Gilberto Albino - 2008-11-17 12:50:24
I was interested in testing this class, but I saw that there are a lot of other classes required.
Do I have to download them all?
I would like to recomend a sistem to build the packaging classes for this site.
In such case that would be very nice!
Some rules would be applied to classes that need other classes,
and the most important is the include path for the package,
because every class has its own way to include files, so it becames very boring to debug where the paths must or not go.
STANDARD is good! What about to make it for
Database connection:
Include path
In fact, the first thing I would!
I just can't have time to go looking for classes that need classes that need classes and so on...
Take a look at jQuery site, the guys do a pretty much organized job in such approach I mean now!