Mat Patnik - 2009-01-27 17:01:57 -
In reply to message 4 from Manuel Lemos
I already did that but it doesn't valid on server side.
this is what I did:
$date = intval(date('Y'));
"ValidationErrorMessage"=>"It was not specified a valid date.",
"LABEL"=>"<u>Y</u>ear of birth",
// I added this it just skip the java script
with or without the ValidateOnlyOnServerSide if I turn off the java script it let me sent any kind of character except tag, and quote.
I tried this too:
Year of birth: <fj45&80'sd;:1!235 vWE // integer only
Gender: male // dropdown list
Country: Canada // dropdown list
and the result is:
[birth] => male
[country] => CA
so it did screw something in there
I'm using php 5.2 if that can help.