1. How to Implement a PHP User Guide Automatically to Help Users of Your Applications using Templates
Updated on: 2022-10-21
Posted on: 2022-10-21
Documentation is essential for projects of any kind to help users learn how to use those projects when they do not know how to use them or have doubts.
A good practice for providing project documentation is to have a user guide that presents all the aspects that may be useful for the project users.
This package provides a solution to help users of any project to generate documentation from templates.
It also allows the definition of navigation menus that configure the package to provide the structure to render the different parts of the project user guide.
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A good practice for providing project documentation is to have a user guide that presents all the aspects that may be useful for the project users.
This package provides a solution to help users of any project to generate documentation from templates.
It also allows the definition of navigation menus that configure the package to provide the structure to render the different parts of the project user guide.