WordPress Fullstack plugin developmennt - Gutenberg block, REST API, and so many...
Demo Video
Demo Screenshots
Capsule List In Block Editor - Text label settings

Capsule List In Block Editor - Color settings

Frontend - Capsule List with filtering+pagination

Frontend - Capsule detail popup

Frontend - No capsuel found

Frontend - Mobile responsive view

Local development Setup Instruction
Composer >= `v2`
PHP >= `7.4`
WordPress version >= `5.8`
Clone repository git clone
Go to folder and install composer cd Maniruzzaman-Frontend-Developer
composer install
Npm dependencies npm i
npm start
Start plugin
Active the plugin from your /wp-admin/plugins.php .
Plugin Flow
Add a post from `wp-admin/post-new.php`.
Search Gutenberg block `Spacex data`..
Insert that block.
Give some setting value, like -
- Search text label
- Pagination Previous text label
- Pagination Next text label
Change impact instantly on the editor. [For editor, set the limit to 2].
Visit the post details in frontend.
Check the filtering by status, type, mission.
Check the pagination.
Check the detail of capsule in a modal.
PHPUnit Testing
Jest Unit Testing
e2e Testing (Snapshot testing)
PHPCS Checking composer run phpcs
Fix PHPCS composer run phpcbf
PHP Unit test
PHPUnit test running composer run test
PHPUnit test with PHPCS composer run test:all
Jest Unit test
npm run test:unit
PHPUnit test result
PHPCS - Passed
PHPUnit - 15 tests, 23 assertions - Passed

Jest Unit Test Result
Jest Unit Test - 15 tests - Passed

e2e Test
Requirements for e2e test
Need to install docker on local machine. I've used `wp-env` package to install WordPress docker setup.
You can follow this -
Commands to start from here -
npm i -g @wordpress/env --save-dev
wp-env start
If everything is successfull, you'll see something like this -
WordPress development site started at http://localhost:8888/
WordPress test site started at http://localhost:8889/
MySQL is listening on port 59087
MySQL for automated testing is listening on port 59085
Start e2e testing
npm run test:e2e
e2e Test Result
Added in Video.
Plugin zip and release commands -
# Build plugin
npm run build
# Make i18n localization
npm run makepot
# Create plugin zip
npm run zip
# Release plugin = npm run build + makepot + zip
npm run release
Known issue
For fetching capsules, use this API -
Here, there is a property called limit which doesn't work as expected and so some inconsitance with Pagination coud be found. But it's totally depend on the Spacex server.