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File: config.example.php

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  Classes of Omar Andrés Barbosa Ortiz   Papyrus   config.example.php   Download  
File: config.example.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: Papyrus
Store and retrieve database data in files
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 739 bytes


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 * Papyrus
 * Config file
 * Permissions: chmod 706 fileName.ext

return [

     * Set the extension to database files
     * Example:
     * 'extension' => '.some'

'extension' => '.data',
     * Set the primary key each file
     * Primary Key: Auto increment integer(int++),
     * unique integer (int#),
     * unique string (str#)
     * Example: [
     * 'fileName' => ['name(str#)', 'lastName', 'email'],
     * 'otherFileName' => ['id(int++)', 'description'],
     * 'otherFileName' => ['dni(int#)', 'name', 'lastname']
     * ]

'files' => [
'users' => ['dni(int#)', 'name', 'lastName'],
'logs' => ['id(int++)', 'action', 'date']