** Example script that goes with the pdf_search class.
** License: Public Domain
** Warranty: None
** Author: Rene Kluwen / Chimit Software <[email protected]>
// The following determines the document to search in.
$theDocument = "MyDocument.pdf";
// The text to search for. Usually we get this as a result of a form
// submit.
$searchText = "marbles";
// First we read the document into memory space.
// Also, pdf documents can be read from a database or otherwise
// (which is what I did when writing the class).
$fp = fopen($theDocument, "r");
$content = fread($fp, filesize($theDocument));
// Allocate class instance
$pdf = new pdf_search($content);
// And do the search
if ($pdf->textfound($searchText)) {
echo "We found $searchText.";
else {
echo "$searchText was not found.";