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File: data/chatGPT/learn_LaTexP.tex
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Class: LaTeXP Decoder
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?ccc # **??????? ?????????????? LaTexP** -- ccc ### **??????????? ??????? (?????? ? LaTexP)** - ###### "######" ? ?????? ?????? -> tag h6. ##### "#####" ? ?????? ?????? -> tag h5. #### "####" ? ?????? ?????? -> tag h4. ### "###" ? ?????? ?????? -> tag h3. ## "##" ? ?????? ?????? -> tag h2. # "#" ? ?????? ?????? -> tag h1. ### ccc "ccc " ? ?????? ?????? ????????????? ?? ?????? ***????????? ?????????? ? ??????? ?????????*** * -???????? ??????? ?????? - **????????? ?????????? ? ??????? ?????????** -???????? ????? ?????? - * ????????? ?????????? ? ????????? ?????????* -???????? ?????? (??????? ??? ????????????? ? ???????? ?? ??????? ? ?????? ????????) * - -__ (????? ???? 2 ???????) ????????? ??????? ?????? (?????? (-) ? ?????????????? ?????? \(-\) ??????? ??? ???????? ????? ???) -- --_ (??? ?????? ???? ??????)????????? ??????? ?????? ? ?????? ???????? ???????? - "-""-""-" (??? ???? ??????) ????????? ?????????????? ????? - ``` ` ` ` (??? ???????? ???????) ?????? ?????? ?????? ??????? - // (??????? ???? ? ??????) - ??????????? ?????? ??????? ????? ?????? - ! ! ! (??? ?????. ????? ??????) - ????? ?????? ?? ????????? - !!! ??? ????????? ??????????? ?? ?? ????????? ?? ????? ??? ????? ???????????? ??? ????????? ??????????? ????, ???? ?????? ????????, ?????? ???????? ? ???. - ___ (_ _ _) -??????? ????????????? ?????? ?????? ??????????? ??????? --- - - - ccc ### **???????? ??????? LaTex** -- - ?????????, ?????????? ????????? MathJax ???? ???????? ? ?????????????? ???????? ?????? ??????: - ??????? => ??????? ????? ? ??????, - ??????????=> ??????? ????? ??????????????? ?? ?????? - -- ###### ??????: \ ( ?????????? ??????? \ ) ??? ?????????????? ? ?????? - \ [ ?????????? ??????? \ ] ??? ?????????????? ?? ?????? ???????? - --- - - ccc ## ????????? MathJax -- **1. ?????????????? ???????:** - `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, `=` \[ {+} , {-} , {* }, {/} , {=} \] - `\alpha`, `\beta`, `\gamma`, `\delta`, `\epsilon`, `\zeta`, `\eta`, `\theta`, `\iota`, `\kappa`, `\lambda`, `\mu`, `\nu`, `\xi`, `\pi`, `\rho`, `\sigma`, `\tau`, `\upsilon`, `\phi`, `\chi`, `\psi`, `\omega` \[ {\alpha}, {\beta}, {\gamma}, {\delta}, {\epsilon}, {\zeta}, {\eta}, {\theta}, {\iota}, {\kappa}, {\lambda}, {\mu}, {\nu}, {\xi}, {\pi}, {\rho}, {\sigma}, {\tau}, {\upsilon}, {\phi}, {\chi}, {\psi}, {\omega} \] - `\Gamma`, `\Delta`, `\Theta`, `\Lambda`, `\Xi`, `\Pi`, `\Sigma`, `\Upsilon`, `\Phi`, `\Psi`, `\Omega` \[ {\Gamma}, {\Delta}, {\Theta}, {\Lambda}, {\Xi}, {\Pi}, {\Sigma}, {\Upsilon}, {\Phi}, {\Psi}, {\Omega} \] --- -- **2. ???????**: ccc - `\sin`, `\cos`, `\tan`, `\cot`, `\sec`, `\csc` ccc - `\arcsin`, `\arccos`, `\arctan` ccc - `\sinh`, `\cosh`, `\tanh`, `\coth` ccc - `\log`, `\ln`, `\exp` ccc - `\max`, `\min` \[ {\sin}, {\cos}, {\tan}, {\cot}, {\sec}, {\csc},\] \[ {\arcsin}, {\arccos}, {\arctan},\] \[ {\sinh}, {\cosh}, {\tanh}, {\coth},\] \[ {\log}, {\ln}, {\exp},\] \[ {\max}, {\min}\] --- -- **3. ??????????? ???????**: ccc `\infty`, `\partial`, `\nabla`, `\forall`, `\exists`, `\emptyset`, `\varnothing` ccc `\mathbb{R}`, `\mathbb{C}`, `\mathbb{Q}`, `\mathbb{Z}`, `\mathbb{N}` ccc `\mathcal{A}`, `\mathcal{B}`, `\mathcal{C}`, `\mathcal{D}`, `\mathcal{E}`, `\mathcal{F}`, `\mathcal{G}`, ccc `\mathcal{H}`, `\mathcal{I}`, `\mathcal{J}`, `\mathcal{K}`, `\mathcal{L}`, `\mathcal{M}`, `\mathcal{N}`, ccc `\mathcal{O}`, `\mathcal{P}`, `\mathcal{Q}`, `\mathcal{R}`, `\mathcal{S}`, `\mathcal{T}`, `\mathcal{U}`, ccc `\mathcal{V}`, `\mathcal{W}`, `\mathcal{X}`, `\mathcal{Y}`, `\mathcal{Z}` \[{\infty}, {\partial}, {\nabla}, {\forall}, {\exists}, {\emptyset}, {\varnothing},\] \[{\mathbb{R}}, {\mathbb{C}}, {\mathbb{Q}}, {\mathbb{Z}}, {\mathbb{N}},\] \[{\mathcal{A}}, {\mathcal{B}}, {\mathcal{C}}, {\mathcal{D}}, {\mathcal{E}}, {\mathcal{F}}, {\mathcal{G}}, \] \[{\mathcal{H}}, {\mathcal{I}}, {\mathcal{J}}, {\mathcal{K}}, {\mathcal{L}}, {\mathcal{M}}, {\mathcal{N}}, \] \[{\mathcal{O}}, {\mathcal{P}}, {\mathcal{Q}}, {\mathcal{R}}, {\mathcal{S}}, {\mathcal{T}}, {\mathcal{U}}, \] \[{\mathcal{V}}, {\mathcal{W}}, {\mathcal{X}}, {\mathcal{Y}}, {\mathcal{Z}},\] --- -- **4. ??????? ? ???????? ?????????**: ccc - `\frac{a}{b}`, `\sqrt{x}`, `\sqrt[n]{x^2}` \[ \frac{a}{b}, \sqrt{x}, \sqrt[n]{x^2}\] --- -- **5. ????? ? ?????????**: ccc - `\sum`, `\prod`, `\int`, `\oint`, `\iint`, `\iiint`, `\iiiint` \[ {\sum}, {\prod}, {\int}, {\oint}, {\iint}, {\iiint}, {\iiiint} \] ---- -- **6. ???????**: -- ccc - '\ begin{matrix} a & b \\ c & d \ end{matrix}' \[ \begin{matrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{matrix} \] ccc - `\ begin{pmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{pmatrix}` \[ \begin{pmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{pmatrix}\] ccc - `\ begin{bmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{bmatrix}` \[\begin{bmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{bmatrix}\] ccc - `\ begin{vmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{vmatrix}` \[\begin{vmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{vmatrix}\] ccc - `\ begin{Vmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{Vmatrix}` \[\begin{Vmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{Vmatrix}\] --- -- **7. ?????????**: ccc - `\pm`, `\mp`, `\times`, `\div`, `\cdot`, `\ast`, `\star`, `\circ`, `\bullet`, `\oplus`, ccc - `\ominus`, `\otimes`, `\oslash`, `\odot`, `\dagger`, `\ddagger`, `\cap`, `\cup`, `\uplus`, ccc - `\sqcap`, `\sqcup`, `\triangleleft`, `\triangleright`, `\bigtriangleup`, `\bigtriangledown`, ccc - `\lhd`, `\rhd`, `\unlhd`, `\unrhd` \[ \pm, \mp, \times, \div, \cdot, \ast, \star, \circ, \bullet, \oplus, \] \[ \ominus, \otimes, \oslash, \odot, \dagger, \ddagger, \cap, \cup, \uplus, \] \[ \sqcap, \sqcup, \triangleleft, \triangleright, \bigtriangleup, \bigtriangledown, \] \[ \lhd, \rhd, \unlhd, \unrhd\] --- -- **8. ???????**: ccc - `\leftarrow`, `\rightarrow`, `\uparrow`, `\downarrow` ccc - `\Leftarrow`, `\Rightarrow`, `\Uparrow`, `\Downarrow` ccc - `\longleftarrow`, `\longrightarrow`, `\Longleftarrow`, `\Longrightarrow` ccc - `\mapsto`, ccc - `\hookleftarrow`, `\hookrightarrow`, `\leftharpoonup`, `\rightharpoonup`, ccc - `\leftharpoondown`, `\rightharpoondown`, `\rightleftharpoons`, `\leftrightarrows` \[ \leftarrow , \rightarrow , \uparrow , \downarrow , \] \[ \Leftarrow , \Rightarrow , \Uparrow , \Downarrow ,\] \[ \longleftarrow , \longrightarrow , \Longleftarrow , \Longrightarrow , \] \[ \mapsto , \] \[ \hookleftarrow , \hookrightarrow , \leftharpoonup , \rightharpoonup ,\] \[ \leftharpoondown , \rightharpoondown , \rightleftharpoons , \leftrightarrows \] --- -- **9. ???????????**: ccc - `\left(`, `\right)`, `\left[`, `\right]`, `\left\{`, `\right\}`, `\left|`, `\right|`, `\left\|`, `\right\|` \[ \left( , \right) , \left[ , \right] , \left\{ , \right\} , \left| , \right| , \left\| , \right\| \] --- -- **10. ??????**: ccc - `\ldots`, `\cdots`, `\vdots`, `\ddots` - `\hat{a}`, `\check{a}`, `\breve{a}`, `\acute{a}`, `\grave{a}`, `\tilde{a}`, `\bar{a}`, `\vec{a}`, `\dot{a}`, `\ddot{a}` \[ \ldots , \cdots , \vdots , \ddots, \hat{a} , \check{a} , \breve{a} , \acute{a} , \grave{a} , \tilde{a} , \bar{a} , \vec{a} , \dot{a} , \ddot{a} \] --- -- -- ccc ### ??????? ????????????? -- **1.??????? ?????**: ```latex \frac{a}{b} ``` \[ \frac{a}{b} \] -- **2. ?????????? ??????**: ```latex \sqrt{x} ``` \[ \sqrt{x} \] -- **3. ?????**: ```latex \sum_{i=1}^{n} i ``` \[ \sum_{i=1}^{n} i \] -- **4. ????????**: ```latex \int_{a}^{b} f(x) \, dx ``` \[ \int_{a}^{b} f(x) \, dx \] -- **5. ???????**: ```latex \ begin{pmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \ end{pmatrix} ``` \[ \begin{pmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{pmatrix} \] --- -- ccc ## ??????????? ????????? ?????????????? ???????? -- ### **1. ??????????????? ????? (sinh)** ??????????????? ????? ? ??? ??????????????? ???????, ??????????? ??????????????????? ??????. ??? ???????????? ????????? ???????: \[ \sinh(x) = \frac{e^x {-} e^{{-}x}}{2} \] -- ##### ???: \( e \) ? ????????? ???????????? ????????? (???????? ????? 2.71828). - \( x \) ? ???????? ???????. -- -- -- -- ### **2. ??????????????? ??????? (cosh)** ??????????????? ??????? ? ??? ??????????????? ???????, ??????????? ??????????????????? ????????. ??? ???????????? ????????? ???????: \[ \cosh(x) = \frac{e^x + e^{{-}x}}{2} \] -- ##### ???: \( e \) ? ????????? ???????????? ?????????. - \( x \) ? ???????? ???????. -- -- -- -- ### **3. ????????????** `(\prod)` ?????? ???????????? \(\prod\) ???????????? ??? ??????????? ???????????? ?????????????????? ?????. ?? ?????????? ??????? ????? \(\sum\), ?? ?????? ???????? ????????? ??????????????????, ?? ?? ???????????. \[ \prod_{i=1}^{n} a_i = a_1 \cdot a_2 \cdot \ldots \cdot a_n \] -- ##### ???: \( i \) ? ?????? ???????? ??????????????????. - \( a_i \) ? ???????? ??????????????????. - \( n \) ? ?????????? ????????? ? ??????????????????. --- -- ### **4. ???????? ????????** -`(\oint)` ?????? ????????? ????????? \(\oint\) ???????????? ??? ??????????? ????????? ?? ?????????? ???????. ?? ????? ??????????? ? ??????????? ??????? ? ????????? ??????????. -- -- ##### ?????? ????????????? ????????? ?????????: \[ \oint_C f(z) \, dz \] -- ##### ???: \( C \) ? ????????? ??????. - \( f(z) \) ? ???????, ????????????? ?? ???????. - \( z \) ? ??????????? ??????????.