Asbjorn Grandt - 2011-10-01 07:18:20 -
In reply to message 10 from Mark Wu
I think I'll refrain from using Github, for now. At least until the current development is released.
And when I do add my classes to GitHub, I think it would be best if I were the one setting it up, it would look odd if I weren't the maintainer of my own code. I doubt GitHub will be that hard to set up, I'm already using Git locally.
I've already implemented the necessary support code for using multi level Navmaps, and ePub 2.15(*) can build the multi level navmaps, I just need to finalize the API changes needed to implement this feature while maintaining backwards compatibility to the previous 2.x releases.
(*) I retired 2.10RC4, too many changes to the 2.10RC's now to avoid a proper beta test round