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File: Bvb/Grid/Deploy/Table.php

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File: Bvb/Grid/Deploy/Table.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Outpu the DB results to a table
Class: Zend Framework Data Grid
Display and edit data from a database in a grid
Author: By
Last change: Version 0.6
Date: 14 years ago
Size: 74,569 bytes


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<?php /** * * LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the new BSD license * It is available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to [email protected] so we can send you a copy immediately. * * @package Bvb_Grid * @copyright Copyright (c) ( * @license New BSD License * @version $Id: Table.php 1053 2010-03-17 23:56:09Z [email protected] $ * @author Bento Vilas Boas <[email protected] > */ class Bvb_Grid_Deploy_Table extends Bvb_Grid implements Bvb_Grid_Deploy_Interface { const OUTPUT = 'table'; /** * Hold definitions from configurations * @var array */ public $deploy = array(); protected $_deployOptions = null; /** * Information about the template * * @var array|empty */ public $templateInfo; /** * If the form has been submited * * @var bool */ protected $formPost = 0; /** * Deploy options * * @var string */ protected $options = array(); /** * The output type * * @var string */ protected $output = 'table'; /** * Permission to add records * * @var array */ private $allowAdd = null; /** * Permission to edit records * * @var array */ private $allowEdit = null; /** * Permission to delete records * * @var array */ private $allowDelete = null; /** * Override the form presentation * * @var bool */ protected $_editNoForm; /** * Images url for export * * @var string */ protected $_imagesUrl; /** * If we are allowed to add records to the database if we * show two tables (the form and the grid) or just one * * @var bool */ protected $double_tables = 0; /** * Set if form vaidation failed * * @var bool */ protected $_failedValidation; /** * Callback to be called after crud operation update * @var unknown_type */ protected $_callbackAfterUpdate = null; /** * Callback to be called after crud operation delete * @var unknown_type */ protected $_callbackAfterDelete = null; /** * Callback to be called after crud operation insert * @var unknown_type */ protected $_callbackAfterInsert = null; /** * Callback to be called Before crud operation update * @var unknown_type */ protected $_callbackBeforeUpdate = null; /** * Callback to be called Before crud operation delete * @var unknown_type */ protected $_callbackBeforeDelete = null; /** * Callback to be called Before crud operation insert * @var unknown_type */ protected $_callbackBeforeInsert = null; /** * Contains result of deploy() function. * * @var string */ protected $_deploymentContent = null; /** * Url param with the information about removing records * * @var string */ protected $_comm; /** * * @var Zend_Form */ protected $_form; /** * The table where crud operations * should be performed. * by default the table is fetched from the quaery * but the user can set other manually * @var unknown_type */ protected $_crudTable; protected $_crudOptions = array(); protected $_crudTableOptions = array('add' => 1, 'edit' => 1, 'delete' => 1); /** * * @var Zend_Session_Abstract */ protected $_gridSession = null; /** * Extra Rows * @var unknown_typearray */ protected $_extraRows = array(); /** * An array with all the parts that can be rendered * even * @var unknown_type */ protected $_render = array(); /** * An array with all parts that will be rendered * @var array */ protected $_renderDeploy = array(); protected $_cssClasses = array('odd' => 'alt', 'even' => ''); protected $_formSettings = array(); protected $_deleteConfirmationPage = false; /** * To edit, add, or delete records, a user must be authenticated, so we instanciate * it here. * * @param array $data */ function __construct ($options) { $this->_gridSession = new Zend_Session_Namespace('Bvb_Grid_' . $this->getGridId()); $this->_setRemoveHiddenFields(true); parent::__construct($options); $this->addTemplateDir('Bvb/Grid/Template/Table', 'Bvb_Grid_Template_Table', 'table'); } /** * * Process all information forms related * First we check for permissions to add, edit, delete * And then the request->isPost. If true we process the data * */ protected function _processForm () { if ( ! $this->getSource()->hasCrud() ) { return false; } if ( $this->getInfo("add,allow") == 1 ) { $this->allowAdd = 1; } if ( $this->getInfo("delete,allow") == 1 ) { $this->allowDelete = 1; } if ( $this->getInfo("edit,allow") == 1 ) { $this->allowEdit = 1; } // IF a user can edit or delete data we must instanciate the crypt classe. // This is an extra-security step. if ( $this->allowEdit == 1 || $this->allowDelete ) { $dec = $this->getParam('comm'); $this->_comm = $dec; } /** * Remove if there is something to remove */ if ( $this->allowDelete ) { self::_deleteRecord($dec); } if ( $this->allowAdd == 1 || $this->allowEdit == 1 ) { $opComm = $this->getParam('comm'); $mode = $this->getParam('edit') ? 'edit' : 'add'; $queryUrl = $this->getPkFromUrl(); if ( ! Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest()->isPost() ) { foreach ( array_keys($this->_form->getElements()) as $element ) { if ( isset($this->_gridSession->errors[$element]) ) { $this->_form->getElement($element)->setErrors($this->_gridSession->errors[$element]); } if ( isset($this->_gridSession->post[$element]) ) { $this->_form->getElement($element)->setValue($this->_gridSession->post[$element]); } } if ( $this->getParam('add') == 1 ) { $this->_willShow['form'] = true; $this->_willShow['formAdd'] = true; } if ( $mode == 'edit' ) { $this->_willShow['form'] = true; $this->_willShow['formEdit'] = true; $this->_willShow['formEditId'] = $this->getPkFromUrl(); $r = $this->getSource()->getRecord($this->_crudTable, $this->getPkFromUrl()); if ( $r === false ) { $this->_gridSession->message = $this->__('Record Not Found'); $this->_gridSession->_noForm = 1; $this->_gridSession->correct = 1; $this->_redirect($this->getUrl(array('comm', 'gridRemove', 'gridDetail', 'edit'))); } if ( is_array($r) ) { foreach ( $r as $key => $value ) { $isField = $this->_form->getElement($key); if ( isset($isField) ) { if ( isset($this->_data['fields'][$key]) ) { $fieldType = $this->getSource()->getFieldType($this->_data['fields'][$key]['field']); } else { $fieldType = 'text'; } if ( isset($this->_gridSession->post) && is_array($this->_gridSession->post) ) { if ( isset($this->_gridSession->post[$key]) ) { $this->getForm()->getElement($key)->setValue($this->_gridSession->post[$key]); } } else { $this->getForm()->getElement($key)->setValue($value); } } } } } } } //Check if the request method is POST if ( Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest()->isPost() && Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest()->getPost('zfg_form_edit' . $this->getGridId()) == 1 ) { if ( $this->_form->isValid($_POST) ) { $post = array(); foreach ( $this->_form->getElements() as $el ) { $post[$el->getName()] = is_array($el->getValue()) ? implode(',', $el->getValue()) : $el->getValue(); } unset($post['form_submit' . $this->getGridId()]); unset($post['zfg_form_edit' . $this->getGridId()]); unset($post['form_reset' . $this->getGridId()]); unset($post['zfg_csrf' . $this->getGridId()]); $param = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest(); // Process data if ( $mode == 'add' ) { try { $sendCall = array(&$post, $this->getSource()); if ( null !== $this->_callbackBeforeInsert ) { call_user_func($this->_callbackBeforeInsert, $sendCall); } if ( $this->_crudTableOptions['add'] == true ) { $post = array_merge($post,$this->_crudOptions['addForce']); $this->getSource()->insert($this->_crudTable, $post); } if ( null !== $this->_callbackAfterInsert ) { call_user_func($this->_callbackAfterInsert, $sendCall); } $this->_gridSession->message = $this->__('Record saved'); $this->_gridSession->messageOk = true; $this->_gridSession->_noForm = 1; $this->_gridSession->correct = 1; unset($this->_gridSession->post); $this->_removeFormParams($post, array('add' . $this->getGridId())); $this->_redirect($this->getUrl()); } catch (Zend_Exception $e) { $this->_gridSession->messageOk = FALSE; $this->_gridSession->message = $this->__('Error saving record: ') . $e->getMessage(); $this->_gridSession->formSuccess = 0; $this->_gridSession->formPost = 1; $this->_gridSession->_noForm = 0; $this->_gridSession->correct = 0; $this->_removeFormParams($post); $this->_redirect($this->getUrl()); } } // Process data if ( $mode == 'edit' ) { try { $sendCall = array(&$post, $this->getSource()); if ( null !== $this->_callbackBeforeUpdate ) { call_user_func($this->_callbackBeforeUpdate, $sendCall); } if ( $this->_crudTableOptions['edit'] == true ) { $post = array_merge($post,$this->_crudOptions['editForce']); $queryUrl = array_merge($queryUrl,$this->_crudOptions['editAddCondition']); $this->getSource()->update($this->_crudTable, $post, $queryUrl); } if ( null !== $this->_callbackAfterUpdate ) { call_user_func($this->_callbackAfterUpdate, $sendCall); } $this->_gridSession->message = $this->__('Record saved'); $this->_gridSession->messageOk = true; $this->_gridSession->_noForm = 1; $this->_gridSession->correct = 1; unset($this->_gridSession->post); $this->_removeFormParams($post, array('comm' . $this->getGridId(), 'edit' . $this->getGridId())); $this->_redirect($this->getUrl()); } catch (Zend_Exception $e) { $this->_gridSession->messageOk = FALSE; $this->_gridSession->message = $this->__('Error updating record: ') . $e->getMessage(); $this->_gridSession->formSuccess = 0; $this->_gridSession->formPost = 1; $this->_gridSession->_noForm = 0; $this->_gridSession->correct = 0; $this->_removeFormParams($post); $this->_redirect($this->getUrl()); } } } else { $this->_gridSession->post = $_POST; $this->_gridSession->errors = $this->_form->getMessages(); $this->_gridSession->message = $this->__('Validation failed'); $this->_gridSession->messageOk = false; $this->_gridSession->formSuccess = 0; $this->_gridSession->formPost = 1; $this->_gridSession->_noForm = 0; $this->_gridSession->correct = 0; $this->_removeFormParams($_POST); $this->_redirect($this->getUrl()); } } } protected function _removeFormParams ($post, $extra = array()) { if ( count($extra) > 0 ) $post = array_merge($post, array_combine($extra, $extra)); foreach ( $post as $key => $value ) { $this->removeParam($key); } $this->removeParam('form_submit' . $this->getGridId()); $this->removeParam('zfg_form_edit' . $this->getGridId()); $this->removeParam('zfg_csrf' . $this->getGridId()); return true; } /** * Remove the record from the table * Don't forget to see if the user as set an "extra" WHERE. * * @param string $sql * @param string $user * @return string */ protected function _deleteRecord ($sql) { if(strpos($sql,';')===false) { return false; } $param = explode(";", $sql); foreach ( $param as $value ) { $dec = explode(":", $value); $final[$dec[0]] = $dec[1]; } if ( $final['mode'] != 'delete' ) { return 0; } if ( is_array($this->getInfo("delete,where")) ) { $condition = array_merge($this->getInfo("delete,where"), $this->getPkFromUrl()); } else { $condition = $this->getPkFromUrl(); } try { $pkParentArray = $this->getSource()->getPrimaryKey($this->_data['table']); $pkParent = $pkParentArray[0]; $sendCall = array(&$condition, $this->getSource()); if ( null !== $this->_callbackBeforeDelete ) { call_user_func($this->_callbackBeforeDelete, $sendCall); } if ( $this->_crudTableOptions['delete'] == true ) { $condition = array_merge($condition,$this->_crudOptions['deleteAddCondition']); $resultDelete = $this->getSource()->delete($this->_crudTable, $condition); } if ( $resultDelete == 1 ) { if ( null !== $this->_callbackAfterDelete ) { call_user_func($this->_callbackAfterDelete, $sendCall); } } $this->_gridSession->messageOk = true; $this->_gridSession->message = $this->__('Record deleted'); $this->_gridSession->correct = 1; $this->_redirect($this->getUrl('comm')); } catch (Zend_Exception $e) { $this->_gridSession->messageOk = FALSE; $this->_gridSession->message = $this->__('Error deleting record: ') . $e->getMessage(); } $this->removeParam('comm' . $this->getGridId()); return true; } /** * Build the first line of the table (Not the TH ) * * @return string */ protected function _buildHeader () { $url = $this->getUrl(array('comm', 'edit', 'filters', 'order')); $final = ''; $final1 = ''; if ( $this->getSource()->hasCrud() ) { $this->_render['addButton'] = "<div class=\"addRecord\" ><a href=\"$url/add" . $this->getGridId() . "/1\">" . $this->__('Add Record') . "</a></div>"; if ( ($this->getInfo('doubleTables') == 0 && $this->getParam('add') != 1 && $this->getParam('edit') != 1) && $this->getSource()->getPrimaryKey($this->_data['table']) && $this->getInfo('add,allow') == 1 && $this->getInfo('add,button') == 1 && $this->getInfo('add,noButton') != 1 ) { $this->_renderDeploy['addButton'] = $this->_render['addButton']; } } /** * We must check if there is a filter set or an order, to show the extra th on top */ if ( $this->getParam('filters') || $this->getParam('order') ) { $url = $this->getUrl('filters', 'nofilters'); $url2 = $this->getUrl(array('order', 'noOrder')); $url3 = $this->getUrl(array('filters', 'order', 'noFilters', 'noOrder')); if ( is_array($this->_defaultFilters) ) { $url .= '/nofilters/1'; $url3 .= '/nofilters/1'; } if ( is_array($this->getSource()->getSelectOrder()) ) { $url3 .= '/noOrder/1'; $url2 .= '/noOrder/1'; } $this->_temp['table']->hasExtraRow = 1; //Filters and order if ( $this->getParam('filters') && $this->getParam('order') && ! $this->getParam('noOrder') ) { if ( $this->getInfo("ajax") !== false ) { $final1 = "<a href=\"javascript:gridAjax('{$this->getInfo("ajax")}','" . $url . "')\">" . $this->__('Remove Filters') . "</a> | <a href=\"javascript:gridAjax('{$this->getInfo("ajax")}','" . $url2 . "')\">" . $this->__('Remove Order') . "</a> | <a href=\"javascript:gridAjax('{$this->_info['ajax']}','" . $url3 . "')\">" . $this->__('Remove Filters &amp; Order') . "</a>"; } else { $final1 = "<a href=\"$url\">" . $this->__('Remove Filters') . "</a> | <a href=\"$url2\">" . $this->__('Remove Order') . "</a> | <a href=\"$url3\">" . $this->__('Remove Filters &amp; Order') . "</a>"; } //Only filters } elseif ( $this->getParam('filters') && (! $this->getParam('order') || $this->getParam('noOrder')) ) { if ( $this->getInfo("ajax") !== false ) { $final1 = "<a href=\"javascript:gridAjax('{$this->getInfo("ajax")}','" . $url . "') \">" . $this->__('Remove Filters') . "</a>"; } else { $final1 = "<a href=\"$url\">" . $this->__('Remove Filters') . "</a>"; } //Only order } elseif ( ! $this->getParam('filters') && ($this->getParam('order') && ! $this->getParam('noOrder') && $this->getInfo('noOrder')!=1) ) { if ( $this->getInfo("ajax") !== false ) { $final1 = "<a href=\"javascript:gridAjax('{$this->getInfo("ajax")}','" . $url2 . "') \">" . $this->__('Remove Order') . "</a>"; } else { $final1 = "<a href=\"$url2\">" . $this->__('Remove Order') . "</a>"; } } //Replace values if ( count($this->_filtersValues) > 0 || ($this->getParam('order') && ! $this->getParam('noOrder') && $this->getInfo('noOrder')!=1) ) { $this->_render['extra'] = str_replace("{{value}}", $final1, $this->_temp['table']->extra()); $this->_renderDeploy['extra'] = str_replace("{{value}}", $final1, $this->_temp['table']->extra()); } //close cycle } return; } /** * * Build filters. * * We receive the information from an array * @param array $filters * @return unknown */ protected function _buildFiltersTable ($filters) { //There are no filters. if ( ! is_array($filters) ) { $this->_temp['table']->hasFilters = 0; return ''; } //Start the template $grid = $this->_temp['table']->filtersStart(); foreach ( $filters as $filter ) { //Check extra fields if ( $filter['type'] == 'extraField' && $filter['position'] == 'left' ) { //Replace values $filterValue = isset($filter['value']) ? $filter['value'] : ''; $grid .= str_replace('{{value}}', $filterValue . '&nbsp;', $this->_temp['table']->filtersLoop()); } $hRowField = $this->getInfo("hRow,field")? $this->getInfo("hRow,field") : ''; //Check if we have an horizontal row if ( (isset($filter['field']) && $filter['field'] != $hRowField && $this->getInfo('hRow','title')) || ! $this->getInfo('hRow','title') ) { if ( $filter['type'] == 'field' ) { //Replace values $grid .= str_replace('{{value}}', $this->_formatField($filter['field']), $this->_temp['table']->filtersLoop()); } } //Check extra fields from the right if ( $filter['type'] == 'extraField' && $filter['position'] == 'right' ) { @ $grid .= str_replace('{{value}}', $filter['value'], $this->_temp['table']->filtersLoop()); } } //Close template $grid .= $this->_temp['table']->filtersEnd(); return $grid; } /** * Buil Table titles. * * @param array $titles * @return string */ protected function _buildTitlesTable ($titles) { $orderField = null; if ( is_array($this->_order) ) { //We must now the field that is being ordered. So we can grab the image $order = array_keys($this->_order); $order2 = array_keys(array_flip($this->_order)); //The field that is being ordered $orderField = $order[0]; //The oposite order $order = strtolower($order2[0]); } //Lets get the images for defining the order $images = $this->_temp['table']->images($this->getImagesUrl()); //Iniciate titles template $grid = $this->_temp['table']->titlesStart(); if ( $orderField === null ) { //Lets get the default order using in the query (Zend_Db) $queryOrder = $this->getSource()->getSelectOrder(); if ( count($queryOrder) > 0 ) { $order = strtolower($queryOrder[1]) == 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc'; $orderField = $queryOrder[0]; } } if ( $this->getParam('noOrder') ) { $orderField = null; } foreach ( $titles as $title ) { //deal with extra field and template if ( $title['type'] == 'extraField' && $title['position'] == 'left' ) { $grid .= str_replace('{{value}}', $title['value'], $this->_temp['table']->titlesLoop()); } $hRowTitle = $this->getInfo("hRow,field") ? $this->getInfo("hRow,field") : ''; if ( (isset($title['field']) && $title['field'] != $hRowTitle && $this->getInfo("hRow,title")) || ! $this->getInfo("hRow,title") ) { if ( $title['type'] == 'field' ) { $noOrder = $this->getInfo("noOrder") ? $this->getInfo("noOrder") : ''; if ( $noOrder == 1 ) { //user set the noOrder(1) method $grid .= str_replace('{{value}}', $this->__($title['value']), $this->_temp['table']->titlesLoop()); } else { if ( ! isset($this->_data['fields'][$title['field']]['order']) ) { $this->_data['fields'][$title['field']]['order'] = true; } if ($this->getInfo("ajax") !== false ) { $link1 = "<a href=\"javascript:gridAjax('{$this->getInfo("ajax")}','{$title['simpleUrl']}/order{$this->getGridId()}/{$title['field']}_DESC')\">{$images['desc']}</a>"; $link2 = "<a href=\"javascript:gridAjax('{$this->getInfo("ajax")}','{$title['simpleUrl']}/order{$this->getGridId()}/{$title['field']}_ASC')\">{$images['asc']}</a>"; if ( ($orderField == $title['field'] && $order == 'asc') || $this->_data['fields'][$title['field']]['order'] == 0 ) { $link1 = ''; } if ( ($orderField == $title['field'] && $order == 'desc') || $this->_data['fields'][$title['field']]['order'] == 0 ) { $link2 = ''; } $grid .= str_replace('{{value}}', $link2 . $title['value'] . $link1, $this->_temp['table']->titlesLoop()); } else { //Replace values in the template if ( ! array_key_exists('url', $title) ) { $grid .= str_replace('{{value}}', $title['value'], $this->_temp['table']->titlesLoop()); } else { $link1 = "<a href='" . $title['simpleUrl'] . "/order{$this->getGridId()}/{$title['field']}_DESC'>{$images['desc']}</a>"; $link2 = "<a href='" . $title['simpleUrl'] . "/order{$this->getGridId()}/{$title['field']}_ASC'>{$images['asc']}</a>"; if ( ($orderField == $title['field'] && $order == 'asc') || $this->_data['fields'][$title['field']]['order'] == 0 ) { $link1 = ''; } if ( ($orderField == $title['field'] && $order == 'desc') || $this->_data['fields'][$title['field']]['order'] == 0 ) { $link2 = ''; } $grid .= str_replace('{{value}}', $link2 . $title['value'] . $link1, $this->_temp['table']->titlesLoop()); } } } } } //Deal with extra fields if ( $title['type'] == 'extraField' && $title['position'] == 'right' ) { $grid .= str_replace('{{value}}', $title['value'], $this->_temp['table']->titlesLoop()); } } //End template $grid .= $this->_temp['table']->titlesEnd(); return $grid; } /** * Buil the table * * @param array $grids | db results * @return unknown */ protected function _buildGridTable ($grids) { $i = 0; $grid = ''; //We have an extra td for the text to remove filters and order if ( $this->getParam('filters') || $this->getParam('order') ) { $i ++; } if ($this->getInfo("hRow,title") && $this->_totalRecords > 0 ) { $bar = $grids; $hbar = trim($this->getInfo("hRow,field")); $p = 0; foreach ( $grids[0] as $value ) { if ( isset($value['field']) && $value['field'] == $hbar ) { $hRowIndex = $p; } $p ++; } $aa = 0; } $aa = 0; $class = 0; $fi = array(); foreach ( $grids as $value ) { unset($fi); // decorators $search = $this->_finalFields; foreach ( $search as $key => $final ) { if ( $final['type'] == 'extraField' ) { unset($search[$key]); } } $search = array_keys($search); foreach ( $value as $tia ) { if ( isset($tia['field']) ) { $fi[] = $tia['value']; } } if ( $this->getSource()->hasCrud() ) { if ( isset($search[0]) && ($search[0] === 'D' || $search[0] === 'E' || $search[0] === 'V') ) { unset($search[0]); } if ( isset($search[1]) && ($search[1] === 'D' || $search[1] === 'E') ) { unset($search[1]); } if ( isset($search[2]) && ($search[2] === 'D' || $search[2] === 'E') ) { unset($search[2]); } } else { if ( isset($search[0]) && $search[0] === 'V' ) { unset($search[0]); } } $search = $this->_resetKeys($search); $finalFields = array_combine($search, $fi); //horizontal row if ($this->getInfo("hRow,title") ) { if ( $bar[$aa][$hRowIndex]['value'] != @$bar[$aa - 1][$hRowIndex]['value'] ) { $i ++; $grid .= str_replace(array("{{value}}", "{{class}}"), array($bar[$aa][$hRowIndex]['value'], @$value['class']), $this->_temp['table']->hRow($finalFields)); } } $i ++; //loop tr $grid .= $this->_temp['table']->loopStart(isset($this->_classRowConditionResult[$class]) ? $this->_classRowConditionResult[$class] : ''); $set = 0; foreach ( $value as $final ) { $finalField = isset($final['field']) ? $final['field'] : ''; $finalHrow = $this->getInfo("hRow,field") ? $this->getInfo("hRow,field") : ''; if ( ($finalField != $finalHrow && $this->getInfo("hRow,title")) || ! $this->getInfo("hRow,title") ) { $set ++; $grid .= str_replace(array("{{value}}", "{{class}}", "{{style}}"), array($final['value'], $final['class'], $final['style']), $this->_temp['table']->loopLoop($finalFields)); } } $set = null; $grid .= $this->_temp['table']->loopEnd($finalFields); @$aa ++; $class ++; } if ( $this->_totalRecords == 0 ) { $grid = str_replace("{{value}}", $this->__('No records found'), $this->_temp['table']->noResults()); } return $grid; } /** * Biuild the table that handles the query result from sql expressions * * @param array $sql * @return unknown */ protected function _buildSqlexpTable ($sql) { $grid = ''; if ( is_array($sql) ) { $grid .= $this->_temp['table']->sqlExpStart(); foreach ( $sql as $exp ) { if ( ! $this->getInfo("hRow,field") || $exp['field'] != $this->getInfo("hRow,field") ) { $grid .= str_replace(array("{{value}}", '{{class}}'), array($exp['value'], $exp['class']), $this->_temp['table']->sqlExpLoop()); } } $grid .= $this->_temp['table']->sqlExpEnd(); } else { return false; } return $grid; } /** * Build pagination * * @return string */ protected function _pagination () { $f = ''; $url = $this->getUrl(array('start')); $actual = (int) $this->getParam('start'); $ppagina = $this->_pagination; $result2 = ''; $pa = $actual == 0 ? 1 : ceil($actual / $ppagina) + 1; // Calculate the number of pages if ( $this->_pagination > 0 ) { $npaginas = ceil($this->_totalRecords / $ppagina); $actual = floor($actual / $ppagina) + 1; } else { $npaginas = 0; $actual = 0; } if ( $this->getInfo("ajax") !== false ) { $pag = ($actual == 1) ? '<strong>1</strong>' : "<a href=\"javascript:gridAjax('{$this->getInfo("ajax")}','$url/star{$this->getGridId()}t/0')\">1</a>"; } else { $pag = ($actual == 1) ? '<strong>1</strong>' : "<a href=\"$url/start{$this->getGridId()}/0\">1</a>"; } $pag .= ($actual > 5) ? " ... " : " "; if ( $npaginas > 5 ) { $in = min(max(1, $actual - 4), $npaginas - 5); $fin = max(min($npaginas, $actual + 4), 6); for ( $i = $in + 1; $i < $fin; $i ++ ) { if ( $this->getInfo("ajax") !== false ) { $pag .= ($i == $actual) ? "<strong> $i </strong>" : " <a href=javascript:gridAjax('{$this->getInfo("ajax")}','$url/start{$this->getGridId()}/" . (($i - 1) * $ppagina) . "')> $i </a>"; } else { $pag .= ($i == $actual) ? "<strong> $i </strong>" : " <a href='$url/start{$this->getGridId()}/" . (($i - 1) * $ppagina) . "'> $i </a>"; } } $pag .= ($fin < $npaginas) ? " ... " : " "; } else { for ( $i = 2; $i < $npaginas; $i ++ ) { if ( $this->getInfo("ajax") !== false ) { $pag .= ($i == $actual) ? "<strong> $i </strong>" : " <a href=\"javascript:gridAjax('{$this->getInfo("ajax")}','" . $url . "/start{$this->getGridId()}/" . (($i - 1) * $ppagina) . "')\">$i</a> "; } else { $pag .= ($i == $actual) ? "<strong> $i </strong>" : " <a href=\"" . $url . "/start{$this->getGridId()}/" . (($i - 1) * $ppagina) . "\">$i</a> "; } } } if ( $this->getInfo("ajax") !== false ) { $pag .= ($actual == $npaginas) ? "<strong>" . $npaginas . "</strong>" : " <a href=\"javascript:gridAjax('{$this->getInfo("ajax")}','$url/start{$this->getGridId()}/" . (($npaginas - 1) * $ppagina) . "')\">$npaginas</a> "; } else { $pag .= ($actual == $npaginas) ? "<strong>" . $npaginas . "</strong>" : " <a href=\"$url/start{$this->getGridId()}/" . (($npaginas - 1) * $ppagina) . "\">$npaginas</a> "; } if ( $actual != 1 ) { if ( $this->getInfo("ajax") !== false ) { $pag = " <a href=\"javascript:gridAjax('{$this->getInfo("ajax")}','$url/start{$this->getGridId()}/0')\">" . $this->__('First') . "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"javascript:agridAjax('{$this->getInfo("ajax")}','$url/start/" . (($actual - 2) * $ppagina) . "')\">" . $this->__('Previous') . "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $pag; } else { $pag = " <a href=\"$url/start/0\">" . $this->__('First') . "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"$url/start{$this->getGridId()}/" . (($actual - 2) * $ppagina) . "\">" . $this->__('Previous') . "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $pag; } } if ( $actual != $npaginas ) { if ( $this->getInfo("ajax") !== false ) { $pag .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"javascript:gridAjax('{$this->getInfo("ajax")}','$url/start{$this->getGridId()}/" . ($actual * $ppagina) . "')\">" . $this->__('Next') . "</a> <a href=\"javascript:gridAjax('{$this->getInfo("ajax")}','$url/start{$this->getGridId()}/" . (($npaginas - 1) * $ppagina) . "')\">" . $this->__('Last') . "&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>"; } else { $pag .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"$url/start{$this->getGridId()}/" . ($actual * $ppagina) . "\">" . $this->__('Next') . "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"$url/start{$this->getGridId()}/" . (($npaginas - 1) * $ppagina) . "\">" . $this->__('Last') . "</a>"; } } if ( $npaginas > 1 && $this->getInfo("limit") == 0 ) { if ( $npaginas < 50 ) { // Buil the select form element if ( $this->getInfo("ajax") !== false ) { $f = "<select id=\"idf\" onchange=\"javascript:gridAjax('{$this->getInfo("ajax")}','{$url}/start{$this->getGridId()}/'+this.value)\">"; } else { $f = "<select id=\"idf\" onchange=\"window.location='{$url}/start{$this->getGridId()}/'+this.value\">"; } for ( $i = 1; $i <= $npaginas; $i ++ ) { $f .= "<option "; if ( $pa == $i ) { $f .= " selected "; } $f .= " value=\"" . (($i - 1) * $ppagina) . "\">$i</option>\n"; } $f .= "</select>"; } else { #$f ='<input type="text" size="3" style="width:40px !important;">'; $f = ''; } } if ( $npaginas > 1 || count($this->_export) > 0 ) { //get actual record if ( $actual <= 1 ) { $registoActual = 1; $registoFinal = $this->_totalRecords > $ppagina ? $ppagina : $this->_totalRecords; } else { $registoActual = $actual * $ppagina - $ppagina; if ( $actual * $ppagina > $this->_totalRecords ) { $registoFinal = $this->_totalRecords; } else { $registoFinal = $actual * $ppagina; } } $images = $this->_temp['table']->images($this->getImagesUrl()); $this->_render['export'] = $this->_temp['table']->export($this->getExports(), $this->getImagesUrl(), $url, $this->getGridId()); if ( (int)$this->getInfo("limit") > 0 ) { $result2 = str_replace(array('{{pagination}}', '{{numberRecords}}'), array('', (int) $this->getInfo("limit")), $this->_temp['table']->pagination()); } elseif ( $npaginas > 1 && count($this->_export) > 0 ) { if ( $this->_pagination == 0 ) { $pag = ''; $f = ''; } $result2 = str_replace(array('{{pagination}}', '{{numberRecords}}'), array($pag, $registoActual . ' ' . $this->__('to') . ' ' . $registoFinal . ' ' . $this->__('of') . ' ' . $this->_totalRecords), $this->_temp['table']->pagination()); } elseif ( $npaginas < 2 && count($this->_export) > 0 ) { if ( $this->_pagination == 0 ) { $pag = ''; $f = ''; } $result2 .= str_replace(array('{{pagination}}', '{{numberRecords}}'), array('', $this->_totalRecords), $this->_temp['table']->pagination()); } elseif ( count($this->_export) == 0 ) { if ( $this->_pagination == 0 ) { $pag = ''; $f = ''; } $result2 .= str_replace(array('{{pagination}}', '{{numberRecords}}'), array($pag, $this->_totalRecords), $this->_temp['table']->pagination()); } } else { return ''; } return $result2; } /** * Here we go.... * * @return string */ function deploy () { $this->_view = $this->getView(); $this->_processForm(); parent::deploy(); $this->_applyConfigOptions(array(), true); if ( ! $this->_temp['table'] instanceof Bvb_Grid_Template_Table_Table ) { $this->setTemplate('table', 'table', $this->_templateParams); } else { $this->setTemplate($this->_temp['table']->options['name'], 'table', $this->_templateParams); } $this->_printScript(); $images = $this->_temp['table']->images($this->getImagesUrl()); if ( $this->allowDelete == 1 || $this->allowEdit == 1 || (is_array($this->_detailColumns) && $this->_isDetail == false) ) { $pkUrl = $this->getSource()->getPrimaryKey($this->_data['table']); $urlFinal = ''; $failPk = false; $pkUrl2 = $pkUrl; foreach ( $pkUrl as $key => $value ) { foreach ( $this->getFields(true) as $field ) { if ( $field['field'] == $value ) { unset($pkUrl2[$key]); break 2; } } throw new Bvb_Grid_Exception("You don't have your primary key in your query. So it's not possible to perform CRUD operations. Change your select object to include your Primary Key: " . implode(';', $pkUrl2)); } foreach ( $pkUrl as $value ) { if ( strpos($value, '.') !== false ) { $urlFinal .= $value . ':{{' . substr($value, strpos($value, '.') + 1) . '}}-'; } else { $urlFinal .= $value . ':{{' . $value . '}}-'; } } $urlFinal = trim($urlFinal, '-'); } if ( $this->allowEdit == 1 ) { if ( ! is_array($this->_extraFields) ) { $this->_extraFields = array(); } $removeParams = array('add', 'edit', 'comm'); $url = $this->getUrl($removeParams); if ( $this->allowEdit == 1 && $this->getInfo("ajax") !== false ) { $urlEdit = $this->_baseUrl . '/' . str_replace("/gridmod" . $this->getGridId() . "/ajax", "", $url); } else { $urlEdit = $url; } array_unshift($this->_extraFields, array('position' => 'left', 'name' => 'E', 'decorator' => "<a href=\"$urlEdit/edit" . $this->getGridId() . "/1/comm" . $this->getGridId() . "/" . "mode:edit;[" . $urlFinal . "]\" > " . $images['edit'] . "</a>", 'edit' => true)); } if ( $this->allowDelete ) { if ( ! is_array($this->_extraFields) ) { $this->_extraFields = array(); } if ( $this->_deleteConfirmationPage == true ) { array_unshift($this->_extraFields, array('position' => 'left', 'name' => 'D', 'decorator' => "<a href=\"$url/comm" . $this->getGridId() . "/" . "mode:view;[" . $urlFinal . "]/gridDetail" . $this->getGridId() . "/1/gridRemove" . $this->getGridId() . "/1\" > " . $images['delete'] . "</a>", 'delete' => true)); } else { array_unshift($this->_extraFields, array('position' => 'left', 'name' => 'D', 'decorator' => "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"_" . $this->getGridId() . "confirmDel('" . $this->__('Are you sure?') . "','$url/comm" . $this->getGridId() . "/" . "mode:delete;[" . $urlFinal . "]');\" > " . $images['delete'] . "</a>", 'delete' => true)); } } if ( is_array($this->_detailColumns) && $this->_isDetail == false ) { if ( ! is_array($this->_extraFields) ) { $this->_extraFields = array(); } $removeParams = array('add', 'edit', 'comm'); $url = $this->getUrl($removeParams); array_unshift($this->_extraFields, array('position' => 'left', 'name' => 'V', 'decorator' => "<a href=\"$url/gridDetail" . $this->getGridId() . "/1/comm" . $this->getGridId() . "/" . "mode:view;[" . $urlFinal . "]/\" >" . $images['detail'] . "</a>", 'detail' => true)); } if ( $this->allowAdd == 0 && $this->allowDelete == 0 && $this->allowEdit == 0 ) { $this->_gridSession->unsetAll(); } if ( ! in_array('add' . $this->getGridId(), array_keys($this->getAllParams())) && ! in_array('edit' . $this->getGridId(), array_keys($this->getAllParams())) ) { if ( $this->_gridSession->correct === NULL || $this->_gridSession->correct === 0 ) { $this->_gridSession->unsetAll(); } } if ( strlen($this->_gridSession->message) > 0 ) { $this->_render['message'] = str_replace("{{value}}", $this->_gridSession->message, $this->_temp['table']->formMessage($this->_gridSession->messageOk)); $this->_renderDeploy['message'] = $this->_render['message']; } $this->_render['form'] = $this->_form; if ( (($this->getParam('edit') == 1) || ($this->getParam('add') == 1) || $this->getInfo("doubleTables")==1) ) { if ( ($this->allowAdd == 1 || $this->allowEdit == 1) && ($this->_gridSession->_noForm == 0 || $this->getInfo("doubleTables")==1) ) { // Remove the unnecessary URL params $removeParams = array('filters', 'add'); $url = $this->getUrl($removeParams); $this->_renderDeploy['form'] = $this->_form; $this->_render['form'] = $this->_form; $this->_showsForm = true; } } $showsForm = $this->willShow(); if ( (isset($showsForm['form']) && $showsForm['form'] == 1 && $this->getInfo("doubleTables") == 1) || ! isset($showsForm['form']) ) { $this->_render['start'] = $this->_temp['table']->globalStart(); $this->_renderDeploy['start'] = $this->_render['start']; } if ( ((! $this->getParam('edit') || $this->getParam('edit') != 1) && (! $this->getParam('add') || $this->getParam('add') != 1)) || $this->_gridSession->_noForm == 1 || $this->getInfo("doubleTables")==1 ) { if ( $this->_isDetail == true || ($this->_deleteConfirmationPage == true && $this->getParam('gridRemove') == 1) ) { $columns = parent::_buildGrid(); $this->_willShow['detail'] = true; $this->_willShow['detailId'] = $this->getPkFromUrl(); $this->_render['detail'] = $this->_temp['table']->globalStart(); foreach ( $columns[0] as $value ) { if ( ! isset($value['field']) ) { continue; } if ( isset($this->_data['fields'][$value['field']]['title']) ) { $value['field'] = $this->__($this->_data['fields'][$value['field']]['title']); } else { $value['field'] = $this->__(ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $value['field']))); } $this->_render['detail'] .= str_replace(array('{{field}}', '{{value}}'), array($value['field'], $value['value']), $this->_temp['table']->detail()); } if ( $this->getParam('gridRemove') == 1 ) { $localCancel = $this->getUrl(array('comm', 'gridDetail', 'gridRemove')); $localDelete = $this->getUrl(array('gridRemove', 'gridDetail', 'comm')); $localDelete .= "/comm" . $this->getGridId() . "/" . str_replace("view", 'delete', $this->getParam('comm')); $buttonRemove = $this->getView()->formButton('delRecordGrid', $this->__('Remove Record'), array('onclick' => "window.location='$localDelete'")); $buttonCancel = $this->getView()->formButton('delRecordGrid', $this->__('Cancel'), array('onclick' => "window.location='$localCancel'")); $this->_render['detail'] .= str_replace('{{button}}', $buttonRemove . ' ' . $buttonCancel, $this->_temp['table']->detailDelete()); } else { $this->_render['detail'] .= str_replace(array('{{url}}', '{{return}}'), array($this->getUrl(array('gridDetail', 'comm')), $this->__('Return')), $this->_temp['table']->detailEnd()); } $this->_render['detail'] .= $this->_temp['table']->globalEnd(); $this->_renderDeploy['detail'] = $this->_render['detail']; } else { $this->_willShow['grid'] = true; $this->_buildGridRender(); } $this->_showsGrid = true; } else { $this->_render['start'] = $this->_temp['table']->globalStart(); $this->_buildGridRender(false); $this->_render['end'] = $this->_temp['table']->globalEnd(); } if ( (isset($showsForm['form']) && $showsForm['form'] == 1 && $this->getInfo("doubleTables") == 1) || ! isset($showsForm['form']) ) { $this->_render['end'] = $this->_temp['table']->globalEnd(); $this->_renderDeploy['end'] = $this->_render['end']; } $gridId = $this->getGridId(); if ( $this->getParam('gridmod') == 'ajax' && $this->getInfo("ajax") !== false ) { $response = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getResponse(); $response->clearBody(); $response->setBody(implode($this->_renderDeploy)); $response->sendResponse(); die(); } if ( $this->getInfo("ajax") !== false ) { $gridId = $this->getInfo("ajax"); } $grid = "<div id='{$gridId}'>" . implode($this->_renderDeploy) . "</div>"; if ( $this->_gridSession->correct == 1 ) { $this->_gridSession->unsetAll(); } $this->_deploymentContent = $grid; return $this; } private function _buildGridRender ($deploy = true) { $bHeader = self::_buildExtraRows('beforeHeader'); $bHeader .= self::_buildHeader(); $bHeader .= self::_buildExtraRows('afterHeader'); $bTitles = self::_buildExtraRows('beforeTitles'); $bTitles .= self::_buildTitlesTable(parent::_buildTitles()); $bTitles .= self::_buildExtraRows('afterTitles'); $bFilters = self::_buildExtraRows('beforeFilters'); $bFilters .= self::_buildFiltersTable(parent::_buildFilters()); $bFilters .= self::_buildExtraRows('afterFilters'); $bGrid = self::_buildGridTable(parent::_buildGrid()); $bSqlExp = self::_buildExtraRows('beforeSqlExpTable'); $bSqlExp .= self::_buildSqlexpTable(parent::_buildSqlExp()); $bSqlExp .= self::_buildExtraRows('afterSqlExpTable'); $bPagination = self::_buildExtraRows('beforePagination'); $bPagination .= self::_pagination(); $bPagination .= self::_buildExtraRows('afterPagination'); if ( $deploy == true ) { $this->_renderDeploy['header'] = $bHeader; $this->_renderDeploy['titles'] = $bTitles; $this->_renderDeploy['filters'] = $bFilters; $this->_renderDeploy['grid'] = $bGrid; $this->_renderDeploy['sqlExp'] = $bSqlExp; $this->_renderDeploy['pagination'] = $bPagination; } $this->_render['header'] = $bHeader; $this->_render['titles'] = $bTitles; $this->_render['filters'] = $bFilters; $this->_render['grid'] = $bGrid; $this->_render['sqlExp'] = $bSqlExp; $this->_render['pagination'] = $bPagination; } /** * Render parts os the grid * @param $part * @param $appendGlobal */ function render ($part, $appendGlobal = false) { $result = ''; if ( $appendGlobal === true ) { $result .= $this->_render['start']; } if ( isset($this->_render[$part]) ) { $result .= $this->_render[$part]; } if ( $appendGlobal === true ) { $result .= $this->_render['end']; } return $result; } function __toString () { if ( is_null($this->_deploymentContent) ) { die('You must explicity call the deploy() method before printing the object'); # self::deploy(); } return $this->_deploymentContent; } protected function _printScript () { if ( $this->getInfo('ajax') !== false ) { $useAjax = 1; } else { $useAjax = 0; } $script = ""; if ( $this->allowDelete == 1 ) { $script .= " function _" . $this->getGridId() . "confirmDel(msg, url) { if(confirm(msg)) { "; if ( $useAjax == 1 ) { $script .= "window.location = '" . $this->_baseUrl . "/'+url.replace('/gridmod" . $this->getGridId() . "/ajax','');"; } else { $script .= "window.location = url;"; } $script .= " }else{ return false; } }"; } if ( $useAjax == 1 ) { $script .= "function gridAjax(ponto,url) { var xmlhttp; try { xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (e) { try { xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject(\"Msxml2.XMLHTTP\"); } catch (e) { try { xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject(\"Microsoft.XMLHTTP\"); } catch (e) { alert(\"Your browser does not suppor AJAX!\"); return false; } } }\"GET\", '" . $this->_baseUrl . "/'+url,true); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function () { if (xmlhttp.readyState==4) { texto=xmlhttp.responseText; document.getElementById(ponto).innerHTML=texto; }else{ } } xmlhttp.send(null); } "; } if ( ! $this->getInfo("noFilters") || $this->getInfo("noFilters") != 0 ) { $script .= "function _" . $this->getGridId() . "gridChangeFilters(fields,url,Ajax) { var Ajax = \"1\"; var fieldsArray = fields.split(\",\"); var filtro = new Array; for (var i = 0; i < fieldsArray.length -1; i++) { value = document.getElementById(fieldsArray[i]).value;\n"; $script .= " value = value.replace(/[\"]/,''); "; $script .= " value = value.replace(/[\\\]/,''); "; $script .= " fieldsArray[i] = fieldsArray[i].replace(/filter_" . $this->getGridId() . "/,'filter_'); "; $script .= "\nfiltro[i] = '\"'+encodeURIComponent(fieldsArray[i])+'\":\"'+encodeURIComponent(value)+'\"'; } filtro = \"{\"+filtro+\"}\"; filtro = escape(filtro); "; if ( $useAjax == 1 ) { $script .= "gridAjax('{$this->getInfo("ajax")}',url+'/filters{$this->getGridId()}/'+filtro);"; } else { $script .= "window.location=url+'/filters{$this->getGridId()}/'+filtro;"; } } $script .= " } "; $this->getView()->headScript()->appendScript($script); return; } /** * *@var Bvb_Grid_Form * @return unknown */ function setForm ($crud) { $oldElements = $crud->getElements(); $form = $this->getSource()->buildForm(); $crud->getForm()->setOptions($form); foreach ( $oldElements as $key => $value ) { $crud->getForm()->addElement($value); } if ( count($crud->getForm()->getElements()) > 0 ) { foreach ( $crud->getForm()->getElements() as $key => $value ) { $value->setDecorators($crud->getElementDecorator()); } } if ( $crud->getFieldsBasedOnQuery() == 1 ) { $finalFieldsForm = array(); $fieldsToForm = $this->getFields(true); foreach ( $fieldsToForm as $key => $value ) { $field = substr($value['field'], strpos($value['field'], '.') + 1); $finalFieldsForm[] = $field; } foreach ( $crud->getForm()->getElements() as $key => $value ) { if ( ! in_array($key, $finalFieldsForm) ) { $crud->getForm()->removeElement($key); } } } if ( count($crud->getAllowedFields()) > 0 ) { foreach ( $crud->getForm()->getElements() as $key => $value ) { if ( ! in_array($key, $crud->getAllowedFields()) ) { $crud->getForm()->removeElement($key); } } } if ( count($crud->getDisallowedFields()) > 0 ) { foreach ( $crud->getForm()->getElements() as $key => $value ) { if ( in_array($key, $crud->getDisallowedFields()) ) { $crud->getForm()->removeElement($key); } } } if ( count($crud->getForm()->getElements()) == 0 ) { throw new Bvb_Grid_Exception($this->__("Your form don't not have any field")); } $crud->getForm()->setDecorators($crud->getFormDecorator()); $crud->getForm()->addElement('submit', 'form_submit' . $this->getGridId(), array('label' => 'Submit', 'class' => 'submit', 'decorators' => $crud->getButtonHiddenDecorator())); $crud->getForm()->addElement('hidden', 'zfg_form_edit' . $this->getGridId(), array('value' => 1, 'decorators' => $crud->getButtonHiddenDecorator())); $crud->addElement('hash', 'zfg_csrf' . $this->getGridId(), array('decorators' => $crud->getButtonHiddenDecorator())); $url = $this->getUrl(array_merge(array('add', 'edit', 'comm', 'form_reset'), array_keys($crud->getForm()->getElements()))); $crud->getForm()->addElement('button', 'form_reset' . $this->getGridId(), array('onclick' => "window.location='$url'", 'label' => 'Cancel', 'class' => 'reset', 'decorators' => $crud->getButtonHiddenDecorator())); $crud->getForm()->addDisplayGroup(array('zfg_csrf' . $this->getGridId(), 'zfg_form_edit' . $this->getGridId(), 'form_submit' .$this->getGridId(), 'form_reset' . $this->getGridId()), 'buttons', array('decorators' => $crud->getGroupDecorator())); $crud->setAction($this->getUrl(array_keys($crud->getForm()->getElements()))); $this->_crudOptions['addForce'] = $crud->getOnAddForce(); $this->_crudOptions['editForce'] = $crud->getOnEditForce(); $this->_crudOptions['editAddCondition'] = $crud->getOnEditAddCondition(); $this->_crudOptions['deleteAddCondition'] = $crud->getOnDeleteAddCondition(); $this->_form = $crud->getForm(); if ( isset($crud->options['callbackBeforeDelete']) ) { $this->_callbackBeforeDelete = $crud->options['callbackBeforeDelete']; } if ( isset($crud->options['callbackBeforeInsert']) ) { $this->_callbackBeforeInsert = $crud->options['callbackBeforeInsert']; } if ( isset($crud->options['callbackBeforeUpdate']) ) { $this->_callbackBeforeUpdate = $crud->options['callbackBeforeUpdate']; } if ( isset($crud->options['callbackAfterDelete']) ) { $this->_callbackAfterDelete = $crud->options['callbackAfterDelete']; } if ( isset($crud->options['callbackAfterInsert']) ) { $this->_callbackAfterInsert = $crud->options['callbackAfterInsert']; } if ( isset($crud->options['callbackAfterUpdate']) ) { $this->_callbackAfterUpdate = $crud->options['callbackAfterUpdate']; } $crud = $this->_object2array($crud); $options = $crud['options']; if ( isset($options['table']) && is_string($options['table']) ) { $this->_crudTable = $options['table']; } if ( isset($options['isPerformCrudAllowed']) && $options['isPerformCrudAllowed'] == 0 ) { $this->_crudTableOptions['add'] = 0; $this->_crudTableOptions['edit'] = 0; $this->_crudTableOptions['delete'] = 0; } else { $this->_crudTableOptions['add'] = 1; $this->_crudTableOptions['edit'] = 1; $this->_crudTableOptions['delete'] = 1; } if ( isset($options['isPerformCrudAllowedForAddition']) && $options['isPerformCrudAllowedForAddition'] == 1 ) { $this->_crudTableOptions['add'] = 1; } elseif ( isset($options['isPerformCrudAllowedForAddition']) && $options['isPerformCrudAllowedForAddition'] == 0 ) { $this->_crudTableOptions['add'] = 0; } if ( isset($options['isPerformCrudAllowedForEdition']) && $options['isPerformCrudAllowedForEdition'] == 1 ) { $this->_crudTableOptions['edit'] = 1; } elseif ( isset($options['isPerformCrudAllowedForEdition']) && $options['isPerformCrudAllowedForEdition'] == 0 ) { $this->_crudTableOptions['edit'] = 0; } if ( isset($options['isPerformCrudAllowedForDeletion']) && $options['isPerformCrudAllowedForDeletion'] == 1 ) { $this->_crudTableOptions['delete'] = 1; } elseif ( isset($options['isPerformCrudAllowedForEdition']) && $options['isPerformCrudAllowedForEdition'] == 0 ) { $this->_crudTableOptions['delete'] = 0; } $this->_info['doubleTables'] = $this->getInfo("doubleTables"); if ( isset($options['delete']) ) { if ( $options['delete'] == 1 ) { $this->delete = array('allow' => 1); if ( isset($options['onDeleteAddWhere']) ) { $this->_info['delete']['where'] = $options['onDeleteAddWhere']; } } } if ( isset($options['add']) && $options['add'] == 1 ) { if ( ! isset($options['addButton']) ) { $options['addButton'] = 0; } $this->add = array('allow' => 1, 'button' => $options['addButton']); } if ( isset($options['edit']) && $options['edit'] == 1 ) { $this->edit = array('allow' => 1); } return $this; } /** * Field type on the filters area. If the field type is enum, build the options * Also, we first need to check if the user has defined values to presente. * If set, this values override the others * * @param string $campo * @param string $valor * @return string */ protected function _formatField ($campo) { $valor = $campo; if ( isset($this->_data['fields'][$valor]['search']) && $this->_data['fields'][$valor]['search'] == false ) { return ''; } //check if we need to load fields for filters if ( isset($this->_filters[$valor]['distinct']) && is_array($this->_filters[$valor]['distinct']) && isset($this->_filters[$valor]['distinct']['field']) ) { $distinctField = $this->_filters[$valor]['distinct']['field']; $distinctValue = $this->_filters[$valor]['distinct']['name']; if ( isset($this->_data['fields'][$distinctField]['field']) ) { $distinctField = $this->_data['fields'][$distinctField]['field']; } $final = $this->getSource()->getDistinctValuesForFilters($distinctField, $distinctValue); $this->_filters[$valor]['values'] = $final; } //Remove unwanted url params $url = $this->getUrl(array('filters', 'start', 'comm', '_exportTo')); $fieldsSemAsFinal = $this->_data['fields']; if ( isset($fieldsSemAsFinal[$campo]['searchField']) ) { $nkey = $fieldsSemAsFinal[$campo]['searchField']; @$this->_filtersValues[$campo] = $this->_filtersValues[$nkey]; } $help_javascript = ''; $i = 0; foreach ( array_keys($this->_filters) as $value ) { if ( ! isset($this->_data['fields'][$value]['search']) ) { $this->_data['fields'][$value]['search'] = true; } $hRow = isset($this->_data['fields'][$value]['hRow']) ? $this->_data['fields'][$value]['hRow'] : ''; if ( $this->_displayField($value) && $hRow != 1 && $this->_data['fields'][$value]['search'] != false ) { $help_javascript .= "filter_" . $this->getGridId() . $value . ","; } } $attr['onChange'] = "_" . $this->getGridId() . "gridChangeFilters('$help_javascript','$url');"; $opcoes = array(); if ( isset($this->_filters[$campo]) ) { $opcoes = $this->_filters[$campo]; } if ( isset($opcoes['style']) ) { $attr['style'] = $opcoes['style']; } else { $attr['style'] = " width:95% "; } $attr['id'] = "filter_" . $this->getGridId() . $campo; $selected = null; if ( isset($this->_filters[$valor]['values']) && is_array($this->_filters[$valor]['values']) ) { $hasValues = false; } else { $hasValues = $this->getSource()->getFilterValuesBasedOnFieldDefinition($this->_data['fields'][$campo]['field']); } if ( is_array($hasValues) ) { $opcoes = array(); $tipo = 'text'; $opcoes['values'] = $hasValues; } else { $tipo = 'text'; } if ( isset($opcoes['values']) && is_array($opcoes['values']) ) { $tipo = 'invalid'; $values = array(); $values[''] = '--' . $this->__('All') . '--'; $avalor = $opcoes['values']; foreach ( $avalor as $key => $value ) { if ( isset($this->_filtersValues[$campo]) && $this->_filtersValues[$campo] == $key ) { $selected = $key; } $values[$key] = $value; } $valor = $this->_view->formSelect($campo, $selected, $attr, $values); } if ( $tipo != 'invalid' ) { $this->_filtersValues[$campo] = isset($this->_filtersValues[$campo]) ? $this->_filtersValues[$campo] : ''; $valor = $this->_view->formText($campo, @$this->_filtersValues[$campo], $attr); } return $valor; } /** * Apply config options * @param $options */ protected function _applyConfigOptions ($options, $final = false) { if ( $final == false ) { $this->_deployOptions = $options; if ( isset($this->_deployOptions['templateDir']) ) { $this->_deployOptions['templateDir'] = (array) $this->_deployOptions['templateDir']; foreach ( $this->_deployOptions['templateDir'] as $templates ) { $temp = $templates; $temp = str_replace('_', '/', $temp); $this->addTemplateDir($temp, $templates, 'table'); } } } else { if ( isset($this->_deployOptions['imagesUrl']) ) { $this->setImagesUrl($this->_deployOptions['imagesUrl']); } if ( isset($this->_deployOptions['template']) ) { $this->setTemplate($this->_deployOptions['template'], 'table'); } } return true; } /** * Returns form instance */ function getForm () { return $this->_form; } /** * Adds a row class based on a condition * @param $column * @param $condition * @param $class */ function addClassRowCondition ($column, $condition, $class) { $this->_classRowCondition[$column][] = array('condition' => $condition, 'class' => $class); return $this; } /** * Adds a cell class based on a condition * @param $column * @param $condition * @param $class */ function addClassCellCondition ($column, $condition, $class, $else = '') { $this->_classCellCondition[$column][] = array('condition' => $condition, 'class' => $class, 'else' => $else); return $this; } /** * Sets a row class based on a condition * @param $column * @param $condition * @param $class */ function setClassRowCondition ($condition, $class, $else = '') { $this->_classRowCondition = array(); $this->_classRowCondition[] = array('condition' => $condition, 'class' => $class, 'else' => $else); return $this; } /** * Set a cell class based on a condition * @param $column * @param $condition * @param $class */ function setClassCellCondition ($column, $condition, $class, $else) { $this->_classCellCondition = array(); $this->_classCellCondition[$column][] = array('condition' => $condition, 'class' => $class, 'else' => $else); return $this; } function addExtraRows (Bvb_Grid_Extra_Rows $rows) { $rows = $this->_object2array($rows); $this->_extraRows = $rows['_rows']; return $this; } protected function _buildExtraRows ($position) { if ( count($this->_extraRows) == 0 ) { return false; } $start = '<tr>'; $middle = ''; $end = ''; $hasReturn = false; if ( count($this->_getExtraFields('left')) > 0 ) { $start .= " <td colspan='" . count($this->_getExtraFields('left')) . "'></td>"; } if ( count($this->_getExtraFields('right')) > 0 ) { $end .= " <td colspan='" . count($this->_getExtraFields('left')) . "'></td>"; } foreach ( $this->_extraRows as $key => $value ) { if ( $value['position'] != $position ) continue; foreach ( $value['values'] as $final ) { $colspan = isset($final['colspan']) ? "colspan='" . $final['colspan'] . "'" : ''; $class = isset($final['class']) ? "class='" . $final['class'] . "'" : ''; if ( ! isset($final['content']) ) { $final['content'] = ''; } $middle .= "<td $colspan $class >{$final['content']}</td>"; $hasReturn = true; } } if ( $hasReturn === false ) { return false; } $end .= '</tr>'; return $start . $middle . $end; } function setRowAltClasses ($odd, $even = '') { $this->_cssClasses = array('odd' => $odd, 'even' => $even); return $this; } /** * So user can know what is going to be done */ function buildFormDefinitions () { if ( $this->getParam('add') == 1 ) { $this->_formSettings['mode'] = 'add'; $this->_formSettings['action'] = $this->getForm()->getAction(); } if ( $this->getParam('edit') == 1 ) { $this->_formSettings['mode'] = 'edit'; $this->_formSettings['id'] = $this->getPkFromUrl(); $this->_formSettings['row'] = $this->getSource()->fetchDetail($this->getPkFromUrl()); $this->_formSettings['action'] = $this->getForm()->getAction(); } if ( $this->getParam('delete') == 1 ) { $this->_formSettings['mode'] = 'delete'; $this->_formSettings['id'] = $this->getPkFromUrl(); $this->_formSettings['row'] = $this->getSource()->fetchDetail($this->getPkFromUrl()); $this->_formSettings['action'] = $this->getForm()->getAction(); } } /** * Return action action fro form */ function getFormSettings () { $this->buildFormDefinitions(); return $this->_formSettings; } /** * Show a confirmation page instead a alert window * @param $status */ function setDeleteConfirmationPage ($status) { $this->_deleteConfirmationPage = (bool) $status; return $this; } function setImagesUrl($url) { if(!is_string($url)) { throw new Bvb_Grid_Exception('String expected, '.gettype($url).' provided'); } $this->_imagesUrl = $url; return $this; } function getImagesUrl() { return $this->_imagesUrl; } }