* @return bool
function protector_prepare()
// check the access is from install/index.php
if (defined('_INSTALL_CHARSET') && !is_writable(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/mainfile.php')) {
die('To use installer, remove protector\'s lines from mainfile.php first.');
// Protector class
require_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/class/protector.php';
// Protector object
$protector = Protector::getInstance();
$conf = $protector->getConf();
// bandwidth limitation
if (@$conf['bwlimit_count'] >= 10) {
$bwexpire = $protector->get_bwlimit();
if ($bwexpire > time()) {
header('HTTP/1.0 503 Service unavailable');
$protector->call_filter('precommon_bwlimit', 'This website is very busy now. Please try later.');
// bad_ips
$bad_ips = $protector->get_bad_ips(true);
$bad_ip_match = $protector->ip_match($bad_ips);
if ($bad_ip_match) {
$protector->call_filter('precommon_badip', 'You are registered as BAD_IP by Protector.');
// global enabled or disabled
if (!empty($conf['global_disabled'])) {
return true;
// reliable ips
$reliable_ips = @unserialize(@$conf['reliable_ips']);
if (!is_array($reliable_ips)) {
// for the environment of (buggy core version && magic_quotes_gpc)
$reliable_ips = @unserialize(stripslashes(@$conf['reliable_ips']));
if (!is_array($reliable_ips)) {
$reliable_ips = array();
$is_reliable = false;
foreach ($reliable_ips as $reliable_ip) {
if (!empty($reliable_ip) && preg_match('/' . $reliable_ip . '/', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
$is_reliable = true;
// "DB Layer Trapper"
$force_override = strstr(@$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'protector/admin/index.php?page=advisory') ? true : false;
// $force_override = true ;
if ($force_override || !empty($conf['enable_dblayertrap'])) {
// "Big Umbrella" subset version
if (!empty($conf['enable_bigumbrella'])) {
// force intval variables whose name is *id
if (!empty($conf['id_forceintval'])) {
// eliminate '..' from requests looks like file specifications
if (!$is_reliable && !empty($conf['file_dotdot'])) {
// Check uploaded files
if (!$is_reliable && !empty($_FILES) && !empty($conf['die_badext']) && !defined('PROTECTOR_SKIP_FILESCHECKER') && !$protector->check_uploaded_files()) {
// Variables contamination
if (!$protector->check_contami_systemglobals()) {
if (@$conf['contami_action'] & 4) {
if (@$conf['contami_action'] & 8) {
$protector->_should_be_banned = true;
} else {
$protector->_should_be_banned_time0 = true;
$_GET = $_POST = array();
if (@$conf['contami_action'] & 2) {
// prepare for DoS
//if ( ! $protector->check_dos_attack_prepare() ) {
// $protector->output_log( $protector->last_error_type , 0 , true ) ;
if (!empty($conf['disable_features'])) {
return null;