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File: required/api.php

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File: required/api.php
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Description: Example script
Class: WP Crowd Fund
Promote crowd-funding campaigns on WordPress sites
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<?php /** * Campaign Tags * These tags provide info for a given campaign, all asume the global $post is populated with a * campaign (to be used within "the loop"). All except an boolean parameter (defaulted to true). * When this paramater is true, the tag will echo the results, passing it false will cause the * tag to return the results. All campaign tags return the same value they would echo except * wpcf_perks which will render results using a template when passed true, or return an array * when passed false. **/ // the number of backers for a campaign function wpcf_backers($echo=true){ $backers = 0; $perks = wpcf_perks(false); if(is_array($perks)){ $perk_ids = array(); foreach($perks as $perk){ $perk_ids[] = $perk['id']; } global $post; $perk_ids[] = $post->ID; $backers = array(); if(!empty($perk_ids)){ foreach($perk_ids as $pid){ $backers += get_children(array( 'post_parent' => $pid, 'post_type' => 'wpcf-backer', 'post_status' => 'publish', )); } } $backers = count($backers); } if($echo) echo $backers; else return $backers; } // the campaign's goal function wpcf_goal($echo=true){ global $post; $goal = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'settings_target', true); if($echo) echo $goal; else return $goal; } // the amount contributed to the campaign (money) function wpcf_contributed($echo=true, $percent=false){ $contributed = 0; $perks = wpcf_perks(false); global $post; if(is_array($perks)){ $perk_ids = array(); foreach($perks as $perk){ $perk_ids[] = $perk['id']; } $perk_ids[] = $post->ID; $backers = array(); if(!empty($perk_ids)){ foreach($perk_ids as $pid){ $backers += get_children(array( 'post_parent' => $pid, 'post_type' => 'wpcf-backer', 'post_status' => 'publish', )); } } if(!empty($backers)){ foreach($backers as $backer){ $backer_contributed = get_post_meta($backer->ID, 'amount', true); $contributed += $backer_contributed; } } } if($percent){ $goal = (float) str_replace(',', '', wpcf_goal(false)); if(!$contributed){ }elseif(!$goal && $contributed){ $contributed = 100; }else{ $contributed = ceil(($contributed / $goal) * 100); if($contributed>100) $contributed=100; } } if($echo) echo $contributed; else return $contributed; } // days left in the campaign function wpcf_days_left($echo=true){ global $post; $date = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'settings_date', true); $date = strtotime($date); $now = strtotime('now'); $seconds_left = $date - $now; $minutes_left = $seconds_left / 60; $hours_left = $minutes_left / 60; $days_left = ceil($hours_left / 24); if($echo) echo $days_left; else return $days_left; } // the last day of the campaign function wpcf_end_date($echo=true){ global $post; $date = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'settings_date', true); $date = strtotime($date); $date = strftime('%h %e, %Y', $date); if($echo) echo $date; else return $date; } // the perks for the campaign function wpcf_perks($format=true){ global $post, $perks; $perks = array(); //if(!is_array($perks) || empty($perks)){ $children = get_children(array( 'post_parent' => $post->ID, 'post_type' => 'wpcf-perk', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'order' => 'ASC', 'orderby' => 'meta_value_num', 'meta_key' => 'order', )); if(empty($children)) return false; $perks = array(); foreach($children as $child){ $perk['id'] = $child->ID; $perk['title'] = $child->post_title; $perk['description'] = $child->post_content; $custom = get_post_custom($child->ID); $perk['cost'] = $custom['cost'][0]; $perk['limit'] = $custom['limit'][0]; $perk['sold'] = isset($custom['sold']) ? $custom['sold'][0] : 0; $perk['sold'] += count($custom['hold']); $perk['sold_out'] = false; $perk['remaining'] = __('Unlimited', 'wp crowd fund'); if($perk['limit']){ $perk['remaining'] = $perk['limit'] - $perk['sold']; if($perk['sold']>=$perk['limit']) $perk['sold_out'] = true; } $perks[] = $perk; } usort($perks, "costsort"); if(empty($perks)) return false; //} if(!$format) return $perks; div(array('class' => 'wpcf-campaign-perks-template')); include(wpcf_template_include(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/templates/wpcf-campaign-perks-template.php')); div('/'); } /** * Perk Functions * These functions are all passed a perk and either return or echo information about the perk **/ // the amount the perk costs function wpcf_perk_amount($perk){ echo "\${$perk['cost']}"; } // the perk title function wpcf_perk_title($perk){ echo $perk['title']; } // the perk description function wpcf_perk_description($perk){ echo $perk['description']; } // the number of perks sold function wpcf_perk_sold($perk){ echo $perk['sold']; } // the number remaing (or "unlimited") function wpcf_perk_remaining($perk){ if($perk['limit']==0) echo $perk['remaining']; else echo sprintf(__('%d of %d remaining', 'wp crowd fund'), $perk['remaining'], $perk['limit']); } // boolean - is the perk sold out? function wpcf_perk_soldout($perk){ return $perk['sold_out']; } // order perks by cost function costsort($a, $b){ if ($a['cost'] == $b['cost']) return 0; return ($a < $b) ? -1 : 1; } /** Contribute Buttons * These functions are used in the templates is assigning required classes and ids to certain buttons. * These functions should be used as the are in the example templates, so as not to break the javascript functionality. **/ // the class for the buttons you click to contribute and choose a certain perk // used in templates/wpcf-campaign-perks-template.php function wpcf_perk_button_required_classes(){ echo 'wpcf-perk-button '; } // the ids for the buttons you click to contribute and choose a certain perk // used in templates/wpcf-campaign-perks-template.php function wpcf_perk_button_required_id($perk){ echo 'wpcf-perk-button-' . $perk['id']; } /** Form Functions * These functions are used in creating form elements for users to complete the contribution form. **/ // the form itself, check the included template file to see how fields are implemented function wpcf_contribute_form(){ global $post; $perks = wpcf_perks(false); div(array('class' => 'wpcf-campaign-contribute-template')); include(wpcf_template_include(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/templates/wpcf-campaign-contribute-template.php')); div('/'); } // the input to allow a user to choose their perk function wpcf_contribute_perks_input($echo=true, $id_only=false){ $id = ''; if($id_only){ if($echo) echo $id; else return $id; }else{ global $post; $perks = wpcf_perks(false); div(array('class' => 'wpcf-campaign-contribute-perks-template')); include(wpcf_template_include(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/templates/wpcf-campaign-contribute-perks-template.php')); div('/'); } } // the amount (dollar value) of the backer's contribution function wpcf_contribute_amount_input($echo=true, $id_only=false, $class=false){ $id = 'wpcf-contribute-amount'; return __wpcf_contribute_text_input($id, $echo, $id_only, $class); } // the backer's name function wpcf_contribute_name_input($echo=true, $id_only=false, $class=false){ $id = 'wpcf-contribute-name'; return __wpcf_contribute_text_input($id, $echo, $id_only, $class); } // the backer's email function wpcf_contribute_email_input($echo=true, $id_only=false, $class=false){ $id = 'wpcf-contribute-email'; return __wpcf_contribute_text_input($id, $echo, $id_only, $class); } // the backer's comments function wpcf_contribute_comments_input($echo=true, $id_only=false, $class=false){ $id = 'wpcf-contribute-comments'; return __wpcf_contribute_textarea_input($id, $echo, $id_only, $class); } function wpcf_contribute_anonymous_checkbox($echo=true, $id_only=false, $class=false){ $id = 'wpcf-contribute-anonymous'; return __wpcf_contribute_checkbox_input($id, $echo, $id_only, $class); } // an individual radio button for a perk selection function wpcf_contribute_perk_radio($perk, $echo=true){ $radio = '<input ' . checked($_POST['wpcf-contribute-perk'], $perk['id'], false) . ' data-min-contribution="' . str_replace(',', '', $perk['cost']) . '" type="radio" name="wpcf-contribute-perk" value="' . $perk['id'] . '" />'; if(!$echo) return $radio; echo $radio; } // value used to identify a no-reward contribution function wpcf_no_reward_value(){ return 'no'; } // a button to edit a contribution from the confirmation screen function wpcf_edit_contribution_button($text){ echo '<form method="post">'; if(!empty($_POST)){ foreach($_POST as $k => $v){ if(is_string($v)){ echo '<input type="hidden" name="' . $k . '" value="' . $v . '" />'; } } } echo '<input type="hidden" name="wpcf-edit-contribution" value="wpcf-edit-contribution" />'; echo '<input type="submit" value="' . $text . '" />'; echo '</form>'; } // returns a boolean of whether or not the current contribution form is an edit or not function wpcf_is_edit_contribution(){ return isset($_POST['wpcf-edit-contribution']); } // genereic fields used to capture additional informaion from a backer (like address) // extra fields are defined in templates/wpcf-campaign-contributor-fields.php function wpcf_contributor_text_field($name, $echo=true, $id_only=false){ return _wpcf_contributor_field('text', $name, $echo, $id_only); } function wpcf_contributor_textarea($name, $echo=true, $id_only=false){ return _wpcf_contributor_field('textarea', $name, $echo, $id_only); } function wpcf_contributor_label($name, $echo=true, $id_only=false){ return _wpcf_contributor_field('label', $name, $echo, $id_only); } // the confirmation button for the confirmation page (templates/wpcf-campaign-contribute-confirmation-template.php) function wpcf_confirmation_button($button_text){ ?> <form method="post"> <input type="submit" name="confirm-contribution" class="confirm-contribution" value="<?php echo $button_text; ?>" /> </form> <?php } // the cancel button for the confirmation page (templates/wpcf-campaign-contribute-confirmation-template.php) function wpcf_cancel_contribution_button($button_text){ ?> <form method="post"> <input type="submit" name="cancel-contribution" class="cancel-contribution" value="<?php echo $button_text; ?>" /> </form> <?php }