// OPDS basic gestion (only add entities and relations, not modify)
// Version: 0.1
// Pierre FAUQUE, <[email protected]>
// Script: 2014, Script->Class: 2019, Gestion: may 2020
// Encoding: UTF-8
// Text editor: GNU/Linux Debian Vi
// File: doc_help3.php (v0.1)
// Role: Documentation, help page 3 (HOWTO fill the database)
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<h1>DOC : Help - Fill the database</h1>
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<p>In forms : yellow fields are required, gray fields are recommanded but optional.</p>
<p>Below each input form there is a list of the records already made. Before each new input, take a look on it to avoid double input because in this basic version, duplicates records (such as keywords, for example) are not verified.</p>
<p>The main different types of ebooks have already been registered. In principle, you should not add new types unless you offer a new type of ebook (such as AZW3, for example). In this case, you will need to find out about the MIME format of this new type of ebook to save the good corresponding format.</p>
<p>Before entering the relations between the objects (the entities, according to the entities-relations model), carry out the entries in descending order of dependency :
<li> The types of ebooks you offer (already registered),</li>
<li> The keywords by which we can search for the new ebook you are recording,</li>
<li> The authors of the ebooks you are recording,</li>
<li> The categories of ebooks you are recording,</li>
<li> Sub-categories (which depend on the categories),</li>
<li> Documents (which depend on subcategories and categories).</li>
<p>Then enter the relations that exist between the entities that have been registered :
<li> Such author wrote such document,</li>
<li> Such document has such keywords,</li>
<li> Such document has been published in such format (in such language, etc.)</li>
<p>To avoid conversions in date format (birth or death), these are entered in MySQL format (YYYY-MM-DD). Some informations may not be known. So you can use :
<li> YYYY-00-00 - ex: 1902-00-00</li>
<li> YYYY-MM-00 - ex: 1622-01-00</li>
<li> YYYY-MM-DD - ex: 1672-02-17</li>
<li> 0000-00-00 or leave empty if unknown (default value is 0000-00-00)</li>
<p>For the publication date (issued), it is taken as text of 10 characters maximum. So you can write like this :
<li> 1673-02-17 or 17-02-1673 or 17/02/1673 (seen as text)</li>
<li> 1902</li>
<li> May 1956</li>
<li> or leave blank if unknown</li>
<p>Take care before adding a new document and take a look on the previous added records because several documents can have the same title</p>
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