 john a - 2014-02-04 12:23:21
Hi Manuel,
Some weeks ago I wrote you to say thanks for your class.
In that mail I talked you about Practico (a framework that uses your oauth class).
So if worked around some files that takes basic parameters for each OAuth server and then call your class without changes.
I think that is better to continue your class in the same way and suggest people to make their own config or maybe you can use a main file with some includes to each class for each server.
If you want to see which files I am talking about you could download my framework from: http://sourceforge.net/projects/practico/ and then check for the files:
core/ws_oauth.php: config for all providers... with the users choices and API keys.
core/ws_funciones.php: has a general config to build all connection strings acording to each provider and use that as a webservice. This file create users into the system too, acording to the provider.
core/comunes.php: creates a login window with a menu with all oauth servers available. If you have one o more than one server with configuration the login window presents the logo for each provider and then the user could login with it.
I hope to help with my rems.
Thanks again for this usefull class.
 Manuel Lemos - 2014-02-05 03:01:09 - In reply to message 1 from john a
That is interesting. In the future there will also be a way to abstract getting the user profiles from each API, so you do not have to abstract that in your application and deal with the differences between APIs.
 john a - 2014-02-05 11:57:48 - In reply to message 2 from Manuel Lemos
Super hiper mega cool !
So, do you think that should I leave that code for your new class?
When are you planning to release that feature, because this framework is used for around 14 private companies and som gobernment that I know... and I think in backward compatibility each Practico release.
Good luck Manuel. Thanks in advice.
 Manuel Lemos - 2014-02-05 21:38:56 - In reply to message 3 from john a
Sorry, I cannot promise when it will be done but it will be one of the next things to do because many people want it.