The purpose of this class is to resize images on the fly using some parameters set in the query string.
You just need to include imageresize.class.php in your codes, create a new instance of the class and call the resize() method of the class. You can check the sample.php file to see it in action.
How to use:
In order to download, crop and resize images you should include url, width, height and some other parameters in the query string.
The parameters you can use are as follows:
width=(int) pixels
height=(int) pixels
watermark_position=either of [bottom-left,bottom-right,top-left,top-right,center]
Note: You can use all the options together
To download the image with its original size:
To resize the image to the width of 200 pixels and keep the aspect ratio
To resize the image to the height of 300 pixels and keep the aspect ratio
To resize the image to the width of 180 and height of 150 pixels and crop it intellegently
To resize the image to the width of 400 and height of 300 pixels and crop it intellegently and convert it to grey
To resize the image to the width of 300 and height of 200 pixels and crop it from the original position of 40,80 (x,y)
To add watermark to the cropped image at its bottom left.
This program is free for non-commercial use.
Please send any comments and questions to my email address:
[email protected]