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File: test/statementTest.php

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File: test/statementTest.php
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Description: Unit test script
Access Oracle databases using a PDO class wrapper
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<?php /** * PDOCI * * PHP version 5.3 * * @category Tests * @package PDOOCI * @author Eustáquio Rangel <[email protected]> * @license GPLv2 * @link */ require_once "../vendor/autoload.php"; /** * Class for use with fetch and \PDO::FETCH_CLASS option * * PHP version 5.3 * * @category Test * @package PDOOCI * @author Eustáquio Rangel <[email protected]> * @license GPLv2 * @link */ class User { public $name; public $email; } /** * Print user name * * @param string $name user name * * @return null */ function user($name) { echo "name: $name\n"; } /** * Print user name and email * * @param string $name user name * @param string $email user email * * @return null */ function useremail($name, $email) { echo "name: $name email: $email\n"; } /** * Testing statement * * PHP version 5.3 * * @category Test * @package PDOOCI * @author Eustáquio Rangel <[email protected]> * @license GPLv2 * @link */ class StatementTest extends PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase { protected static $con = null; /** * Set up a new object * * @return null */ protected function setUp() : void { parent::setUp(); $user = getenv("PDOOCI_user"); $pwd = getenv("PDOOCI_pwd"); $str = getenv("PDOOCI_str"); self::$con = new PDOOCI\PDO($str, $user, $pwd); self::$con->query("delete from people"); } /** * Test an INSERT * * @return null */ public function testInsert() { $stmt = $this->_insertValue(); $this->assertEquals(1, $stmt->rowCount()); } /** * Test a DELETE * * @return null */ public function testDelete() { $this->_insertValue(); $stmt = $this->_deleteValue(); $this->assertEquals(1, $stmt->rowCount()); } /** * Test an INSERT with exec() * * @return null */ public function testInsertWithExec() { $rows = $this->_insertValueWithExec(); $this->assertEquals(1, $rows); } /** * Test a DELETE with exec() * * @return null */ public function testDeleteWithExec() { $this->_insertValueWithExec(); $rows = $this->_deleteValueWithExec(); $this->assertEquals(1, $rows); } /** * Test a fetch with PDO::FETCH_BOTH * * @return null */ public function testFetchBoth() { $this->_insertValueWithExec(); $stmt = self::$con->query("select * from people"); $data = $stmt->fetch(); $stmt->closeCursor(); $this->assertTrue($this->_checkKeys(array(0,"NAME",1,"EMAIL"), array_keys($data))); $this->assertEquals(4, sizeof($data)); $this->assertEquals("eustaquio", $data[0]); $this->assertEquals("[email protected]", $data[1]); $this->assertEquals("eustaquio", $data["NAME"]); $this->assertEquals("[email protected]", $data["EMAIL"]); } /** * Test a fetch with PDO::FETCH_ASSOC * * @return null */ public function testFetchAssoc() { $this->_insertValueWithExec(); $stmt = self::$con->query("select * from people"); $data = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $stmt->closeCursor(); $this->assertTrue($this->_checkKeys(array("NAME","EMAIL"), array_keys($data))); $this->assertEquals(2, sizeof($data)); $this->assertEquals("eustaquio", $data["NAME"]); $this->assertEquals("[email protected]", $data["EMAIL"]); } /** * Tests for case tests * * @param int $case case to convert * @param string $name user name * @param string $email user email * * @dataProvider fetchAssocWithCaseProvider * * @return null */ public function testFetchAssocWithCase($case, $name, $email) { $this->_insertValueWithExec(); self::$con->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_CASE, $case); $stmt = self::$con->query("select * from people"); $data = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $stmt->closeCursor(); $this->assertTrue($this->_checkKeys(array($name, $email), array_keys($data))); $this->assertEquals(2, sizeof($data)); $this->assertEquals("eustaquio", $data[$name]); $this->assertEquals("[email protected]", $data[$email]); } /** * Data provider for key case tests * * @return mixed array with sample tests */ public function fetchAssocWithCaseProvider() { return array( array(\PDO::CASE_LOWER, 'name', 'email'), array(\PDO::CASE_UPPER, 'NAME', 'EMAIL'), array(\PDO::CASE_NATURAL, 'NAME', 'EMAIL'), ); } /** * Test a fetch with PDO::FETCH_NUM * * @return null */ public function testFetchNum() { $this->_insertValueWithExec(); $stmt = self::$con->query("select * from people"); $data = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_NUM); $stmt->closeCursor(); $this->assertTrue($this->_checkKeys(array(0,1), array_keys($data))); $this->assertEquals(2, sizeof($data)); $this->assertEquals("eustaquio", $data[0]); $this->assertEquals("[email protected]", $data[1]); } /** * Test a fetch with PDO::FETCH_OBJ * * @return null */ public function testFetchObj() { $this->_insertValueWithExec(); $stmt = self::$con->query("select * from people"); $data = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_OBJ); $stmt->closeCursor(); $this->assertEquals("eustaquio", $data->NAME); $this->assertEquals("[email protected]", $data->EMAIL); } /** * Test fetch all * * @return null */ public function testFetchAll() { $this->_insertValueWithExec(); $this->_insertValue(array("name"=>"johndoe","email"=>"[email protected]")); $stmt = self::$con->query("select * from people"); $data = $stmt->fetchAll(); $stmt->closeCursor(); $this->assertEquals(2, sizeof($data)); $this->assertEquals("eustaquio", $data[0][0]); $this->assertEquals("[email protected]", $data[0][1]); $this->assertEquals("johndoe", $data[1][0]); $this->assertEquals("[email protected]", $data[1][1]); } /** * Test fetch all assoc * * @return null */ public function testFetchAllAssoc() { $this->_insertValueWithExec(); $this->_insertValue(array("name"=>"johndoe","email"=>"[email protected]")); $stmt = self::$con->query("select * from people"); $data = $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $stmt->closeCursor(); $this->assertEquals(2, sizeof($data)); $this->assertEquals("eustaquio", $data[0]["NAME"]); $this->assertEquals("[email protected]", $data[0]["EMAIL"]); $this->assertEquals("johndoe", $data[1]["NAME"]); $this->assertEquals("[email protected]", $data[1]["EMAIL"]); } /** * Test fetch all both * * @return null */ public function testFetchAllBoth() { $this->_insertValueWithExec(); $this->_insertValue(array("name"=>"johndoe","email"=>"[email protected]")); $stmt = self::$con->query("select * from people"); $data = $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_BOTH); $stmt->closeCursor(); $this->assertEquals(2, sizeof($data)); // $this->assertEquals("eustaquio", $data[0]["NAME"]); $this->assertEquals("eustaquio", $data[0][0]); // $this->assertEquals("[email protected]", $data[0]["EMAIL"]); $this->assertEquals("[email protected]", $data[0][1]); // $this->assertEquals("johndoe", $data[1]["NAME"]); $this->assertEquals("johndoe", $data[1][0]); // $this->assertEquals("[email protected]", $data[1]["EMAIL"]); $this->assertEquals("[email protected]", $data[1][1]); } /** * Test fetch all with column * * @return null */ public function testFetchAllWithColumn() { $this->_insertValueWithExec(); $this->_insertValue(array("name"=>"johndoe","email"=>"[email protected]")); $stmt = self::$con->query("select * from people"); $data = $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0); $stmt->closeCursor(); $this->assertEquals(2, sizeof($data)); $this->assertEquals(1, sizeof($data[0])); $this->assertEquals("eustaquio", $data[0]); $this->assertEquals(1, sizeof($data[1])); $this->assertEquals("johndoe", $data[1]); } /** * Test fetch all with column and group * * @return null */ public function testFetchAllWithColumnAndGroup() { $this->_insertValueWithExec(); $this->_insertValue(array("name"=>"johndoe","email"=>"[email protected]")); $this->_insertValue(array("name"=>"johndoe","email"=>"[email protected]")); $stmt = self::$con->query("select * from people"); $data = $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_COLUMN|\PDO::FETCH_GROUP); $stmt->closeCursor(); $this->assertEquals(2, sizeof($data)); $this->assertEquals(1, sizeof($data["eustaquio"])); $this->assertEquals("[email protected]", $data["eustaquio"][0]); $this->assertEquals(2, sizeof($data["johndoe"])); $this->assertEquals("[email protected]", $data["johndoe"][0]); $this->assertEquals("[email protected]", $data["johndoe"][1]); } /** * Test fetch all with class * * @return null */ public function testFetchAllWithClass() { $this->_insertValueWithExec(); $this->_insertValue(array("name"=>"johndoe","email"=>"[email protected]")); $stmt = self::$con->query("select * from people"); $data = $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_CLASS, "User"); $stmt->closeCursor(); $this->assertEquals(2, sizeof($data)); $cls = $data[0]; $this->assertTrue(is_object($cls)); $this->assertEquals("User", get_class($cls)); $this->assertEquals("eustaquio", $cls->name); $this->assertEquals("[email protected]", $cls->email); $cls = $data[1]; $this->assertTrue(is_object($cls)); $this->assertEquals("User", get_class($cls)); $this->assertEquals("johndoe", $cls->name); $this->assertEquals("[email protected]", $cls->email); } /** * Test fetch all with function * * @return null */ public function testFetchAllWithFunc() { $this->_insertValueWithExec(); $this->_insertValue(array("name"=>"johndoe","email"=>"[email protected]")); $stmt = self::$con->query("select * from people"); ob_start(); $data = $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_FUNC, "user"); $stmt->closeCursor(); $rst = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertEquals("name: eustaquio\nname: johndoe\n", $rst); } /** * Test fetch all with function with more than one parameter * * @return null */ public function testFetchAllWithFuncWithMoreParameters() { $this->_insertValue(); $this->_insertValue(array("name"=>"johndoe","email"=>"[email protected]")); $stmt = self::$con->prepare("select * from people"); $stmt->execute(); ob_start(); $data = $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_FUNC, "useremail"); $stmt->closeCursor(); $rst = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertEquals("name: eustaquio email: [email protected]\nname: johndoe email: [email protected]\n", $rst); } /** * Fetch column * * @return null */ public function testFetchColumn() { $this->_insertValue(); $this->_insertValue(array("name"=>"johndoe","email"=>"[email protected]")); $stmt = self::$con->prepare("select * from people"); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals("eustaquio", $stmt->fetchColumn()); $this->assertEquals("[email protected]", $stmt->fetchColumn(1)); } /** * Test fetch object * * @return null */ public function testFetchObject() { $this->_insertValueWithExec(); $stmt = self::$con->query("select * from people"); $obj = $stmt->fetchObject("User"); $stmt->closeCursor(); $this->assertTrue(is_object($obj)); $this->assertEquals("User", get_class($obj)); $this->assertEquals("eustaquio", $obj->name); $this->assertEquals("[email protected]", $obj->email); } /** * Test autocommit off and rollback * * @return null */ public function testAutocommitOff() { self::$con->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT, false); $this->_insertValueWithExec(); self::$con->rollBack(); $this->assertEquals(0, $this->_getRowCount()); } /** * Test autocommit off and commit * * @return null */ public function testAutocommitOn() { self::$con->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT, false); $this->_insertValueWithExec(); self::$con->commit(); $this->assertEquals(1, $this->_getRowCount()); } /** * Test beginTransaction and rollback * * @return null */ public function testBeginTransactionAndRollback() { self::$con->beginTransaction(); $this->_insertValueWithExec(); self::$con->rollBack(); $this->assertEquals(0, $this->_getRowCount()); } /** * Test beginTransaction and commit * * @return null */ public function testBeginTransactionAndCommit() { self::$con->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT, false); $this->_insertValueWithExec(); self::$con->commit(); $this->assertEquals(1, $this->_getRowCount()); } /** * Convert a query to use bind marks * * @return String query */ public function testCreateMarks() { $sql = "insert into people (name,email) values (?,?)"; $converted = "insert into people (name,email) values (:pdooci_m0,:pdooci_m1)"; $this->assertEquals($converted, PDOOCI\Statement::insertMarks($sql)); } /** * Convert a query to use bind marks, only when not inside quotes * * @return String query */ public function testCreateMarksNoQuotes() { $sql = "insert into people (name,email,key) values (?,?,'abc?')"; $converted = "insert into people (name,email,key) values (:pdooci_m0,:pdooci_m1,'abc?')"; $this->assertEquals($converted, PDOOCI\Statement::insertMarks($sql)); $sql = "insert into people (name,email,key) values (?,?,'?abc')"; $converted = "insert into people (name,email,key) values (:pdooci_m0,:pdooci_m1,'?abc')"; $this->assertEquals($converted, PDOOCI\Statement::insertMarks($sql)); $sql = "insert into people (name,email,key) values (?,?,'?abc?')"; $converted = "insert into people (name,email,key) values (:pdooci_m0,:pdooci_m1,'?abc?')"; $this->assertEquals($converted, PDOOCI\Statement::insertMarks($sql)); } /** * Don't change the query if is not needed * * @return String query */ public function testDontCreateMarks() { $sql = "insert into people (name,email) values (:name,:email)"; $this->assertEquals($sql, PDOOCI\Statement::insertMarks($sql)); } /** * Prepare a statement without values * * @return Statement statement */ public function testPreparedWithoutValues() { $sql = "insert into people (name,email) values ('eustaquio','[email protected]')"; $stmt = self::$con->prepare($sql); $this->assertNotNull($stmt); $this->assertEquals($sql, $stmt->getStatement()); $this->assertTrue($stmt->execute()); $rows = $stmt->rowCount(); $stmt->closeCursor(); $this->assertEquals(1, $rows); $data = $this->_getValues(); $this->assertEquals("eustaquio", $data["NAME"]); $this->assertEquals("[email protected]", $data["EMAIL"]); } /** * Prepare a statement with numeric index based values * * @return Statement statement */ public function testPreparedWithNumericIndexes() { $user = "u".mktime(); $email= "[email protected]"; $sql = "insert into people (name,email) values (?,?)"; $exp = "insert into people (name,email) values (:pdooci_m0,:pdooci_m1)"; $stmt = self::$con->prepare($sql); $this->assertNotNull($stmt); $this->assertEquals($exp, $stmt->getStatement()); $this->assertTrue($stmt->execute(array($user,$email))); $rows = $stmt->rowCount(); $stmt->closeCursor(); $this->assertEquals(1, $rows); $data = $this->_getValues(); $this->assertEquals($user, $data["NAME"]); $this->assertEquals($email, $data["EMAIL"]); } /** * Prepare a statement with named based values * * @return Statement statement */ public function testPreparedWithNamedIndexes() { $user = "u".mktime(); $email= "[email protected]"; $sql = "insert into people (name,email) values (:name,:email)"; $stmt = self::$con->prepare($sql); $this->assertEquals($sql, $stmt->getStatement()); $this->assertNotNull($stmt); $this->assertTrue($stmt->execute(array(":name"=>$user,":email"=>$email))); $rows = $stmt->rowCount(); $stmt->closeCursor(); $this->assertEquals(1, $rows); $data = $this->_getValues(); $this->assertEquals($user, $data["NAME"]); $this->assertEquals($email, $data["EMAIL"]); } /** * Prepare a crazy statement with indexes and named based values * What stupid crazy maniac will make something like that? * * @return Statement statement */ public function testPreparedWithCrazyIndexes() { $user = "u".mktime(); $email= "[email protected]"; $sql = "insert into people (name,email) values (?,:email)"; $exp = "insert into people (name,email) values (:pdooci_m0,:email)"; $stmt = self::$con->prepare($sql); $this->assertEquals($exp, $stmt->getStatement()); $this->assertNotNull($stmt); $this->assertTrue($stmt->execute(array(0=>$user,":email"=>$email))); $rows = $stmt->rowCount(); $stmt->closeCursor(); $this->assertEquals(1, $rows); $data = $this->_getValues(); $this->assertEquals($user, $data["NAME"]); $this->assertEquals($email, $data["EMAIL"]); } /** * Return results on a foreach loop * * @return null */ public function testForeach() { $this->_insertValue(); $this->_insertValue(); $rst = array(); foreach (self::$con->query("select * from people") as $row) { array_push($rst, $row); } $this->assertEquals(2, sizeof($rst)); } /** * Fetch mode * * @return null */ public function testFetchMode() { $stmt = self::$con->prepare("select * from people"); $stmt->setFetchMode(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $this->assertEquals(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, $stmt->getFetchMode()); $stmt->closeCursor(); } /** * Bind column * * @return null */ public function testBindColumn() { $this->_insertValue(); $stmt = self::$con->prepare("select * from people"); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->bindColumn(1, $name); $stmt->bindColumn("email", $email); $row = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_BOUND); $this->assertEquals("eustaquio", $name); $this->assertEquals("[email protected]", $email); } /** * Bind named value * * @return null */ public function testBindNamedValue() { $name = "eustaquio"; $this->_insertValue(); $stmt = self::$con->prepare("select * from people where name=:name"); $stmt->bindValue(":name", $name, \PDO::PARAM_STR); $name = "johndoe"; $stmt->execute(); $data = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $stmt->closeCursor(); $this->assertEquals("eustaquio", $data["NAME"]); } /** * Bind numeric value * * @return null */ public function testBindNumericValue() { $name = "eustaquio"; $this->_insertValue(); $stmt = self::$con->prepare("select * from people where name=?"); $stmt->bindValue(1, $name, \PDO::PARAM_STR); $name = "johndoe"; $stmt->execute(); $data = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $stmt->closeCursor(); $this->assertEquals("eustaquio", $data["NAME"]); } /** * Bind named param * * @return null */ public function testBindNamedParam() { $name = "eustaquio"; $this->_insertValue(array("name"=>"johndoe","email"=>"[email protected]")); $stmt = self::$con->prepare("select * from people where name=:name"); $stmt->bindParam(":name", $name, \PDO::PARAM_STR); $name = "johndoe"; $stmt->execute(); $data = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $stmt->closeCursor(); $this->assertEquals($name, $data["NAME"]); } /** * Bind named param with length * * @return null */ public function testBindNamedParamWithLength() { $name = "eustaquio"; $this->_insertValue(array("name"=>"johndoe","email"=>"[email protected]")); $stmt = self::$con->prepare("select * from people where name=:name"); $stmt->bindParam(":name", $name, \PDO::PARAM_STR, 7); $name = "johndoe"; $stmt->execute(); $data = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $stmt->closeCursor(); $this->assertEquals($name, $data["NAME"]); } /** * Bind numeric value * * @return null */ public function testBindNumericParam() { $name = "eustaquio"; $this->_insertValue(array("name"=>"johndoe","email"=>"[email protected]")); $stmt = self::$con->prepare("select * from people where name=?"); $stmt->bindParam(1, $name, \PDO::PARAM_STR); $name = "johndoe"; $stmt->execute(); $data = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $stmt->closeCursor(); $this->assertEquals($name, $data["NAME"]); } /** * Column count * * @return null */ public function testColumnCount() { $this->_insertValue(); $stmt = self::$con->prepare("select * from people"); $this->assertEquals(0, $stmt->columnCount()); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals(2, $stmt->columnCount()); $stmt->closeCursor(); } /** * Debug dump params * * @return null */ public function testDebugDumpParams() { $this->_insertValue(); $name = "eustaquio"; $email= "[email protected]"; $stmt = self::$con->prepare("select * from people where name=:name and email=:email"); $stmt->bindParam(":name", $name); $stmt->bindParam(":email", $email); $stmt->execute(); $str =<<<END SQL: [54] select * from people where name=:name and email=:email Params: 2 Key: Name: [5] :name name=[5] ":name" is_param=1 Key: Name: [6] :email name=[6] ":email" is_param=1 END; ob_start(); $stmt->debugDumpParams(); $contents = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertEquals($str, $contents); $stmt->closeCursor(); } /** * Test column meta data * * @return null */ public function testMetaData() { $this->_insertValue(); $stmt = self::$con->prepare("select * from people"); $stmt->execute(); $data = $stmt->getColumnMeta(0); $this->assertEquals("NAME", $data["name"]); $this->assertEquals(50, $data["len"]); $this->assertEquals(0, $data["precision"]); $this->assertEquals("VARCHAR2", $data["driver:decl_type"]); $data = $stmt->getColumnMeta(1); $this->assertEquals("EMAIL", $data["name"]); $this->assertEquals(30, $data["len"]); $this->assertEquals(0, $data["precision"]); $this->assertEquals("VARCHAR2", $data["driver:decl_type"]); } /** * Fetch null values * * @return null */ public function testFetchNulls() { $this->_insertValue(array("name"=>"johndoe","email"=>null)); $stmt = self::$con->prepare("select * from people"); $stmt->execute(); $data = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $stmt->closeCursor(); $this->assertEquals(2, sizeof($data)); $this->assertEquals("johndoe", $data["NAME"]); $this->assertNull($data["EMAIL"]); } /** * Fetch all null values * * @return null */ public function testFetchAllNulls() { $this->_insertValue(array("name"=>"eustaquio" ,"email"=>null)); $this->_insertValue(array("name"=>"johndoe" ,"email"=>null)); $stmt = self::$con->prepare("select * from people"); $stmt->execute(); $data = $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $stmt->closeCursor(); $this->assertEquals(2, sizeof($data)); $this->assertEquals("eustaquio", $data[0]["NAME"]); $this->assertNull($data[0]["EMAIL"]); $this->assertEquals("johndoe", $data[1]["NAME"]); $this->assertNull($data[1]["EMAIL"]); } /** * Get statement query string * * @return query string */ public function testQueryString() { $sql = "select count(*) as count from people"; $stmt = self::$con->query($sql); $this->assertEquals($sql, $stmt->queryString); } /**************************************************************************** * Helper functions * ***************************************************************************/ /** * Insert a row * * @param mixed $values optional values * * @return Statement statement */ private function _insertValue($values=null) { $name = "eustaquio"; $email = "[email protected]"; if (!is_null($values)) { $name = $values["name"]; $email = $values["email"]; } return self::$con->query("insert into people (name,email) values ('$name','$email')"); } /** * Delete a row * * @return Statement statement */ private function _deleteValue() { return self::$con->query("delete from people where name='eustaquio'"); } /** * Insert a row with exec() * * @return Statement statement */ private function _insertValueWithExec() { return self::$con->exec("insert into people (name,email) values ('eustaquio','[email protected]')"); } /** * Delete a row with exec() * * @return Statement statement */ private function _deleteValueWithExec() { return self::$con->exec("delete from people where name='eustaquio'"); } /** * Check the array keys * * @param array $expected keys expected * @param array $found keys found * * @return all keys ok */ private function _checkKeys($expected, $found) { $size = sizeof($expected); for ($i=0; $i<$size; $i++) { if ($expected[$i] != $found[$i]) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Get values from table * * @return array values */ private function _getValues() { $stmt = self::$con->query("select * from people"); $data = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); return $data; } /** * Get the number of rows on the table * * @return int number of rows */ private function _getRowCount() { $stmt = self::$con->query("select count(*) as count from people"); $data = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $stmt->closeCursor(); return intval($data["COUNT"]); } }