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File: vendor/gabordemooij/redbean/testing/RedUNIT/Base/Copy.php

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namespace RedUNIT\Base;

RedUNIT\Base as Base;
RedBeanPHP\Facade as R;
RedBeanPHP\OODBBean as OODBBean;

 * Copy
 * Tests whether we can make a copy or a deep copy of a bean
 * and whether recursion is handled well. Also tests
 * versioning: copying can be used to implement a versioning feature,
 * some test cases will reflect this particular use case.
 * @file RedUNIT/Base/Copy.php
 * @desc Tests whether we can make a deep copy of a bean.
 * @author Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community
 * @license New BSD/GPLv2
 * (c) G.J.G.T. (Gabor) de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community.
 * This source file is subject to the New BSD/GPLv2 License that is bundled
 * with this source code in the file license.txt.
class Copy extends Base
     * Test whether recursion happens
public function testCopyRecursion()
$document = R::dispense( 'document' );
$id = R::store( $document );
$document->ownDocument[] = $document;
R::store( $document );
$duplicate = R::dup( $document );
pass(); //if RB cant handle this is will crash (nesting level error from PHP).
$id2 = R::store( $duplicate );
$duplicate = R::load( 'document', $id );
asrt( (int) $document->document_id, $id );
asrt( (int) $duplicate->document_id, $id2 );
// Export variant
$duplicate = R::exportAll( $document );
asrt( (int) $duplicate[0]['document_id'], $id );

     * Test real world scenario: Versioning
public function testVersioning()
$document = R::dispense( 'document' );
$page = R::dispense( 'page' );
$document->title = 'test';
$page->content = 'lorem ipsum';
$user = R::dispense( 'user' );
$user->name = 'Leo';
$document->sharedUser[] = $user;
$document->ownPage[] = $page;
$document->starship_id = 3;
$document->planet = R::dispense( 'planet' );
R::store( $document );
$duplicate = R::dup( $document );
R::store( $duplicate );
$duplicate = R::dup( $document );
R::store( $duplicate );
asrt( R::count( 'planet' ), 1 );
asrt( R::count( 'user' ), 1 );
asrt( R::count( 'document' ), 3 );
asrt( R::count( 'page' ), 3 );
asrt( R::count( 'spaceship' ), 0 );

     * Same as above but now with intermediate save, counts must be same
public function testVersioningIntermediateSaves()
$document = R::dispense( 'document' );
$page = R::dispense( 'page' );
$document->title = 'test';
$page->content = 'lorem ipsum';
$user = R::dispense( 'user' );
$user->name = 'Leo';
$document->sharedUser[] = $user;
$document->ownPage[] = $page;
$document->starship_id = 3;
$document->planet = R::dispense( 'planet' );
R::store( $document );
$duplicate = R::dup( $document );
R::store( $document );
R::store( $duplicate );
R::store( $document );
$duplicate = R::dup( $document );
R::store( $document );
R::store( $duplicate );
asrt( R::count( 'planet' ), 1 );
asrt( R::count( 'user' ), 1 );
asrt( R::count( 'document' ), 3 );
asrt( R::count( 'page' ), 3 );
asrt( R::count( 'spaceship' ), 0 );
// same, but now with intermediate save, counts must be same
R::freeze( TRUE );
$document = R::dispense( 'document' );
$page = R::dispense( 'page' );
$document->title = 'test';
$page->content = 'lorem ipsum';
$user = R::dispense( 'user' );
$user->name = 'Leo';
$document->sharedUser[] = $user;
$document->ownPage[] = $page;
$document->starship_id = 3;
$document->planet = R::dispense( 'planet' );
R::store( $document );
$duplicate = R::dup( $document );
R::store( $document );
R::store( $duplicate );
R::store( $document );
$duplicate = R::dup( $document );
R::store( $document );
R::store( $duplicate );
asrt( R::count( 'planet' ), 2 );
asrt( R::count( 'user' ), 2 );
asrt( R::count( 'document' ), 6 );
asrt( R::count( 'page' ), 6 );
        try {
asrt( R::count( 'spaceship' ), 0 ); }catch(\Exception $e){pass();}
R::freeze( FALSE );

     * Test Recursion
public function testRecursion()
$d1, $d2 ) = R::dispense( 'document', 2 );
$page = R::dispense( 'page' );
$p1, $p2 ) = R::dispense( 'paragraph', 2 );
$e1, $e2 ) = R::dispense( 'excerpt', 2 );
$id2 = R::store( $d2 );
$p1->name = 'a';
$p2->name = 'b';
$page->title = 'my page';
$page->ownParagraph = array( $p1, $p2 );
$p1->ownExcerpt[] = $e1;
$p2->ownExcerpt[] = $e2;
$e1->ownDocument[] = $d2;
$e2->ownDocument[] = $d1;
$d1->ownPage[] = $page;
$id1 = R::store( $d1 );
$d1 = R::load( 'document', $id1 );
$d = R::dup( $d1 );
$ids = array();
asrt( ( $d instanceof OODBBean ), TRUE );
asrt( count( $d->ownPage ), 1 );
        foreach (
end( $d->ownPage )->ownParagraph as $p ) {
            foreach (
$p->ownExcerpt as $e ) {
$ids[] = end( $e->ownDocument )->id;
sort( $ids );
asrt( (int) $ids[0], 0 );
asrt( (int) $ids[1], $id1 );
R::store( $d );
$phillies = R::dispense( 'diner' );
$lonelyman, $man, $woman ) = R::dispense( 'guest', 3 );
$attendant = R::dispense( 'employee' );
$lonelyman->name = 'Bennie Moten';
$man->name = 'Daddy Stovepipe';
$woman->name = 'Mississippi Sarah';
$attendant->name = 'Gus Cannon';
$phillies->sharedGuest = array( $lonelyman, $man, $woman );
$phillies->ownEmployee[] = $attendant;
$props = R::dispense( 'prop', 2 );
$props[0]->kind = 'cigarette';
$props[1]->kind = 'coffee';
$thought = R::dispense( 'thought' );
$thought->content = 'Blues';
$thought2 = R::dispense( 'thought' );
$thought2->content = 'Jazz';
$woman->ownProp[] = $props[0];
$man->sharedProp[] = $props[1];
$attendant->ownThought = array( $thought, $thought2 );
R::store( $phillies );
$diner = R::findOne( 'diner' );
$diner2 = R::dup( $diner );
$id2 = R::store( $diner2 );
$diner2 = R::load( 'diner', $id2 );
asrt( count( $diner->ownEmployee ), 1 );
asrt( count( $diner2->ownEmployee ), 1 );
asrt( count( $diner->sharedGuest ), 3 );
asrt( count( $diner2->sharedGuest ), 3 );
$employee = reset( $diner->ownEmployee );
asrt( count( $employee->ownThought ), 2 );
$employee = reset( $diner2->ownEmployee );
asrt( count( $employee->ownThought ), 2 );
// Can we change something in the duplicate without changing the original?
$employee->name = 'Marvin';
$thought = R::dispense( 'thought' );
$thought->content = 'depression';
$employee->ownThought[] = $thought;
array_pop( $diner2->sharedGuest );
$guest = reset( $diner2->sharedGuest );
$guest->name = 'Arthur Dent';
$id2 = R::store( $diner2 );
$diner2 = R::load( 'diner', $id2 );
asrt( count( $diner->ownEmployee ), 1 );
asrt( count( $diner2->ownEmployee ), 1 );
asrt( count( $diner->sharedGuest ), 3 );
asrt( count( $diner2->sharedGuest ), 2 );
$employeeOld = reset( $diner->ownEmployee );
asrt( count( $employeeOld->ownThought ), 2 );
$employee = reset( $diner2->ownEmployee );
asrt( count( $employee->ownThought ), 3 );
asrt( $employee->name, 'Marvin' );
asrt( $employeeOld->name, 'Gus Cannon' );
// However the shared beans must not be copied
asrt( R::count( 'guest' ), 3 );
asrt( R::count( 'guest_prop' ), 1 );
$arthur = R::findOne( 'guest', ' ' . R::getWriter()->esc( 'name' ) . ' = ? ', array( 'Arthur Dent' ) );
asrt( $arthur->name, 'Arthur Dent' );