this example is used to obtain a number of data with display limitation into the pages, with jQuery .load() plus CSS Rules. related with example3.php
author: usman didi khamdani
author's email: [email protected]
author's phone: +6287883919293
if((isset($_GET['auth']) && $_GET['auth']!="")) {
// define first, prev, next and last thumbnail
define("_FIRST","<img src=\"images/first.png\" alt=\"First\" />");
define("_PREV","<img src=\"images/prev.png\" alt=\"Prev\" />");
define("_NEXT","<img src=\"images/next.png\" alt=\"Next\" />");
define("_LAST","<img src=\"images/last.png\" alt=\"Last\" />");
$host = "localhost"; // database host name
$user = "root"; // database user name
$password = ""; // database user password
$db = "test"; // database name
$host_conn = mysql_connect($host,$user,$password); // connect to host
if(!$host_conn) {
$db_conn = mysql_select_db($db, $host_conn); // connect to database
if(!$db_conn) {
// current page
if(isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page']!="") {
$page = @$_GET['page'];
} else {
$page = 1;
// setting param
$param1 = $_GET['auth'];
$param = "auth=$param1";
$query1 = "SELECT no FROM book WHERE Author = '$param1'";
$check = mysql_query($query1);
if(!$check) {
$sum_data = mysql_num_rows($check); // sum of data
$max_row = 10; // maximum number of rows of data to be displayed in a page
$num = 5; // number of page thumbnails
$d = new Paging($page,$max_row,$sum_data);
// get limit;
$query2 = "SELECT * FROM book WHERE Author = '$param1' ORDER BY Category,Title ".$d->limit();
// create thumbnail;
$thumbnail = $d->thumbnail($num,$param);
echo "<div id=\"display_content\"><p>current page = $page<br />number of page = ".ceil($sum_data/$max_row)."<br />maximum number of rows of data to be displayed in a page = $max_row<br />sum of data = $sum_data<br />number of page thumbnails = $num</p><p>mysql_query = <strong>$query2</strong></p>";
$display = mysql_query($query2);
if(!$display) {
echo "<hr /><h3>List of Books by $param1</h3><table id=\"content\"><tr><th>No.</th><th>Category</th><th>Title</th><th>Published Year</th></tr>";
$no = 0;
while($data = mysql_fetch_array($display)) {
$n = (($page-1)*$max_row)+$no;
echo "<tr><td style=\"text-align:right\">$n.</td><td>".$data['Category']."</td><td>".$data['Title']."</td><td>".$data['Published_Year']."</td></tr>";
echo "</table></div>$thumbnail";
} else {
return false;