-dev", so here is a extended version.
We will use:
- "PHP Reflection" AND / OR "nikic/PHP-Parser"
- phpDocumentor (+ psalm)
Install via "composer require"
composer require voku/simple-php-code-parser
Quick Start
Parse a string:
$code = '
namespace voku\tests;
class SimpleClass {}
$obja = new class() {};
$objb = new class {};
class AnotherClass {}
$phpCode = \voku\SimplePhpParser\Parsers\PhpCodeParser::getFromString($code);
$phpClasses = $phpCode->getClasses();
var_dump($phpClasses['voku\tests\SimpleClass']); // "PHPClass"-object
Parse one file:
$phpCode = \voku\SimplePhpParser\Parsers\PhpCodeParser::getPhpFiles(__DIR__ . '/Dummy.php');
$phpClasses = $phpCode->getClasses();
var_dump($phpClasses[Dummy::class]); // "PHPClass"-object
var_dump($phpClasses[Dummy::class]->methods); // "PHPMethod[]"-objects
var_dump($phpClasses[Dummy::class]->methods['withoutPhpDocParam']); // "PHPMethod"-object
var_dump($phpClasses[Dummy::class]->methods['withoutPhpDocParam']->parameters); // "PHPParameter[]"-objects
var_dump($phpClasses[Dummy::class]->methods['withoutPhpDocParam']->parameters['useRandInt']); // "PHPParameter"-object
var_dump($phpClasses[Dummy::class]->methods['withoutPhpDocParam']->parameters['useRandInt']->type); // "bool"
Parse many files:
$phpCode = \voku\SimplePhpParser\Parsers\PhpCodeParser::getPhpFiles(__DIR__ . '/src');
$phpClasses = $phpCode->getClasses();
var_dump($phpClasses[Dummy::class]); // "PHPClass"-object
For support and donations please visit Github | Issues | PayPal | Patreon.
For status updates and release announcements please visit Releases | Twitter | Patreon.
For professional support please contact me.
- Thanks to GitHub (Microsoft) for hosting the code and a good infrastructure including Issues-Managment, etc.
- Thanks to IntelliJ as they make the best IDEs for PHP and they gave me an open source license for PhpStorm!
- Thanks to Travis CI for being the most awesome, easiest continous integration tool out there!
- Thanks to StyleCI for the simple but powerfull code style check.
- Thanks to PHPStan && Psalm for relly great Static analysis tools and for discover bugs in the code!