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File: vendor/gabordemooij/redbean/testing/RedUNIT/Base/Arrays.php

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File: vendor/gabordemooij/redbean/testing/RedUNIT/Base/Arrays.php
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namespace RedUNIT\Base;

RedUNIT\Base as Base;
RedBeanPHP\Facade as R;

 * Arrays
 * Beans can also be treated like arrays, this test verifies
 * whether the bean array interface works correctly in various
 * scenarios (combination with lists and so on).
 * @file RedUNIT/Base/Arrays.php
 * @desc Tests the array interface of beans
 * @author Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community
 * @license New BSD/GPLv2
 * (c) G.J.G.T. (Gabor) de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community.
 * This source file is subject to the New BSD/GPLv2 License that is bundled
 * with this source code in the file license.txt.
class Arrays extends Base
     * Tests basic array access.
     * @return void
public function testArrayAccess()
$bean = R::dispense('bean');
$bean->name = 'bean';
$bean->taste = 'salty';
$properties = array();
$bean as $key => $value) {
$properties[ $key ] = $value;
asrt( count( $bean ), 3 );
asrt( count( $properties ), 3 );
asrt( isset( $properties['id'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $properties['name'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $properties['taste'] ), TRUE );
$bean = R::dispense('bean');
$bean['name'] = 'bean';
$bean['taste'] = 'salty';
$properties = array();
$bean as $key => $value) {
$properties[ $key ] = $value;
asrt( count( $bean ), 3 );
asrt( count( $properties ), 3 );
asrt( isset( $properties['id'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $properties['name'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $properties['taste'] ), TRUE );

     * Tests array access with lists.
     * Tests whether list properties behave as arrays correctly.
     * @return void
public function testArrayAccessAndLists()
$book = R::dispense('book');
$book['title'] = 'My Book';
//Can we add a bean in list with array access?
$book['ownPage'][] = R::dispense('page');
$book['ownPage'][] = R::dispense('page');
asrt( count( $book ), 3 );
$properties = array();
$book as $key => $value) {
$properties[ $key ] = $value;
asrt( count( $properties ), 3 );
//Dont reveal aliased x-own and -List in foreach-loop
asrt( isset( $properties['id'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $properties['title'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $properties['ownPage'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $properties['ownPageList'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $properties['xownPage'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $properties['xownPageList'] ), FALSE );
//But keep them countable
asrt( count( $book['ownPage'] ), 2 );
asrt( count( $book['ownPageList'] ), 2 );
asrt( count( $book['xownPage'] ), 2 );
asrt( count( $book['xownPageList'] ), 2 );
//And reveal state of items with isset()
asrt( isset( $book['id'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book['title'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book['ownPage'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book['ownPageList'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book['xownPage'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book['xownPageList'] ), TRUE );
//Can we add using the List alias?
$book['ownPageList'][] = R::dispense('page');
asrt( count( $book['ownPage'] ), 3 );
asrt( count( $book['ownPageList'] ), 3 );
asrt( count( $book['xownPage'] ), 3 );
asrt( count( $book['xownPageList'] ), 3 );
//Can we add using the x-mode alias?
$book['ownPageList'][] = R::dispense('page');
asrt( count( $book['ownPage'] ), 4 );
asrt( count( $book['ownPageList'] ), 4 );
asrt( count( $book['xownPage'] ), 4 );
asrt( count( $book['xownPageList'] ), 4 );
//Can we unset using array access?
unset( $book['ownPage'] );
asrt( isset( $book['ownPage'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['ownPageList'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['xownPage'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['xownPageList'] ), FALSE );
$book['ownPage'] = array( R::dispense('page') );
$book['xownPage'] );
asrt( isset( $book['ownPage'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['ownPageList'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['xownPage'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['xownPageList'] ), FALSE );
$book['ownPage'] = array( R::dispense('page') );
$book['ownPageList'] );
asrt( isset( $book['ownPage'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['ownPageList'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['xownPage'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['xownPageList'] ), FALSE );
$book['ownPage'] = array( R::dispense('page') );
$book['xownPageList'] );
asrt( isset( $book['ownPage'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['ownPageList'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['xownPage'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['xownPageList'] ), FALSE );
//does it work with shared lists as well?
$book['sharedCategory'] = array( R::dispense('category') );
asrt( count( $book ), 3 );
$properties = array();
$book as $key => $value) {
$properties[ $key ] = $value;
asrt( isset( $properties['sharedCategory'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $properties['sharedCategoryList'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['sharedCategory'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book['sharedCategoryList'] ), TRUE );
asrt( count( $book['sharedCategory'] ), 1 );
asrt( count( $book['sharedCategoryList'] ), 1 );
$book['sharedCategory'][] = R::dispense( 'category' );
asrt( count( $book['sharedCategory'] ), 2 );
asrt( count( $book['sharedCategoryList'] ), 2 );
$book['sharedCategoryList'][] = R::dispense( 'category' );
asrt( count( $book['sharedCategory'] ), 3 );
asrt( count( $book['sharedCategoryList'] ), 3 );

     * Tests array access with parent beans.
     * @return void
public function testArrayAccessWithBeans()
$book = R::dispense( 'bean' );
$book['author'] = R::dispense( 'author' );
asrt( isset( $book['author'] ), TRUE );
asrt( count( $book ), 2 );
$book['author']['name'] = 'me';
asrt( $book['author']['name'], 'me' );
$book['author']['address'] = R::dispense( 'address' );
$book['author']['ownTagList'][] = R::dispense( 'tag' );
asrt( isset( $book['author']['address'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book['author']['ownTag'] ), TRUE );
asrt( count( $book['author']['ownTag'] ), 1 );
asrt( isset( $book['author']['xownTag'] ), TRUE );
asrt( count( $book['author']['xownTag'] ), 1 );
asrt( isset( $book['author']['ownTagList'] ), TRUE );
asrt( count( $book['author']['ownTagList'] ), 1 );
asrt( isset( $book['author']['xownTagList'] ), TRUE );
asrt( count( $book['author']['xownTagList'] ), 1 );
$book['author'] );
asrt( isset( $book['author'] ), FALSE );
asrt( count( $book ), 1 );

     * Tests array access with CRUD operations.
     * @return void
public function testArrayAccessWithCRUD()
$book = R::dispense( 'book' );
$book['ownPageList'] = R::dispense( 'page', 3 );
R::store( $book );
$book = $book->fresh();
//note that isset first returns FALSE, so you can check if a list is loaded
asrt( isset( $book['ownPage'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['ownPageList'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['xownPage'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['xownPageList'] ), FALSE );
//count triggers load...
asrt( count( $book['ownPage'] ), 3 );
asrt( isset( $book['ownPage'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book['ownPageList'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book['xownPage'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book['xownPageList'] ), TRUE );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( count( $book['xownPage'] ), 3 );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( count( $book['ownPageList'] ), 3 );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( count( $book['xownPageList'] ), 3 );
$book['ownPage'][] = R::dispense( 'page' );
R::store( $book );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( count( $book['ownPage'] ), 4 );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( count( $book['xownPage'] ), 4 );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( count( $book['ownPageList'] ), 4 );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( count( $book['xownPageList'] ), 4 );
//does dependency still work?
$book['xownPageList'] = array();
R::store( $book );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( count( $book['ownPage'] ), 0 );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( count( $book['xownPage'] ), 0 );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( count( $book['ownPageList'] ), 0 );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( count( $book['xownPageList'] ), 0 );
//does shared list work as well?
$book['sharedTag'] = R::dispense( 'tag', 2 );
R::store( $book );
$book = $book->fresh();
//note that isset first returns FALSE, so you can check if a list is loaded
asrt( isset( $book['sharedTagList'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book['sharedTag'] ), FALSE );
//count triggers load...
asrt( count( $book['sharedTagList'] ), 2 );
asrt( count( $book['sharedTag'] ), 2 );
asrt( isset( $book['sharedTagList'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book['sharedTag'] ), TRUE );
$book['sharedTag'][] = R::dispense( 'tag' );
R::store( $book );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( count( $book['sharedTagList'] ), 3 );
asrt( count( $book['sharedTag'] ), 3 );
$book['sharedTagList'][] = R::dispense( 'tag' );
R::store( $book );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( count( $book['sharedTagList'] ), 4 );
asrt( count( $book['sharedTag'] ), 4 );
//does it also work with cross-shared
$book['sharedBookList'][] = R::dispense( 'book' );
R::store( $book );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( isset( $book['sharedBookList'] ), FALSE );
asrt( count( $book['sharedBookList'] ), 1 );
$first = reset( $book['sharedBookList'] );
$id = $first['id'];
asrt( count( $book['sharedBookList'][$id]['sharedBookList'] ), 1 );
$properties = array();
$book as $key => $value) {
$properties[ $key ] = $value;
asrt( count( $properties ), 2 );
$keys = array_keys( $properties );
sort( $keys );
asrt( implode( ',', $keys ), 'id,sharedBook' );