1. How to Define PHP Routes for HTTP Requests using PHP 8 Attributes to Extract Details from Routing Class Code
Updated on: 2022-09-29
Posted on: 2022-09-29
PHP 8 implements the possibility to extract attributes defined in comments of PHP classes using PHP reflection support.
This package uses this possibility to implement an MVC framework that developers can use to configure HTTP request routes using route classes that comment attributes that define the details of the routing of HTTP requests to controller classes.
This way, developers can define the PHP application HTTP request routing configuration in the same class file that implements the routing code.
This possibility makes it easier to maintain complex PHP applications because it avoids the need to define routing PHP code in a separate file from the routing configuration.
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This package uses this possibility to implement an MVC framework that developers can use to configure HTTP request routes using route classes that comment attributes that define the details of the routing of HTTP requests to controller classes.
This way, developers can define the PHP application HTTP request routing configuration in the same class file that implements the routing code.
This possibility makes it easier to maintain complex PHP applications because it avoids the need to define routing PHP code in a separate file from the routing configuration.