1. How to Use a PHP S3 File Manager to Manipulate Files Stored in Amazon S3 Using a Web Interface
Updated on: 2024-03-14
Posted on: 2024-03-14
Amazon S3 is a popular cloud service for hosting files used in Web projects.
To access files stored by the Amazon S3 service, developers need to access its API.
Provide an intuitive application that users can use alone to help lay users access and manipulate those files.
This package provides an intuitive Web application that users can access to perform several operations with files, including moving files between different Amazon S3 buckets.
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To access files stored by the Amazon S3 service, developers need to access its API.
Provide an intuitive application that users can use alone to help lay users access and manipulate those files.
This package provides an intuitive Web application that users can access to perform several operations with files, including moving files between different Amazon S3 buckets.