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File: CalendarFrame.php

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File: CalendarFrame.php
Role: Class source
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Class: Calendar Frame
Generate month calendar data
Author: By
Last change: Version 2.0.4. With version 2, I did a major redesign of the object. More features, cleaner code.
Date: 17 years ago
Size: 7,688 bytes


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 * CalendarFrame
 * Generate a simple to work with calendar structure.
 * All the calendar classes I see around the internet are designed for one
 * specific task. I wanted a system that I could use for multiple projects
 * without having to hack the code from another script. CalendarFrame allows
 * you to generate a calendar by Year, Month, Week, and even get a group of
 * Days. The returned structure is an array, so you are free to display the
 * data in any form you wish. I use this system to generate XML and JSON files
 * for use with AJAX. I also format this with HTML to make a simple calendar
 * on sites I work on that require a displayed calendar system.
 * @package Calendar
 * @author Nathan Lucas <[email protected]>
 * @link
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008, Nathan Lucas
 * @version 2.0.4
class CalendarFrame {

     * Offset for which day your week starts. Sun-Sat.
     * @access private
     * @var integer
private $startDay = 0;

     * CalendarFrame($startDay)
     * Sets the start day offset. If the start day is not
     * specified, it defaults to Sunday.
     * @param string $startDay
     * @access public
     * @return void
public function __construct($startDay = "sunday") {
$day = array();
$day['sun'] = 0;
$day['mon'] = 1;
$day['tue'] = 2;
$day['wed'] = 3;
$day['thu'] = 4;
$day['fri'] = 5;
$day['sat'] = 6;
$this->startDay = $day[strtolower(substr($startDay, 0, 3))];

     * getYear($stamp)
     * Generates an array of all months, Jan - Dec, of a given year.
     * If $stamp is not specified, $stamp defaults to the current
     * year.
     * @param mixed $stamp
     * @access public
     * @return array
public function getYear($stamp = null) {
$stamp = $this->_parseStamp($stamp);
$stamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, date("Y", $stamp));
$months = array();
        for (
$i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
$months[] = $this->getMonth(mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, date("Y", $stamp)));

         * Array (
         * previous_year_stamp
         * current_stamp
         * next_year_stamp
         * month Array (
         * previous_month_stamp
         * current_stamp
         * next_month_stamp
         * week Array (
         * previous_week_stamp
         * current_stamp
         * next_week_stamp
         * day Array (
         * day_stamp
         * ...
         * ...
         * ...
$out = array();
$out['previous'] = strtotime("-1 year", $stamp);
$out['stamp'] = $stamp;
$out['next'] = strtotime("+1 year", $stamp);
$out['month'] = $months;

     * getMonth($stamp)
     * Generates an array of a given month. If $stamp is not specified,
     * $stamp defaults to the current month and year.
     * @param mixed $stamp
     * @access public
     * @return array
public function getMonth($stamp = null) {
$stamp = $this->_parseStamp($stamp);
$stamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("n", $stamp), 1, date("Y", $stamp));
$last_day = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("n", $stamp), date("t", $stamp), date("Y", $stamp));
$weeks = array();
$tmp_stamp = $stamp;
$tmp_last_day = $stamp;
$i = 0;
        while (
$tmp_last_day <= $last_day) {
$weeks[$i] = $this->getWeek($tmp_stamp);
$tmp_stamp = strtotime("+1 week", $tmp_stamp);
$tmp_last_day = $weeks[$i]['next'];

         * Array (
         * previous_month_stamp
         * current_stamp
         * next_month_stamp
         * week Array (
         * previous_week_stamp
         * current_stamp
         * next_week_stamp
         * day Array (
         * day_stamp
         * ...
         * ...
$out = array();
$out['previous'] = strtotime("-1 month", $stamp);
$out['stamp'] = $stamp;
$out['next'] = strtotime("+1 month", $stamp);
$out['week'] = $weeks;

     * getWeek($stamp)
     * Generates an array of a given week. If $stamp is not specified,
     * $stamp defaults to the current year and week.
     * @param mixed $stamp
     * @access public
     * @return array
public function getWeek($stamp = null) {
$stamp = $this->_parseStamp($stamp);
$day = date("j", $stamp);
$dow = (date("w", $stamp) - $this->startDay);
        if (
$dow < 1) {
$stamp = strtotime("-1 week -".($day - ($day - $dow))." days", $stamp);
        } else {
$stamp = strtotime("-".($day - ($day - $dow))." days", $stamp);
$stop = strtotime("+6 days", $stamp);

         * Array (
         * previous_week_stamp
         * current_stamp
         * next_week_stamp
         * day Array (
         * day_stamp
         * ...
$out = array();
$out['previous'] = strtotime("-1 week", $stamp);
$out['stamp'] = $stamp;
$out['next'] = strtotime("+1 week", $stamp);
$out['day'] = $this->getDays($stamp, $stop);

     * getDays($start, $stop, $get)
     * Generates an array of dates from $start to $stop. $get allows
     * you to specify a certain day of the week:
     * @example
     * $calendar = new CalendarFrame();
     * $sundays = $calendar->getDays(mktime(), "2008-12-25", "sundays");
     * echo "There are ".count($sundays)." sundays until Christmas.";
     * @param mixed $start
     * @param mixed $stop
     * @param string $get
     * @access public
     * @return array
public function getDays($start, $stop, $get = null) {
$start = $this->_parseStamp($start);
$stop = $this->_parseStamp($stop);
$get = (is_null($get)) ? "+1 day" : "next ".substr(ucfirst($get), 0, 3);
$days = array();
$tmp_stamp = ($get != "+1 day") ? strtotime($get) : $start;
        while (
$tmp_stamp <= $stop) {
$days[] = $tmp_stamp;
$tmp_stamp = strtotime($get, $tmp_stamp);

         * Array (
         * day_stamp
         * ...
return $days;

     * _parseStamp($stamp)
     * Parses a given stamp into a UNIX timestamp. This enables you to
     * use date formats supported under strtotime().
     * @param mixed $stamp
     * @access private
     * @return unknown
private function _parseStamp($stamp) {
        if (
is_null($stamp)) {
$stamp = mktime();
        } else {
$stamp = (is_int($stamp)) ? $stamp : strtotime($stamp);