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File: pareto-settings.php

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File: pareto-settings.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Use with Wordpress
Class: Pareto Security
Filter requests to discard malicious values
Author: By
Last change: Latest code
Date: 4 years ago
Size: 42,061 bytes


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<?php if ( class_exists( "pareto_functions" ) ): class pareto_settings extends pareto_functions { function __construct() { if ( false === $this->is_wp() ) { header( 'Status: 403 Forbidden' ); header( 'HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden' ); exit(); } $this->time_zone = date_default_timezone_get() . get_option( 'gmt_offset' ); define( 'PARETO_DIR', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) ); define( 'PARETO_URL', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) ); load_plugin_textdomain( $this->_textdomain ); // Register style sheet add_action( "admin_enqueue_scripts", array( $this, 'enqueue_scripts' ) ); $this->kickoff(); } function get_ver( $file ) { return filemtime( PARETO_DIR ); } /** * Register style sheet. */ function enqueue_scripts( $hook ) { if ( $hook != 'toplevel_page_pareto_security_settings' ) { return; } wp_register_style( 'pareto-security', plugins_url( 'css/pareto_style.css' ) ); wp_enqueue_style( "{$this->prefix}_style", plugins_url( 'css/pareto_style.css', __FILE__ ), NULL, $this->get_ver( 'css/pareto_style.css' ) ); wp_enqueue_script( "{$this->prefix}_js", plugins_url( 'js/hokioi.js', __FILE__ ), NULL, $this->get_ver( 'js/hokioi.js' ) ); } function kickoff() { $this->settings_field = 'pareto_security_settings_options'; $this->options = get_option( $this->settings_field ); if ( empty( $this->options ) ) { update_option( $this->settings_field, array( // set defaults 'advanced_mode' => 0, 'hard_ban_mode' => 0, 'email_report' => 0, 'ban_mode' => 0, 'admin_ip' => '', 'tor_block' => 0 ) ); $this->options = get_option( $this->settings_field ); } $this->options[ 'ban_mode' ] = ( false !== $this->check_settings( 'ban_mode' ) ) ? ( int ) $this->options[ 'ban_mode' ] : 0; $this->options[ 'email_report' ] = ( false !== $this->check_settings( 'email_report' ) ) ? ( int ) $this->options[ 'email_report' ] : 0; $this->options[ 'advanced_mode' ] = ( false !== $this->check_settings( 'advanced_mode' ) ) ? ( int ) $this->options[ 'advanced_mode' ] : 0; $this->options[ 'hard_ban_mode' ] = ( false !== $this->check_settings( 'hard_ban_mode' ) ) ? ( int ) $this->options[ 'hard_ban_mode' ] : 0; $this->options[ 'tor_block' ] = ( false !== $this->check_settings( 'tor_block' ) ) ? ( int ) $this->options[ 'tor_block' ] : 0; $this->_hard_ban_mode = $this->options[ 'hard_ban_mode' ]; if ( array_key_exists( 'safe_list', $this->options ) ) { $this->_domain_list = $this->get_field_value( $this->options, 'safe_list' ); $this->_domain_list = preg_replace( '/[\x00-\x09\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F\x7F]/', '', $this->_domain_list ); // strip out any control characters but not new lines and carriage returns $this->_domain_list = preg_replace( "/[^\r\na-zA-Z0-9_\.\-]/i", '', $this->_domain_list ); // allow only alphanumeric and -_. $this->options[ 'safe_list' ] = $this->_domain_list; } $this->logs = get_option( PARETO_LOG_LIST ); # only available to logged in Admins if ( false !== ( bool ) $this->is_wp( true, true ) ) { $this->define_plugin_settings(); $this->page_id = $this->_textdomain; $this->lockdown_status = $this->lockdown_mode( $this->logs ); //( bool ) $this->get_field_value( $this->lockdown, 'lockdown_mode' ); if ( $this->cmpstr( $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_METHOD' ], 'POST' ) ) { # localise POST $this_post = $_POST; if ( isset( $this_post[ 'save_options' ] ) && $this->cmpstr( strtolower( $this_post[ 'save_options' ] ), 'save options' ) ) { if ( isset( $this_post[ $this->settings_field ][ "safe_list" ] ) ) { $this_post[ $this->settings_field ][ "safe_list" ] = $this->host_check( $this_post[ $this->settings_field ][ "safe_list" ] ); } if ( isset( $this_post[ $this->settings_field ][ "ban_mode" ] ) ) $this_post[ $this->settings_field ][ "ban_mode" ] = ( int ) $this_post[ $this->settings_field ][ "ban_mode" ]; if ( isset( $this_post[ $this->settings_field ][ "advanced_mode" ] ) ) { $this_post[ $this->settings_field ][ "advanced_mode" ] = ( int ) $this_post[ $this->settings_field ][ "advanced_mode" ]; if ( !isset( $this_post[ $this->settings_field ][ "safe_list" ] ) || empty( $this_post[ $this->settings_field ][ "safe_list" ] ) ) $this_post[ $this->settings_field ][ "safe_list" ] = $this->get_http_host(); } else $this_post[ $this->settings_field ][ "advanced_mode" ] = 0; if ( isset( $this_post[ $this->settings_field ][ "email_report" ] ) ) $this_post[ $this->settings_field ][ "email_report" ] = ( int ) $this_post[ $this->settings_field ][ "email_report" ]; if ( isset( $this_post[ $this->settings_field ][ "hard_ban_mode" ] ) ) { $this_post[ $this->settings_field ][ "hard_ban_mode" ] = ( int ) $this_post[ $this->settings_field ][ "hard_ban_mode" ]; } if ( isset( $this_post[ $this->settings_field ][ "tor_block" ] ) ) { $this_post[ $this->settings_field ][ "tor_block" ] = ( int ) $this_post[ $this->settings_field ][ "tor_block" ]; } else $this_post[ $this->settings_field ][ "tor_block" ] = 0; } if ( isset( $this_post[ 'save_options' ] ) && $this->cmpstr( strtolower( $this_post[ 'save_options' ] ), 'x' ) ) { # Do logs $ulid = array(); foreach( $this_post as $key => $val ) { if ( false !== strpos( $key, 'ulid' ) && false === strpos( $key, 'ulid_check_' ) ) $ulid[] = ( strlen( $key ) <= 8 && $this->cmpstr( 'ulid_', substr( $key, 0, 5 ) ) ) ? trim( substr( $key, 0, 8 ) ) : ''; } $ulid_shorthash = array(); foreach ( $ulid as $key => $val ) { if ( !empty( $val ) ) { $this_val = 'ulid_check_' . substr( $this_post[ $val ], 0, 6 ); if ( isset( $this_post[ $this_val ] ) && $this->cmpstr( 'on', $this_post[ $this_val ] ) ) { $shahash = preg_replace( "/[^a-f0-9]/i", '', $this_post[ $val ] ); $shahashlen = strlen( $shahash ); $ulid_shorthash[ $this_val ] = ( $this->cmpstr( 40, $shahashlen ) ) ? $shahash : ''; } } } $this->log_pop( $ulid_shorthash ); } $_POST = $this_post; } else { # clean up failed login hashes $this->iphash_db_cleanup(); } add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'admin_init' ), 20 ); add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'admin_menu' ), 20 ); $this->ip_count = $this->count_banned_ips(); } $this->_adv_mode = $this->get_field_value( $this->options, 'advanced_mode' ); $this->_ban_mode = $this->get_field_value( $this->options, 'ban_mode' ); $this->_email_report = $this->get_field_value( $this->options, 'email_report' ); $this->_tor_block = $this->get_field_value( $this->options, 'tor_block' ); $this->update_logfile( $this->logs ); // set $this->logs # deal with dynamic IP addresses $this->update_admin_ip( $this->options[ 'admin_ip' ] ); } function define_plugin_settings() { $basename = plugin_basename( __FILE__ ); $prefix = is_network_admin() ? 'network_admin_' : ''; add_filter( 'plugin_action_links', array( $this, 'add_plugin_action_links'), 10, 2); add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'add_to_admin_menu' ) ); $this->options[ 'admin_ip' ] = $this->get_ip(); } function add_plugin_action_links( $links, $file ) { if ( strstr( $file, 'pareto-security/pareto_security.php' ) ) { $settings[ 'settings' ] = '<a href="'. esc_url( admin_url( "options-general.php?page=" . $this->_textdomain ) ) . '">Settings</a>'; array_unshift( $links, $settings[ 'settings' ] ); } return $links; } function add_to_admin_menu(){ $page_title = 'Pareto Security'; $menu_title = 'Pareto Security'; $capability = 'manage_options'; $menu_slug = $this->_textdomain; $function = ''; $icon_url = plugins_url( 'pareto-security/img/icon16bw.png' ); $position = ( is_network_admin() ) ? 26 : 81; add_menu_page( $page_title, $menu_title, $capability, $menu_slug, $function, $icon_url, $position ); } function log_pop( $ulid ) { $get_logs = $this->logs; foreach ( $ulid as $ukey => $hash ) { foreach( $get_logs as $key => $val ) { $this_log = explode( ' ', $val ); if ( isset( $this_log[ 6 ] ) && $this->cmpstr( sha1( $this_log[ 6 ] ), $hash ) ) { $ip = $this_log[ 2 ]; if ( false !== $this->check_ip( $ip, true ) ) { $this->htaccess_unbanip( false, $ip ); unset( $get_logs[ $key ] ); break 1; } } } } $final_logfile = array(); foreach( $get_logs as $key => $val ) { $final_logfile[] = $val; } $this->logs = $final_logfile; update_option( PARETO_LOG_LIST, $final_logfile ); } function count_banned_ips() { if ( false === $this->htapath() ) return 0; $mybans = file( $this->htapath() ); if ( empty( $mybans ) ) return 0; $mybans_denyfrom = array(); $mybans_denyfrom = $this->find_in_array( "deny from ", $mybans ); return count( $mybans_denyfrom ); } function find_in_array( $string, $array = array(), $makebool = false ) { foreach ( $array as $key => $value ) { unset ( $array[ $key ] ); if ( false === strpos( $value, $string . 'all' ) && false !== strpos( $value, $string ) ) { $array[ $key ] = $value; } } if ( false !== $makebool ) return !empty( $array ); // return Boolean if ( false === $makebool ) return $array; // return instances of string } function update_logfile( $logfile = array() ) { $tmp_logfile = array(); if ( empty( $this->logs ) ) { update_option( PARETO_LOG_LIST, array( 0 => SETTINGS_INSTALL_LOG ) ); $logfile = SETTINGS_INSTALL_LOG; $this->logs = array(); $this->logs[ 0 ] = SETTINGS_INSTALL_LOG; return; } $final_log = strtolower( substr( $this->logs[ count( $this->logs ) - 1 ], 0, 50 ) ); # make sure install log remains if ( count( $this->logs ) < 100 && false === strpos( $final_log, 'safe' ) ) { array_push( $this->logs, SETTINGS_INSTALL_LOG ); } return; } function check_settings( $val ) { if ( !isset( $this->options[ $val ] ) || $this->options[ $val ] > 1 || $this->options[ $val ] < 0 ) { return false; } else return true; } function admin_init() { register_setting( $this->settings_field, $this->settings_field ); register_setting( PARETO_LOG_LIST, PARETO_LOG_LIST ); add_option( $this->settings_field, pareto_settings::$default_settings ); } function admin_menu() { if ( !current_user_can( 'update_plugins' ) ) return; // Add a new submenu to the standard Settings panel $this->pagehook = $page = add_options_page( __( 'Pareto Security Settings', $this->_textdomain ), __( 'Pareto Security Dashboard', $this->_textdomain ), 'administrator', $this->page_id, array( $this,'render' ) ); add_action( 'load-' . $this->pagehook, array( $this, 'metaboxes' ) ); add_action( "admin_print_scripts-$page", array( $this, 'js_includes' ) ); add_action( "admin_head-$page", array( $this, 'admin_head' ) ); } function admin_head() { ?> <style> .settings_page_pareto_security_settings label { display:inline-block; width: 400px; } code{ direction: ltr; text-align: left; } code {font-size:1.0em; margin: 0px; padding:3px; background-color:transparent; color: #3E3E3E} </style> <?php } function js_includes() { // Needed to allow metabox layout and close functionality. wp_enqueue_script( 'postbox' ); } /* Sanitize our plugin settings array as needed. */ function sanitize_theme_options( $options ) { if ( is_array( $options ) ) { foreach ( $options as $key => $val ) { if ( $key != 'safe_list' && false === $this->integ_prop( $val ) || $val > 1 ) { $options[ $key ] = 0; } elseif ( $this->cmpstr( $val, 'safe_list' ) ) { $options[ 'safe_list' ] = $this->cleanRequestInput( $val ); } else { $options[ $key ] = ( int ) $val; } } return $options; } } /* Settings access functions. */ protected function get_field_name( $name ) { return sprintf( '%s[%s]', $this->settings_field, $name ); } protected function get_field_id( $id ) { return sprintf( '%s[%s]', $this->settings_field, $id ); } protected function get_field_value( $option, $key ) { return $option[ $key ]; } function cleanRequestInput( $input ) { if ( function_exists( 'filter_var' ) && defined( 'FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING' ) ) { if ( false !== ( bool ) filter_var( $input, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ) ) { return $input; } else return false; } } /* Render settings page. */ function render() { global $wp_meta_boxes; $title = esc_html( 'Pareto Security Dashboard', $this->_textdomain ); ?> <div class="wrap"> <table style="text-align: left;"> <tr> <td><img src="<?php echo plugins_url( 'pareto-security/img/icon.png' ); ?>"> </td> <td><h1><?php echo esc_html( $title ); ?></h1></td> </tr> </table> <form name="LogFile" method="post" action="options.php"> <div class="metabox-holder"> <div class="postbox-container" style="width: 99%;"> <?php // Render metaboxes settings_fields( $this->settings_field ); do_meta_boxes( $this->pagehook, 'main', null ); if ( isset( $wp_meta_boxes[ $this->pagehook ][ 'column2' ] ) ) do_meta_boxes( $this->pagehook, 'column2', null ); ?> </div> </div> </form> </div> <!-- Needed to allow metabox layout and close functionality. --> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ jQuery(document).ready( function ($) { // close postboxes that should be closed $('.if-js-closed').removeClass('if-js-closed').addClass('closed'); // postboxes setup postboxes.add_postbox_toggles('<?php echo $this->pagehook; ?>'); }); //]]> </script> <?php } function metaboxes() { add_meta_box( 'pareto-security-settings-version', esc_html( 'Information', $this->_textdomain ), array( $this, 'info_box' ), $this->pagehook, 'main', 'high' ); add_meta_box( 'pareto-security-settings-notes', esc_html( 'Notes:', $this->_textdomain ), array( $this, 'notes_box' ), $this->pagehook, 'main' ); add_meta_box( 'pareto-security-settings-conditions', esc_html( 'Custom Settings', $this->_textdomain ), array( $this, 'condition_box' ), $this->pagehook, 'main' ); if ( false !== ( bool ) $this->_adv_mode ) add_meta_box( 'pareto-security-settings-domainlist', esc_html( 'Domain Name Safe List:', $this->_textdomain ), array( $this, 'safelist_box' ), $this->pagehook, 'main' ); add_meta_box( 'pareto-security-settings-save', esc_html( 'Save All Settings', $this->_textdomain ), array( $this, 'save_settings' ), $this->pagehook, 'main' ); add_meta_box( 'pareto-security-settings-donations', esc_html( 'Donations', $this->_textdomain ), array( $this, 'donations_box' ), $this->pagehook, 'main' ); add_meta_box( 'pareto-security-settings-logs', esc_html( 'Last 100 Incidents', $this->_textdomain ), array( $this, 'logfile_box' ), $this->pagehook, 'main' ); } function safelist_box() { if ( false === $this->_adv_mode ) return; $is_https = ( ( array_key_exists( 'HTTPS', $_SERVER ) && $this->cmpstr( "on", @$_SERVER[ "HTTPS" ] ) ) || ( false !== getenv( 'HTTPS' ) && array_key_exists( 'HTTPS', getenv() ) && $this->cmpstr( "on", getenv( "HTTPS" ) ) ) ) ? true : false; $http = ( false !== $is_https ) ? 'https://' : 'http://'; $url = str_replace( 'www.', '', $this->get_http_host() ); $hsts_url = '' . $url; $hsts_link = '<a target="_blank" href="' . $hsts_url . '">' . $hsts_url . '</a>'; ?> <table style="text-align: left;"> <tr> <td><b>Status:</b> ( <?php echo ( ( false === ( bool ) $this->_adv_mode ) ? esc_html( 'To enable, set to Advanced Mode above', $this->_textdomain ) : esc_html( 'Enabled', $this->_textdomain ) ); ?> ) <ol> <li><?php echo esc_html( 'List every domain name associated with your website here (including subdomains).', $this->_textdomain ); ?></li> <li><?php echo _e( 'One domain name per line: (i.e ' . $this->get_http_host() . ' - without <code>' . $http . '</code> scheme/protocol and double forward slashes)', $this->_textdomain ) ?></li> <textarea <?php echo ( false === ( bool ) $this->_adv_mode ) ? esc_html( 'disabled', $this->_textdomain ) : ''; ?> name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( 'safe_list', $this->_textdomain ); ?>" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( 'safe_list' ); ?>" rows="3" cols="30"><?php echo $this->options[ 'safe_list' ]; ?></textarea> <?php if ( false !== $is_https ) ?><li><?php echo _e( 'Register your domain with Google Chromes preload list ' . $hsts_link, $this->_textdomain ); ?></li> </ol></td> </tr> </table> <?php } function save_settings() { ?> <table style="text-align: left;"> <tr> <td><input type="submit" class="button button-primary" name="save_options" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Save Options', $this->_textdomain ); ?>" /></td> </tr> </table> <?php } function info_box() { ?> <table style="text-align: left;"> <tr> <td><strong><?php echo esc_html( 'Version:', $this->_textdomain ); ?></strong> <?php echo self::PARETO_VERSION; ?> <?php echo '&middot;'; ?> <strong><?php esc_html( 'Released:', $this->_textdomain ); ?></strong><?php echo PARETO_RELEASE_DATE; ?> ( <?php echo $this->time_zone; ?> )</td> <td><strong><?php echo esc_html( 'Author:', $this->_textdomain ); ?></strong> <a target="_blank" href="">@te_taipo</a></td> <td><strong><?php echo esc_html( 'Web:', $this->_textdomain ); ?></strong> <a target="_blank" href=""></a></td> <td><strong><?php echo esc_html( 'Email:', $this->_textdomain ); ?></strong> [email protected]</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=3><strong><?php echo esc_html( 'Rate This Plugin:', $this->_textdomain ); ?></strong> <a href="" target="_blank"><?php echo esc_html( 'Rate this plugin 5 stars on', $this->_textdomain ); ?></a> </td> </tr> </table> <?php } function donations_box() { ?> <p><strong>Go to</strong> <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p> <?php } function condition_box() { ?> <div class="divTopTable"> <div class="divTableBody"> <div class="divTopTableRow"> <div class="divTopTableCell"> <div class="divMainTable"> <div class="divMainTableBody"> <div class="divTableRow"> <div class="divHeaders"><strong>&nbsp;<strong><?php echo esc_html( 'Standard Mode:', $this->_textdomain ); ?></strong></strong></div> <div class="divHeaders"><strong>&nbsp;<strong><?php echo esc_html( 'Advanced Mode:', $this->_textdomain ); ?></strong></strong></div> </div> <div class="divTableRow"> <div class="divTableCell"> <dl> <dt>&nbsp;&nbsp;- <strong><?php echo _e( 'Standard Mode</strong> is the <strong>Recommended Setting!!!</strong>', $this->_textdomain ); ?></dt> <dt>&nbsp;&nbsp;- <?php echo esc_html( 'Hard ban attempts to attack the webserver', $this->_textdomain ); ?></dt> <dt>&nbsp;&nbsp;- <?php echo esc_html( 'Hard ban attempts to inject malicious code into the database', $this->_textdomain ); ?></dt> <dt>&nbsp;&nbsp;- <?php echo esc_html( 'Hard ban injection attempts via browser user-agents', $this->_textdomain ); ?></dt> <dt>&nbsp;&nbsp;- <?php echo esc_html( 'Lockdown Mode: Auto Detect Denial of Service Attack', $this->_textdomain ); ?></dt> <dt>&nbsp;&nbsp;- <?php echo esc_html( 'Advanced POST Filtering', $this->_textdomain ); ?></dt> <dt>&nbsp;&nbsp;- <?php echo esc_html( 'Filter login attempts :: detect and ban User/Password Cracking Attack', $this->_textdomain ); ?></dt> <dt>&nbsp;&nbsp;- <?php echo esc_html( 'XML-RPC Flood Protection - detect and ban User/Password Cracking Attack', $this->_textdomain ); ?></dt> </dl> </div> <div class="divTableCell"> <div class="divTable"> <div class="divTableBody"> <div class="divTableRow"> <div class="divAdvancedMode"><input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( 'ban_mode' ); ?>" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'ban_mode' ); ?>" value="1" /> <label class="container"><input type="checkbox" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( 'advanced_mode' ); ?>" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'advanced_mode' ); ?>" value="1" <?php if ( ( isset( $this->options[ 'advanced_mode' ] ) && false !== ( bool ) $this->options[ 'advanced_mode' ] ) || false !== ( bool ) $this->_adv_mode ) { ?>checked<?php } ?> /> <span class="checkmark"></span></label> </div> <div class="divAdvancedMode"><label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'advanced_mode' ); ?>"><?php _e( '<b>Set Advanced Mode</b>', $this->_textdomain ); ?></label></div> </div> <div class="divTableRow"> <div class="divAdvancedMode">&nbsp;</div> <div class="divAdvancedMode"><?php echo esc_html( '- Advanced filtering of the server host variable', $this->_textdomain ); ?> <br><?php echo esc_html( '- Domain Name Safe List', $this->_textdomain ); ?> </div> </div> <?php /* ?> <div class="divTableRow"> <div class="divAdvancedMode"> <label class="container"><input type="checkbox" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( 'tor_block' ); ?>" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'tor_block' ); ?>" value="1" <?php if ( isset( $this->options[ 'tor_block' ] ) && isset( $this->options[ 'advanced_mode' ] ) && $this->_tor_block == 1 ) { ?>checked<?php } ?> /> <span class="checkmark"></span></label></div> <div class="divAdvancedMode"><label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'tor_block' ); ?>"><?php _e( '<strong>Block Tor Access</strong> WARNING: If you use Tor to access your admin, DO NOT ENABLE THIS!', $this->_textdomain ); ?></label></div> </div> <div class="divTableRow"> <div class="divAdvancedMode">&nbsp;</div> <div class="divAdvancedMode"> <?php echo esc_html( 'Prevent Tor users from:', $this->_textdomain ); ?> <br><?php echo esc_html( '- making log-in attempts, accessing XMLRPC', $this->_textdomain ); ?> <br><?php echo esc_html( '- making comments or using contact forms, search functions', $this->_textdomain ); ?></div> </div> <?php */ ?> <div class="divTableRow"> <div class="divAdvancedMode"> <label class="container"><input type="checkbox" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( 'hard_ban_mode' ); ?>" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'hard_ban_mode' ); ?>" value="1" <?php if ( isset( $this->options[ 'hard_ban_mode' ] ) && false !== ( bool ) $this->_hard_ban_mode ) { ?>checked<?php } ?> /> <span class="checkmark"></span></label></div> <div class="divAdvancedMode"><label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'hard_ban_mode' ); ?>"><?php _e( '<strong>Hard Ban Mode</strong>', $this->_textdomain ); ?></label></div> </div> <div class="divTableRow"> <div class="divAdvancedMode">&nbsp;</div> <div class="divAdvancedMode">- Ban irregular user-agent/crawlers</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <br> <label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'email_report' ); ?>" class="container"><?php echo _e( '<b>Email Notification:</b> Receive periodic notifications (every 5 events) of high/medium severity attacks', $this->_textdomain ); ?> <input type="checkbox" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( 'email_report' ); ?>" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'email_report' ); ?>" value="1" <?php if ( ( isset( $this->options[ 'email_report' ] ) && false !== ( bool ) $this->options[ 'email_report' ] ) ) { ?>checked<?php } ?> /><span class="checkmark"></span></label> <?php } function notes_box() { $mode = esc_html( 'Standard Mode', $this->_textdomain ); $mode = ( false === ( bool ) $this->_adv_mode ) ? esc_html( 'Standard Mode', $this->_textdomain ) : esc_html( 'Advanced Mode', $this->_textdomain ); $mode = ( false !== ( bool ) $this->_tor_block ) ? esc_html( 'Advanced Mode, Tor Block Mode', $this->_textdomain ) : esc_html( $mode, $this->_textdomain ); $mode = ( false !== ( bool ) $this->_hard_ban_mode ) ? $mode . ', ' . esc_html( 'Hard Ban Mode', $this->_textdomain ) : esc_html( $mode, $this->_textdomain ); $mode = ( false !== $this->lockdown_status ) ? esc_html( 'Lockdown', $this->_textdomain ) : $mode; $ban_type = ( false !== ( bool ) $this->_adv_mode && false !== ( bool ) $this->_hard_ban_mode ) ? esc_html( 'Low, Medium and High severity requests added to banned IP list', $this->_textdomain ) : esc_html( 'Medium and High severity requests added to banned IP list', $this->_textdomain ); $is_nginx = ( false === strpos( strtolower( $_SERVER[ "SERVER_SOFTWARE" ] ), "nginx" ) ) ? false : true; ?> <ul> <li><?php echo esc_html( '+ Status:', $this->_textdomain ); ?> <i><?php echo $mode; ?></i></li> <li><?php echo esc_html( '+ Server:', $this->_textdomain ); ?> <?php echo ( strlen( $_SERVER[ "SERVER_SOFTWARE" ] ) > 14 ) ? trim( substr( $_SERVER[ "SERVER_SOFTWARE" ], 0, 14 ) ) . "..." : $_SERVER[ "SERVER_SOFTWARE" ]; ?></li> <?php if ( false !== $this->htapath() && false === $this->is_iis() ) { ?> <?php if ( false === $is_nginx ) { ?><li><?php echo _e( '+ Your <code>.htaccess</code> is configured correctly in <code>' . $this->get_dir() . '</code>', $this->_textdomain ); ?></li> <li><?php echo _e( '+ There ' . ( ( $this->cmpstr( $this->ip_count, 1 ) ) ? 'is' : 'are' ) . ' currently [ ' . ( empty( $this->ip_count ) ? 0 : $this->ip_count ) . ' ] unique IP addresses banned by Pareto Security', $this->_textdomain ); ?></li> <li>+ <?php echo ( $this->_adv_mode ) ? esc_html( 'Hard Ban', $this->_textdomain ) : esc_html( 'Soft Ban', $this->_textdomain ); ?>: <?php echo $ban_type; ?></li> <?php } else { ?> <?php if ( false === $is_nginx ) { ?><li><?php echo _e( '- Your <code>.htaccess</code> file cannot be written to in <code>' . $this->get_dir() . '</code> Pareto Security will still soft ban attack vectors.', $this->_textdomain ); ?></li><?php } ?> <?php if ( false !== $is_nginx ) { ?><li><?php echo _e( '+ NGINX does not use .htaccess to ban IP addresses. Pareto Security will still block all attack vectors.', $this->_textdomain ); ?></li><?php } ?> <?php if ( false === $is_nginx ) { ?><li><?php echo esc_html( '- Hard Ban:', $this->_textdomain ); ?> <?php echo $ban_type; ?></li><?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <li><?php echo ( ( version_compare( phpversion(), '7.0', '>=' ) ) ? _e( '+ ', $this->_textdomain ) : _e( '- ', $this->_textdomain ) ) . _e( 'Your server is running PHP version ' . substr( phpversion(), 0, 3 ), $this->_textdomain ); ?> <?php echo ( version_compare( phpversion(), '7.0', '>=' ) ) ? _e( ' &#x2713&#x2713&#x2713; ', $this->_textdomain ) : _e( ' <b>WARNING:</b> This version is insecure. Contact your webhost to upgrade to at least PHP 7.0', $this->_textdomain ); ?></li> </ul> <?php } function logfile_box() { ?> <table style="width: 100%; text-align: left; background-color: #C9C9C9;"> <tr> <td> <table class="hoverTable" style="width: 100%; text-align: left;"> <tbody> <tr style="background-color:#5F607B"> <td style="padding:0px 3px 3px 3px;width:100px;color:#FFFFFF"><b><?php echo esc_html( 'Date-Time:', $this->_textdomain ); ?></b></font></td> <td style="padding:0px 3px 3px 3px;width:70px;color:#FFFFFF"><b><?php echo esc_html( 'Severity:', $this->_textdomain ); ?></b></font></td> <td style="padding:0px 3px 3px 3px;width:120px;color:#FFFFFF"><b><?php echo esc_html( 'Source IP Address:', $this->_textdomain ); ?></b></font></td> <td style="padding:0px 3px 3px 3px;width:50px;color:#FFFFFF"><b><?php echo esc_html( 'Req:', $this->_textdomain ); ?></b></font></td> <td style="padding:0px 3px 3px 3px;width:100px;color:#FFFFFF"><b><?php echo esc_html( 'Filename:', $this->_textdomain ); ?></b></font></td> <td style="padding:0px 3px 3px 3px;color:#FFFFFF"><b><?php echo esc_html( 'Vector:', $this->_textdomain ); ?></b></font></td> <td style="padding:0px 3px 3px 3px;color:#FFFFFF;width:30px;"><input name="multiselect" type="checkbox" onclick="javascript:checkAll('LogFile', true);" /></td> </tr> <?php $mylogs = array(); $mylogs_fin = array(); $mylogs = $this->logs; $i = 0; $text_color = "#e68735"; while ( $i <= 99 ) { if ( isset( $mylogs[ $i ] ) ) { $row_colour = ''; // = ( $i % 2 == 0 ) ? "#F3F3F3" : "#FFFFFF"; $req_var = explode( " ", $mylogs[ $i ] ); if ( $this->cmpstr( strtolower( $req_var[ 1 ] ), "low" ) ) { $text_color = "#517ecf"; } elseif ( $this->cmpstr( $req_var[ 1 ], "Medium" ) ) { $text_color = "#e68735"; } elseif ( empty( $req_var[ 1 ] ) ) { $req_var[ 1 ] = "Medium"; $text_color = "#e68735"; } else $text_color = "#c72b2c"; $mylogs_fin[ $i ] = $mylogs[ $i ]; $ip_addr = ( false !== $this->check_ip( $req_var[ 2 ], true ) ) ? $req_var[ 2 ] : ''; if ( false === $this->is_server( $req_var[ 2 ] ) ) { $ip_addr = ( false !== ( bool ) $this->check_ip( $req_var[ 2 ], true ) ) ? ' <a target="_blank" href="' . $req_var[ 2 ] . '&run=networktools">[Blacklist]</a><a target="_blank" href="' . $req_var[ 2 ] . '">' . $req_var[ 2 ] . '</a>' : 'Invalid IP'; } if ( $this->cmpstr( $req_var[ 1 ], "Safe" ) ) { $req_var[ 0 ] = str_replace( '%20', ' ', $req_var[ 0 ] ); $text_color = "#517ecf"; } $this_timestamp = ( false !== is_numeric( $req_var[ 0 ] ) ) ? $this->set_timestamp( $req_var[ 0 ] ): $req_var[ 0 ]; $uuid = ( isset( $req_var[ 6 ] ) ) ? sha1( preg_replace( "/[\n]/i", "", $req_var[ 6 ] ) ) : ''; $ulid = ( !empty( $uuid ) ) ? "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ulid_" . $i . "\" value=\"" . $uuid . "\" /> <input title=\"Select Entry to Delete\" id=\"row" . $i . "\" class =\"checkbox\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"ulid_check_" . substr( $uuid, 0, 6 ) . "\"/> <input title=\"Delete Entries\" type=\"submit\" class=\"del-button\" name=\"save_options\" value=\"" . esc_html( 'x', $this->_textdomain ) . "\" />" : 'N/A'; if ( $req_var[ 1 ] != "Safe" ) { $this_timestamp = ( false !== strpos( $this_timestamp, 'AM' ) || false !== strpos( $this_timestamp, 'PM' ) ) ? ( false !== strpos( $this_timestamp, 'AM' ) ? substr( $this_timestamp, 0, strpos( $this_timestamp, 'AM' ) ) . ' AM' : substr( $this_timestamp, 0, strpos( $this_timestamp, 'PM' ) ) . ' PM' ) : $this_timestamp ; } $attack_string = str_replace( '%20', " ", preg_replace( "/[\n]/i", "", stripslashes( $req_var[ 5 ] ) ) ); $attack_string = ( strlen( $attack_string ) > $this->_trim_log_entry ) ? substr( $attack_string, 0, ( $this->_trim_log_entry - 1 ) ) . "..." : $attack_string; $t = strtolower( $this->url_decoder( $attack_string ) ); preg_match_all( "/exec|svg|javascript|script|alert|prompt|onload|onerror|fromcharcode|img src|iframe|vbscript|msgbox/i", $t, $matches ); if ( !empty( $matches ) && ( count( $matches ) > 0 || count( $matches[ 0 ] ) > 0 ) ) { $matches = array_unique( $matches[ 0 ] ); foreach( $matches as $match ) { $t = str_replace( $match, preg_replace( '/^.{2}/', "$0 ", $match ), $t ); } $attack_string = $t; } echo "<tr style=\"font-size:11px;font-family:Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:#3E3E3E;background-color:" . $row_colour . "\">" . " <td title=\"Click Row to Select Log Entry\" onclick=\"checkRow(this, 'row" . $i . "');\" style=\"padding:3px 3px 3px 3px;vertical-align:top;width:100px; white-space: nowrap\">" . $this_timestamp . "</td>" . " <td title=\"Click Row to Select Log Entry\" onclick=\"checkRow(this, 'row" . $i . "');\" style=\"padding:3px 3px 3px 3px; vertical-align:top;text-align:center; width:70px; white-space: nowrap; font-weight: bold; color:" . $text_color . "\">" . $req_var[ 1 ] . "</td>" . " <td title=\"Click Row to Select Log Entry\" onclick=\"checkRow(this, 'row" . $i . "');\" style=\"padding:3px 3px 3px 3px; vertical-align:top; width:120px; white-space: nowrap\">" . $ip_addr . "</td>" . " <td title=\"Click Row to Select Log Entry\" onclick=\"checkRow(this, 'row" . $i . "');\" style=\"padding:3px 3px 3px 3px; vertical-align:top; text-align:center; width:50px; white-space: nowrap\">" . $req_var[ 3 ] . "</td>" . " <td title=\"Click Row to Select Log Entry\" onclick=\"checkRow(this, 'row" . $i . "');\" style=\"padding:3px 3px 3px 3px; vertical-align:top; width:100px; white-space: nowrap\">" . $req_var[ 4 ] . "</td>" . " <td title=\"Click Row to Select Log Entry\" onclick=\"checkRow(this, 'row" . $i . "');\" style=\"padding:3px 3px 3px 3px; vertical-align:top;\">" . $attack_string . "</td>" . " <td style=\"padding:3px 3px 3px 3px; vertical-align:top;width:30px;white-space: nowrap\">" . $ulid . "</td></tr>"; } else break; $i++; } ?> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <?php } function do_settings_box() { if ( ( false !== ( bool ) defined( 'WP_ADMIN' ) && false !== WP_ADMIN ) && ( false !== ( bool ) is_admin() ) ) { do_settings_sections( $this->_textdomain ); } } } // end class else: // pareto_settings.php called directly require_once( 'pareto_functions.php' ); $ParetoSecurity = new pareto_functions(); $ParetoSecurity->send403(); endif;