Version 1.10
- moved all images, CSS, and JS files to /assets (mamba)
- renamed .html Smarty templates to .tpl (mamba)
- added routine to delete .html templates (slider84)
- added routine to delete /images folder when updating (cesag/mamba)
Version 1.09
- solved bug into readpmsg.php (escrime-info/slider84)
- updated code to make it consistent with other modules (mamba)
Version 1.08
- Fixed XSS (Cross Site Scripting) vulnerability in pmlite.php (High-Tech Bridge Security Research Lab/trabis)
Version 1.07
- Fixed bug: Admin can read private messages from other users (Roby73/trabis)
- Updating GUI to the new 2.5.x GUI standard utilizing ModuleAdmin class
Version 1.06
- Fix bug ID: 3404306 bug when deleting pm - pm module (trabis)
- ID: 3409728 PM Module : Missing message icon in readpmsg.php (sabahan/Mamba)
- ID: 3408236 PM Module - Missing Message Icon selector (sabahan/Mamba)
- ID: 3406244 Read/Unread PM Module indicator in Core (sabahan/Mamba)
- ID: 2952506 Read/Unread PM Module indicator (sarahmx/Mamba)
Version 1.05
- Changing the admin menu. Using the menu generated by the module system
Version 1.03
- Improved preloads for reducing queries
- Security fix: In the readpmsg.php file the op parameter is not sanitized before
output (thanks to