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File: src/Contract/FileInterface.php

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  Classes of Scott Arciszewski   Halite   src/Contract/FileInterface.php   Download  
File: src/Contract/FileInterface.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: Halite
Perform cryptography operations with libsodium
Author: By
Last change: Limit the File API.
For version 2, let's use strict types!
Date: 9 years ago
Size: 3,240 bytes


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namespace ParagonIE\Halite\Contract;

use \
ParagonIE\Halite\Alerts as CryptoException;
use \
use \
use \

 * An interface for encrypting/decrypting files
interface FileInterface
     * Lazy fallthrough method for checksumFile() and checksumResource()
     * @param string|resource $filepath
     * @param AuthenticationKey $key
     * @param bool $raw
     * @return string
     * @throws CryptoException\InvalidType
public static function checksum(
KeyInterface $key = null,
$raw = false
): string;

     * Lazy fallthrough method for encryptFile() and encryptResource()
     * @param string|resource $input
     * @param string|resource $output
     * @param EncryptionKey $key
     * @return string
     * @throws CryptoException\InvalidType
public static function encrypt(
EncryptionKey $key
): int;

     * Lazy fallthrough method for decryptFile() and decryptResource()
     * @param string|resource $input
     * @param string|resource $output
     * @param EncryptionKey $key
     * @return bool
     * @throws CryptoException\InvalidType
public static function decrypt(
EncryptionKey $key
): bool;

     * Lazy fallthrough method for sealFile() and sealResource()
     * @param string|resource $input
     * @param string|resource $output
     * @param EncryptionPublicKey $publickey
     * @return int Number of bytes written
     * @throws Alerts\InvalidType
public static function seal(
EncryptionPublicKey $publickey
): int;

     * Lazy fallthrough method for sealFile() and sealResource()
     * @param string|resource $input
     * @param string|resource $output
     * @param EncryptionSecretKey $secretkey
     * @return bool TRUE on success
     * @throws CryptoException\InvalidType
public static function unseal(
EncryptionSecretKey $secretkey
): bool;

     * Lazy fallthrough method for signFile() and signResource()
     * @param string|resource $filename
     * @param SignatureSecretKey $secretkey
     * @param bool $raw_binary
     * @return string
     * @throws Alerts\InvalidType
public static function sign(
SignatureSecretKey $secretkey,
bool $raw_binary = false
): string;

     * Lazy fallthrough method for verifyFile() and verifyResource()
     * @param string|resource $filename
     * @param SignaturePublicKey $publickey
     * @param string $signature
     * @param bool $raw_binary
     * @return string
     * @throws Alerts\InvalidType
public static function verify(
SignaturePublicKey $publickey,
string $signature,
bool $raw_binary = false
): bool;