A useful utility for the Object Relation Mapping of MySQL databases
The utility generates automatically classes for any tables of a given database
It's extracted from my PHP Web MVC Framework
An auto generated MySQL class provides the following services:
A constructor for managing a fetched table?s row or for a adding a new one<
Management for both single or composite Primary Keys
Automatic mapping of the different date formats may occurs between application and database
Destructor to automatically close database connection
Defines a set of attributes corresponding to the table fields
Setter and Getter methods for each attribute
OO methods for simplify DML select, insert, update and delete operations
A facility for quickly updating a previously fetched row
Useful methods to obtain table DDL and the last executed SQL statement
Error handling of SQL statements
Camel/Pascal case naming convention for Attributes/Class used for mapping Fields/Table
Useful PHPDOC information about table, fields and the usage of class, attributes and methods
Developers can quickly use these generated classes on their application.
Into the beans directory are located some auto generated classes of a MySQL schema.
DDL for MySQL schema is into a script file located into "sql" directory.

UML Class Model

Convert MySQL into PHP Classes automatically - Video Tutorial
