Nivi Engineer - 2010-11-11 15:53:13
First off, thank you for creating this. This is exactly what I needed.
Working from your Example2.php file, I created a version that reads in values from a database (title, author, body, etc.) and generates an epub file.
For some reason, however, when I download the file and run epubcheck on it, I get the I/O error listed above, and the file doesn't work.
The only differences with my code were
1) data was dynamically added
2) for now, all is added in one chapter
3) I didn't use the EPubSplitter functionality (instead setting the fourth field in book->addChapter = true)
I really doubt that the first two differences are relevant (and I have verified that the data is actually populating where necessary).
I expanded the .epub files (renamed to .zip) and compared the contents of TestBook2 and myBook, and as far as I can tell, the content is the same.
Would you have any idea why this is happening?