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Description This class can compress HTML removing unnecessary data.
It can take a given HTML string and perform certain operations to reduce the size of the same document.
Currently it can remove comments, default attributes, anchor names, script charset attributes, the document charset attributes, type from script tags, script mime types, type from style sheet link, empty attributes, http prefix from attributes, value from empty input, whitespace around tags.
It can also sort CSS class names HTML attributes for better gzip compression, and sum up white space. Innovation Award
 November 2016
Number 4 |
Compressing the HTML of the pages is one way to increase the speed of serving Web pages.
Most packages that perform this task, simply try to remove whitespaces and comments, but this is only one way to reduce the the size of the final HTML.
This package goes father by performing less obvious compression approaches like default removing attributes, changing anchor names to id, removing script and document charset attributes, removing types from script tags and style sheet link, empty attributes, removing http prefix from attributes, and removing values from empty input.
Manuel Lemos |
| |
Innovation award
 Nominee: 11x
Winner: 1x |

:clamp: HtmlMin: HTML Compressor and Minifier for PHP
HtmlMin is a fast and very easy to use PHP library that minifies given HTML5 source by removing extra whitespaces, comments and other unneeded characters without breaking the content structure. As a result pages become smaller in size and load faster. It will also prepare the HTML for better gzip results, by re-ranging (sort alphabetical) attributes and css-class-names.
Install via "composer require"
composer require voku/html-min
Quick Start
use voku\helper\HtmlMin;
$html = "
<ul style=''>
<li style='display: inline;' class='foo'>
<li class='foo' style='display: inline;'>
$htmlMin = new HtmlMin();
echo $htmlMin->minify($html);
// '<html><body><ul><li class=foo style="display: inline;"> à <li class=foo style="display: inline;"> á </ul>'
use voku\helper\HtmlMin;
$htmlMin = new HtmlMin();
* Protected HTML (inline css / inline js / conditional comments) are still protected,
* no matter what settings you use.
$htmlMin->doOptimizeViaHtmlDomParser(); // optimize html via "HtmlDomParser()"
$htmlMin->doRemoveComments(); // remove default HTML comments (depends on "doOptimizeViaHtmlDomParser(true)")
$htmlMin->doSumUpWhitespace(); // sum-up extra whitespace from the Dom (depends on "doOptimizeViaHtmlDomParser(true)")
$htmlMin->doRemoveWhitespaceAroundTags(); // remove whitespace around tags (depends on "doOptimizeViaHtmlDomParser(true)")
$htmlMin->doOptimizeAttributes(); // optimize html attributes (depends on "doOptimizeViaHtmlDomParser(true)")
$htmlMin->doRemoveHttpPrefixFromAttributes(); // remove optional "http:"-prefix from attributes (depends on "doOptimizeAttributes(true)")
$htmlMin->doRemoveHttpsPrefixFromAttributes(); // remove optional "https:"-prefix from attributes (depends on "doOptimizeAttributes(true)")
$htmlMin->doKeepHttpAndHttpsPrefixOnExternalAttributes(); // keep "http:"- and "https:"-prefix for all external links
$htmlMin->doMakeSameDomainsLinksRelative(['example.com']); // make some links relative, by removing the domain from attributes
$htmlMin->doRemoveDefaultAttributes(); // remove defaults (depends on "doOptimizeAttributes(true)" | disabled by default)
$htmlMin->doRemoveDeprecatedAnchorName(); // remove deprecated anchor-jump (depends on "doOptimizeAttributes(true)")
$htmlMin->doRemoveDeprecatedScriptCharsetAttribute(); // remove deprecated charset-attribute - the browser will use the charset from the HTTP-Header, anyway (depends on "doOptimizeAttributes(true)")
$htmlMin->doRemoveDeprecatedTypeFromScriptTag(); // remove deprecated script-mime-types (depends on "doOptimizeAttributes(true)")
$htmlMin->doRemoveDeprecatedTypeFromStylesheetLink(); // remove "type=text/css" for css links (depends on "doOptimizeAttributes(true)")
$htmlMin->doRemoveDeprecatedTypeFromStyleAndLinkTag(); // remove "type=text/css" from all links and styles
$htmlMin->doRemoveDefaultMediaTypeFromStyleAndLinkTag(); // remove "media="all" from all links and styles
$htmlMin->doRemoveDefaultTypeFromButton(); // remove type="submit" from button tags
$htmlMin->doRemoveEmptyAttributes(); // remove some empty attributes (depends on "doOptimizeAttributes(true)")
$htmlMin->doRemoveValueFromEmptyInput(); // remove 'value=""' from empty <input> (depends on "doOptimizeAttributes(true)")
$htmlMin->doSortCssClassNames(); // sort css-class-names, for better gzip results (depends on "doOptimizeAttributes(true)")
$htmlMin->doSortHtmlAttributes(); // sort html-attributes, for better gzip results (depends on "doOptimizeAttributes(true)")
$htmlMin->doRemoveSpacesBetweenTags(); // remove more (aggressive) spaces in the dom (disabled by default)
$htmlMin->doRemoveOmittedQuotes(); // remove quotes e.g. class="lall" => class=lall
$htmlMin->doRemoveOmittedHtmlTags(); // remove ommitted html tags e.g. <p>lall</p> => <p>lall
PS: you can use the "nocompress"-tag to keep the html e.g.: "<nocompress>\n foobar \n</nocompress>"
Unit Test
1) Composer is a prerequisite for running the tests.
composer require voku/html-min
2) The tests can be executed by running this command from the root directory:
For support and donations please visit Github | Issues | PayPal | Patreon.
For status updates and release announcements please visit Releases | Twitter | Patreon.
For professional support please contact me.
Thanks to GitHub (Microsoft) for hosting the code and a good infrastructure including Issues-Managment, etc.
Thanks to IntelliJ as they make the best IDEs for PHP and they gave me an open source license for PhpStorm!
Thanks to Travis CI for being the most awesome, easiest continous integration tool out there!
Thanks to StyleCI for the simple but powerfull code style check.
Thanks to PHPStan && Psalm for relly great Static analysis tools and for discover bugs in the code!