CHANGES are moved into README after 2.57
2.57 (2006/07/17)
- fixed treating blob on backing up in prefix_manager (thx fbs777)
- fixed some notices
- updated gticket into version2
- disabled onInstall (2.57a)
2.56 (2006/03/30)
- modified error handling when config can't be received
- modified DOS/CRAWLER skipping for nocommon=1 module (thx sleo577)
- updated german (thx rene) 2.56a
2.55 (2006/02/11)
- fixed anti-multiple-content-type allows .tar.gz (thx gusagi)
- updated mymenu for compatibility with XC2.1
- updated Spanish language files (thx bezoops)
2.54 (2005/12/08)
- added backup feature into prefix_manager (experimental)
- added a check multiple dot file uploading (=multiple content-type for apache)
- updated portuguesebr language files (thx Izzy)
- modified anti camouflaged image file uploading system with some open_basedir restrictions (thx stefan88) - 2.54a
- modified some initial settings and documents - 2.54a
2.53 (2005/11/30)
- added anti camouflaged image file upload (==IE Content-Type XSS)
- modified the action when DB is busy
- fixed some bugs cause Notices
- modified imcompatibities with XOOPS 2.2.3
- moved document files under docs/ (for hiding protector's version)
- updated mymenu into 0.15a
- modified the action against PHP_SELF/PATH_INFO XSS
- modified the module icon (thx Argon)
- updated and renamed Polish language files from polski (thx Tomasz)
- updated French language files (thx marco)
- updated Italian language files (thx Defkon1)
- fixed packaging errors in zip files (thx Dave_L) 2.53a
2.52 (2005/8/27)
- changed the feature of disabling xmlrpc.php in any path (wordpress etc.)
- modified the logging rule about xmlrpc.php
- added Russian language files (thx Sergey)
2.51 (2005/8/24)
- added an option of IP mask bits against session hi-jacking
- added an advisory about session.use_trans_sid
- modified codes against PHP_SELF XSS
- updated French language files (thx HEMON)
2.50 release (2005/8/22)
- added a protection against PHP_SELF XSS
- updated Brazilian Portuguese & Spanish language files (thx Yuji)
2.50 beta2 (2005/7/31)
- changed " holes" into "disable features"
- added "num" select box
- updated Traditional Chinese language files (thx Kikuchi)
- updated Brazilian Portuguese & Spanish language files (thx Yuji)
2.50 beta1 (2005/7/22)
- added an option "DOS/CRAWLER skip modules"
- modified adding some indexes of tables which protector accesses
- added an option "reliable IPs"
- added a feature of anti-BruteForceAttacks
2.40 release (2005/7/21)
- added a protection from 'criteria attack' for xoops <= 2.0.10*
- modified Italian language files (thx Defkon1)
- added Finnish language files (thx kokko)
- added Polish language files (thx Tomasz)
2.40RC2 (2005/4/4)
- modified the updating routine to delete old protector block (thx Dava_L)
- updated Brazilian Portuguese & Spanish language files (thx Yuji)
2.40RC (2005/3/31)
- modified URI of attacking simulation in advisory (thx satanas)
- modified checking *check.inc.php included in advisory (thx peter & Dave_L)
- modified password for disabling bad_ips to be encrypted
- eliminate protector block
- modified only GET vars will be checked with "doubtful file spec"
2.38 (2005/3/18)
- modified system of rollbacking .htaccess in DoS or CRAWLER
- updated Italian language files (thx Defkon1)
2.37 (2005/3/9)
- fixed missing dbname quoting in prefix manager (thx king76)
- modified log level of Null-byte to 64
2.36 (2005/3/9)
- modified the pattern of bad_ext
2.35 (2005/3/5)
- updated myblocksadmin 0.27 & mymenu 0.12
- added a logging level
- added an option for disabling whole of Protector for debugging (thx Dave_L)
- updated Traditional Chinese language files (thx Kikuchi)
- updated French language files (thx HEMON) 2.35a
- updated Brazilian Portuguese & Spanish language files (thx Yuji) 2.35a
2.34 (2005/2/18)
- fixed a typo in protecting session hijacking (thx blues)
- modified messages on forced exiting against specifical features (thx suin)
- added an option of 'Deny by .htaccess' against DoS experimentaly
2.33 (2005/2/11)
- modified the action when '../../' found (thx mayor)
- modified IP check disabled with XoopsGTicket
2.32 (2005/2/1)
- modified enabling "MySQL/Blocks debug" with strict checking (thx jseymour)
2.31 (2005/1/30)
- fixed recognization of root controllers (thx nobunobu)
- modified compatibility with IIS (thx okuhiki)
- updated French language files (thx HMN) (2.31a)
- added German language files (thx Rene) (2.31b)
2.30 release (2005/1/30)
- modified some default values of configs.
- updated Italian language files (thx Defkon1)
- updated Brazilian Portuguese & Spanish language files (thx Yuji)
- added Dutch language files (thx Dirk Louwers)
2.30RC5 (2005/1/22)
- fixed some non-harmful typos
- updated Italian language files (thx Defkon1)
2.30RC4 (2005/1/21)
- fixed postcheck.inc.php with $xoopsConfig['nocommon'] (thx dendeke)
2.30RC3 (2005/1/21)
- modified anti null-byte from die to sanitize
- modified prefix manager a little
- added French language files (thx HMN)
- added Italian language files (thx Defkon1)
2.30RC2 (2005/1/20)
- fixed prefix manager
2.30RC (2005/1/19)
- added prefix manager
- added specific patches (Special thx to zx team!)
- added checker against null-byte attack
- modified doubtful file specifications (thx minahito)
- added anti session hi-jacking
- added include/postcheck.inc.php (Notice: mainfile.php should be rewritten)
- modified options about contami & SQL Injections
2.22 (2005/1/4) (not so important fixes)
- fixed a typo in check_dos_attack_* (thx Mithrandir)
- modified with REQUEST_URI for IIS
- updated myblocksadmin 0.22 & mymenu 0.07
2.21 (2004/12/31)
- fixed a missing pattern with contami checking (thx onokazu)
2.20 (2004/12/27)
- fixed a missing pattern with contami checking (thx JM2)
- fixed typo missing global for HTTP_*_VARS
- added logging doubtful file spec
- updated Brazilian Portuguese & Spanish language files (thx Marcelo Yuji Himoro)
- updated traditional Chinese language files (thx Kikuchi)
2.20RC3 (2004/12/18)
- added "Patch doubtful file specifications" (thx JM2)
- added Spanish language files (thx Marcelo Yuji Himoro)
2.20RC2 (2004/12/16)
- updated myblocksadmin (0.12) & mymenu (0.06)
- modified Brazilian Portuguese language files (thx Marcelo Yuji Himoro)
2.20RC (2004/12/15)
- modified to use $_GET or $_POST instead of $HTTP_*_VARS (for PHP5)
- added a feature to rescue
- added to store user_agent
- modified Anti-DoS routine radically
- added each settings of "F5 attacks" and "high load crawlers"
- fixed not to "Force intval" against array
- modified a pattern finding UNION
2.11 (2004/9/30)
- fixed some typos
2.10a (2004/9/27)
- modified Brazilian Portuguese language files (thx Marcelo Yuji Himoro)
2.10 (2004/9/22)
- added checker to uploaded files
- added security advisory
- modified as selectable whether sanitizing or not against SQL Injections
- fixed short tags (thx t_miyabi)
- added traditional Chinese language files (thx Kikuchi)
2.01 (2004/9/11)
- added some checks of contamination to some super globals
- modified Brazilian Portuguese language files (thx Marcelo Yuji Himoro)
2.0 (2004/9/10)
- The 1st release as Xoops Protector.
2.57 (2006/07/17)
- ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????LOB?????????????????????????????????????????????????€?? (thx fbs777)
- ?????????????????????????????Notice?????????€??
- gticket2 ???????????
- onInstall??????????????????????? (2.57a)
2.56 (2006/03/30)
- ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????€??????????????????????????
- common.php????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????DOS/CRAWLER??????????????????????????????€??????????????????????????
2.55 (2006/02/11)
- ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????.tar.gz???€?????????????????????????????€?? (thx gusagi)
- mymenu???????????????XoopsCube 2.1??????????????€????????????????
- ?????????????????????????????????????????? (thx bezoops)
2.54 (2005/12/08)
- PREFIX??????????????????????REFIX???????????????????????????????????????????????? (??????€????????????????????!)
- ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (Apache??????????????)
- ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (thx Izzy)
- ???????????????????????????????????????????????????open_basedir?€????????????????????????????????????????????????€?? (thx stefan88) - 2.54a
- ????????€?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????€?? - 2.54a
2.53 (2005/11/30)
- ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????IE????SS??????????????????????????
- ??????????????????????????busy????????ath Disclosure?????????????????????????????????????
- Notice????????€???????????????????????????????????????????????????€??
- ???????????????? XOOPS 2.2.3 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????€??????????????????
- ??????????????????????????docs??????????????????????????????? (???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
- updated mymenu into 0.15a
- PHP_SELF/PATH_INFO XSS?????????????????????????????????????????????????€?????????????????urlencode?????????????
- ????????????????????????????????????????????? (thx Argon)
- ???????????????????????????????????????????????? (thx Tomasz)
- ????????????????????????????????????????????? (thx marco)
- ?????????????????????????????????????????????? (thx Defkon1)
- zip????????????????????????????????????????????????????€?? (thx Dave_L) 2.53a
2.52 (2005/8/27)
- WordPress????????????????????????????????????????????xmlrpc.php????????????????????????????????????????????????????
- xmlrpc ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
- ?????????????????????????????????????(thx Sergey)
2.51 (2005/8/24)
- ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????IP???????????????????????????????????????????????????
- session.use_trans_sid ????????????????????????????????????
- PHP_SELF XSS ???????????????????????????
- ?????????????????????????????????????????? (thx HEMON)
2.50 ?€?????????(2005/8/22)
- PHP_SELF XSS ???????????????????????
- ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (thx Yuji)
2.50 beta2 (2005/7/31)
- ""???????????Y/N????€??????????????????????????????????????????????????"?????????????????
- ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
- ?????????????????????????????????????????? (thx Kikuchi)
- ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (thx Yuji)
2.50 beta1 (2005/7/22)
- ????oS/Crawler??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
- index??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????ndex?????
- ?????????????????IP??????????????????????????????????????????????
- ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
2.40 ?€?????????(2005/7/21)
- criteria attack ?????????????????????????????(xoops <= 2.0.10*???
- ??????????????????????????????????????????? (thx Defkon1)
- ???????????????????????????????????????????????(thx kokko)
- ???????????????????????????????????????????(thx Tomasz)
2.40RC2 (2005/4/4)
- ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (thx Dava_L)
- ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (thx Yuji)
2.40RC (2005/3/31)
- ???????????????????????????????????????????
- ????????????????????????RI????????€?? (thx satanas)
- *check.inc.php??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????€?? (thx peter & Dave_L)
- IP????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
- ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????GET???€???????????????????????????????????????????
2.38 (2005/3/18)
- DoS???????????????????.htaccess DENY?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
- ???????????????????????€?????????????????????????????? (thx Defkon1)
2.37 (2005/3/9)
- prefix manager ????B?????????????????????????????????????????????????€?? (thx king76)
- Null-byte ????????quite ??????????????????????????
2.36 (2005/3/9)
- ????????????????????????????????????????????????????€??
2.35 (2005/3/5)
- updated myblocksadmin 0.27 & mymenu 0.12
- ??????????????????????????????????????????????EMO???????????
- ?????????????????????????????????Off????????????????????????????????????????????? (thx Dave_L)
- ?????????????????????????????????????????? (thx Kikuchi)
- ?????????????????????????????????????????????? (thx HEMON) 2.35a
- ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (thx Yuji) 2.35a
2.34 (2005/2/18)
- ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????€?? (thx blues)
- ??????????????????????????????????€????????????????????????????????????????????????????????€?? (thx suin)
- DoS????????????????.htaccess ????DENY FROM ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
2.33 (2005/2/11)
- ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????.???????????????????????????????????€?? (thx mayor)
- ????????????????????????????????????IP????????????????????????
2.32 (2005/2/1)
- ??????????????????????????MySQL/????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (thx jseymour)
2.31 (2005/1/30)
- ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (thx nobunobu)
- IIS????????€???????????? (thx okuhiki)
- ?????????????????????????????????????????? (thx HMN) (2.31a)
- ???????????????????????????????????????(thx Rene) (2.31b)
2.30 ???????????????????(2005/1/30)
- ????????????????????????????????????€????????????????????????
- ??????????????????????????????????????????? (thx Defkon1)
- ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (thx Marcelo Yuji Himoro)
- ???????????????€?????????????????????????????(thx Dirk Louwers)
2.30RC5 (2005/1/22)
- ???????????ypo????????€?? (???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????)
- ??????????????????????????????????????????? (thx Defkon1)
2.30RC4 (2005/1/21)
- postcheck.inc.php ??????????????????nocommon?????????????????????????Fix (thx dendeke)
2.30RC3 (2005/1/21)
- ????????????????????????????????????????????????????€?????????????????????????????????????????????
- PREFIX ????????????????????????????€??
- ????????????????????????????????????????????(thx HMN)
- ?????????????????????????????????????????????(thx Defkon1)
2.30RC2 (2005/1/20)
- PREFIX ??????????????????????????€??
2.30RC (2005/1/19)
- PREFIX ??????????????????????????€??
- (Special thx to zx team!)
- ???????????????????????????????????????
- ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (thx minahito)
- ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
- postcheck.inc.php ?????????(????????????????????????????????????????????????????
- ???????????€??????SQL Injection????????????€????????????????????
2.22 (2005/1/4) (???????????????????????????????????????€?????????)
- check_dos_attack_* ???????????????typo?????€?? (thx Mithrandir)
- IIS???€????EQUEST_URI??????????€?????????????????????????????????
- updated myblocksadmin 0.22 & mymenu 0.07
2.21 (2004/12/31)
- ???????????€???????????????????????????????€?? (thx onokazu)
2.20 (2004/12/27)
- ???????????€???????????????????????????????€??(thx JM2)
- HTTP_*_VARS ????lobal??????????????????€??
- ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
- ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (thx Marcelo Yuji Himoro)
- ?????????????????????????????????????????? (thx Kikuchi)
2.20RC3 (2004/12/18)
- ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????(thx JM2)
- ????????????????????????????????????????????(thx Marcelo Yuji Himoro)
2.20RC2 (2004/12/16)
- updated myblocksadmin (0.12) & mymenu (0.06)
- ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (thx Marcelo Yuji Himoro)
2.20RC (2004/12/15)
- HTTP_*_VARS?????????(PHP5???
- ????????????????????????????????????
- ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
- Anti-DoS????????????????????????????????????????????????
- F5?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
- ?????€??intval????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????€??
- UNION???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????€??
2.11 (2004/9/30)
- typo ?????????????????????????????????????????€??
2.10a (2004/9/27)
- ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (thx Marcelo Yuji Himoro)
2.10 (2004/9/22)
- ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
- SQL Injection????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
- ????????????????????????????????????????????
- 2?????????????????? short tag ?????????????? (thx t_miyabi)
- ????????????????????????????????????????(thx Kikuchi)
2.01 (2004/9/11)
- ???????????€?????????????????????????????????????????????????????
- ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (thx Marcelo Yuji Himoro)
2.0 (2004/9/10)
- Xoops Protector ???????????????????????????????????????