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File: vendor/gabordemooij/redbean/testing/RedUNIT/Mysql/Bigint.php
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namespace RedUNIT\Mysql;

RedUNIT\Mysql as Mysql;
RedBeanPHP\Facade as R;

 * Bigint
 * Tests handling of bigint type columns for primary key IDs,
 * can we use bigint primary keys without issues ?
 * These tests should be able to detect incorrect intval
 * casts for instance.
 * @file RedUNIT/Mysql/Bigint.php
 * @desc Tests support for BIGINT primary keys.
 * @author Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community
 * @license New BSD/GPLv2
 * (c) G.J.G.T. (Gabor) de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community.
 * This source file is subject to the New BSD/GPLv2 License that is bundled
 * with this source code in the file license.txt.
class Bigint extends Mysql
     * Test BIG INT primary key support.
     * @return void
public function testBigIntSupport()
$createPageTableSQL = '
            CREATE TABLE
                id BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
                book_id BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
                magazine_id BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NULL,
                title VARCHAR(255),
                PRIMARY KEY ( id )
            ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT
            AUTO_INCREMENT = 1223372036854775808'
$createBookTableSQL = '
            CREATE TABLE
                id BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
                title VARCHAR(255),
                PRIMARY KEY ( id )
            ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT
            AUTO_INCREMENT = 2223372036854775808'
$createPagePageTableSQL = '
            CREATE TABLE
                id BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
                page_id BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
                page2_id BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
                PRIMARY KEY ( id )
            ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT
            AUTO_INCREMENT = 3223372036854775808'
R::exec( $createBookTableSQL );
R::exec( $createPageTableSQL );
R::exec( $createPagePageTableSQL );
//insert some records
$book1ID = '2223372036854775808';
$book2ID = '2223372036854775809';
$page1ID = '1223372036854775808';
$page2ID = '1223372036854775809';
$page3ID = '1223372036854775890';
$pagePage1ID = '3223372036854775808';
$insertBook1SQL = "
            INSERT INTO book (id, title) VALUES( '
$book1ID', 'book 1' );
$insertBook2SQL = "
            INSERT INTO book (id, title) VALUES( '
$book2ID', 'book 2' );
$insertPage1SQL = "
            INSERT INTO page (id, book_id, title, magazine_id) VALUES( '
$page1ID', '$book1ID', 'page 1 of book 1', '$book2ID' );
$insertPage2SQL = "
            INSERT INTO page (id, book_id, title) VALUES( '
$page2ID', '$book1ID', 'page 2 of book 1' );
$insertPage3SQL = "
            INSERT INTO page (id, book_id, title) VALUES( '
$page3ID', '$book2ID', 'page 1 of book 2' );
$insertPagePage1SQL = "
            INSERT INTO page_page (id, page_id, page2_id) VALUES( '
$pagePage1ID', '$page2ID', '$page3ID' );
R::exec( $insertBook1SQL );
R::exec( $insertBook2SQL );
R::exec( $insertPage1SQL );
R::exec( $insertPage2SQL );
R::exec( $insertPage3SQL );
R::exec( $insertPagePage1SQL );
//basic tour of basic functions....
$book1 = R::load( 'book', $book1ID );
asrt( $book1->id, $book1ID );
asrt( $book1->title, 'book 1' );
$book2 = R::load( 'book', $book2ID );
asrt( $book2->id, $book2ID );
asrt( $book2->title, 'book 2' );
asrt( count( $book1->ownPage ), 2 );
asrt( count( $book1->fresh()->with( 'LIMIT 1' )->ownPage ), 1 );
asrt( count( $book1->fresh()->withCondition( ' title = ? ', array('page 2 of book 1'))->ownPage ), 1 );
asrt( count($book2->ownPage), 1 );
asrt( $book2->fresh()->countOwn( 'page' ), 1 );
$page1 = R::load( 'page', $page1ID );
asrt( count( $page1->sharedPage ), 0 );
asrt( $page1->fetchAs( 'book' )->magazine->id, $book2ID );
$page2 = R::load( 'page', $page2ID );
asrt( count($page2->sharedPage), 1 );
asrt( $page2->fresh()->countShared( 'page' ), 1 );
$page3 = R::findOne( 'page', ' title = ? ', array( 'page 1 of book 2' ) );
asrt( $page3->id, $page3ID );
asrt( $page3->book->id, $book2ID );