* A compinfo object represents a record of the table compinfo.
* @author Jevons < [email protected]>
* @package Core
* @version 1.0
class compinfo{
private $id;
private $mylink;
private $compname;
private $address;
private $post;
private $email;
private $phone;
private $zip;
private $memo;
private $intime;
public function set_id($id)
public function get_id()
return $this->id;
public function set_mylink($mylink)
public function get_mylink()
return $this->mylink;
public function set_compname($compname)
public function get_compname()
return $this->compname;
public function set_address($address)
public function get_address()
return $this->address;
public function set_post($post)
public function get_post()
return $this->post;
public function set_email($email)
public function get_email()
return $this->email;
public function set_phone($phone)
public function get_phone()
return $this->phone;
public function set_zip($zip)
public function get_zip()
return $this->zip;
public function set_memo($memo)
public function get_memo()
return $this->memo;
public function set_intime($intime)
public function get_intime()
return $this->intime;
public function __construct($myId = null,$array = null){
if($myId != null && is_numeric($myId) && $array == null){//init user object
}elseif ($myId == null && is_array($array)){//use array of properties
}elseif ($myId == null && $array == null){//maybe for creating a new user
}else {//invalid throw notice
public function set_properties_from_array($array){
isset($array['id']) ?$this->id = $array['id'] : $this->id;
isset($array['mylink']) ?$this->mylink = $array['mylink'] : $this->mylink;
isset($array['compname']) ?$this->compname = $array['compname'] : $this->compname;
isset($array['address']) ?$this->address = $array['address'] : $this->address;
isset($array['post']) ?$this->post = $array['post'] : $this->post;
isset($array['email']) ?$this->email = $array['email'] : $this->email;
isset($array['phone']) ?$this->phone = $array['phone'] : $this->phone;
isset($array['zip']) ?$this->zip = $array['zip'] : $this->zip;
isset($array['memo']) ?$this->memo = $array['memo'] : $this->memo;
isset($array['intime']) ?$this->intime = $array['intime'] : $this->intime;
public function db_load($id){
global $applicationDb;
$sDb = $applicationDb->getSlave();
$sDb = $applicationDb->getSlave();
$query = "SELECT * FROM compinfo WHERE id=?";
$rs = $sDb->execute($query, Array($id));
//if user was not found return false
//throw the error if this is requested
return false;
//set properties of the object from the database record
foreach ($rs as $row){
return true;
public function db_save(){
if(is_null($this->id) || $this->id==""){
return $this->db_insert();
return $this->db_update();
private function db_insert(){
global $applicationDb;
$mDb = $applicationDb->getMaster();
//Validate the supplied data before insert
$query="INSERT INTO compinfo(id,mylink,compname,address,post,email,phone,zip,memo,intime
VALUES( ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
$values = array($this->id,$this->mylink,$this->compname,$this->address,$this->post,$this->email,$this->phone,$this->zip,$this->memo,$this->intime);
$result = $mDb->execute($query, $values);
echo mysql_error()."<br>";
echo $query."<br>";
return false;
} //set and return the new id
return $this->id;}
private function db_update(){
global $applicationDb;
$mDb = $applicationDb->getMaster();
//Validate the supplied data before update
$query = "
UPDATE compinfo
SET mylink=?,compname=?,address=?,post=?,email=?,phone=?,zip=?,memo=?,intime=?
WHERE id=?
$values = array( $this->mylink,$this->compname,$this->address,$this->post,$this->email,$this->phone,$this->zip,$this->memo,$this->intime,$this->id
$result = $mDb->execute($query, $values);
//check if the query was succesfull
echo mysql_error()."<br>";
echo $query."<br>";
return false;
return true;
public function get_all_data(){
return $all_data;