Alexandre Polesi - 2013-07-20 04:25:15
I used an xml file that had the line:
<Table ss: ExpandedColumnCount = "255" ff: ExpandedRowCount = "697" x: FullColumns = "1"
But when I changed a single value of cell A12, the class changed the line to:
<Table ss: ExpandedColumnCount = "1" ss: ExpandedRowCount = "12" x: FullColumns = "1"
This numbers are clearly wrong. The excel not open the file.
I Changed the class from this:
$ this-> setTableNodeAttributes ($ tableNode, $ row, $ col);
to this:
$ columnCount = $ tableNode-> getAttribute ("ss: ExpandedColumnCount");
$ rowCount = $ tableNode-> getAttribute ("ss: ExpandedRowCount");
$ this-> setTableNodeAttributes ($ tableNode, max ($ row, $ rowNodes-> length, $ rowCount), max ($ col, $ colNodes-> length, $ columnCount));
and work.